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Let's talk about furries some more!





File: 1739918906778.jpg (173.5 KB, 1059x819, 353:273, secret-of-mana-3d-remaster….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

> sneak around undercover in the enemy base
> dressed like this



File: 1739975025262.png (3.92 MB, 1996x1182, 998:591, monica.png) ImgOps Google


Incredible, isn't it?


File: 1740035698338.jpg (400.89 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, KattBF2 (1).jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Does me doodling Katt from Breath of Fire 2 yesterday count?


Of course! OwO


You seem oddly excited.


Katt is an iconic waifur like Judy Hopps, Gardevoir, and Renamon... I think!


I mean, the Breath of Fire games are a bit of a furry smorgasbord. I also love em yet have drawn very little fanart of em for some reason.

So here's hoping this Katt drawing can turn out decent in the end


File: 1740167910100.jpg (33.74 KB, 412x510, 206:255, furry test.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google


...I don't think I can adequately describe how much I hate this


Cool! <3


Only if the picture somehow magically turns out halfway decent.


File: 1740184486658.gif (3.08 MB, 640x640, 1:1, JudyHopps_angrily_tapping_….gif) ImgOps Google


A lot of big mad going around for that one.



File: 1740202613260.jpg (53.2 KB, 494x359, 494:359, Jimmie Rustle.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google


File: 1740279656564.png (409.55 KB, 727x727, 1:1, NickWilde_frowning_edited ….png) ImgOps Google


It's okay, we'll start a club for people with rustled jimmies


File: 1740287543420.jpg (107.56 KB, 666x484, 333:242, club-sandwiches-two-ways.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

I'll join the 'Esh Club', but I insist on taking things somewhat literally so then you'll be bringing everybody club sandwiches for us to snack on.


Why do *I* have to bring the sandwiches? I started the club, making me the leader, so surely someone else can take that task!


File: 1740292034517.png (737.03 KB, 2048x2048, 1:1, Mei_18.png) ImgOps Google

hey as long as the sandwiches aren't furry, i'm down


Well, you can't demand that I do it! I'm short on cash lately!

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