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The month is almost over!

Do you spend enough time running and walking or otherwise going through a lot of steps week by week? Do you have plans? What about goals in terms of other exercises?

I've been trying! Illness is still an issue for me, though!


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I'm on my feet a fair amount at work, but otherwise I try to veg at my desk as much as possible.


Absolutely not.

Basically everything I do is fairly stationary activity. I HAVE tried to get into exercising more, but I never get that "high" people claim you'll get, and I just end up spending every single minute wishing I was doing something else.

As for diet, I suppose I could aim for healthier. I do at the very least cook proper dinners most of the time, but I am not exactly being the most conscious about the choice of dishes. Not that I acn super afford to go all-out on trying out various diets or healthier alternatives anyway.


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well i practiced my staff forms today, did 100 flourishes and 100 reverse flourishes

so i think i did good today!

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