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I recorded three of the local wild rabbits together, again!

Shared the whole video someplace else, already, but I can at least post a single photo here:



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Tomorrow I'll be going to my dad's to eat spaghetti bolognese and watch Leicester City play Brentford, and by that I mean probably Bristol City playing Middlesborough because Leicester City vs. Brentford sounds really boring given how at least one of those teams play.

But tonight (this morning?) I'm just chilling and watching a friend play Sleeping Dogs.


These were supposed to be linked.


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i ate a gingerbread temple!


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It was really cold, but now it's gonna get warm again, and that's depressing.


File: 1740123006121.png (27.53 KB, 640x804, 160:201, you-dont-need-to-seduce-dr….png) ImgOps Google

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