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hello, dear friends. i have not checked on you in a little while. Please forgive me, i have been so terribly busy.

Is everything well? Do you have anything that has happened to you lately, that makes you feel grateful?

i would love to hear such stories, if you have them!


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well i've had 4 job interviews, including one for a case management job and another for a creative producer job; i hope i get one of those 2

i've been working on a project that has yet to be disclosed

i went to the dentist, and got a clean bill of health!

it's currently -4 degrees right now

and i drew a picture!
>pic related


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Too much is really uncertain right now to determine if any of it is something to be grateful for


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Hi Navi!! Such lovely art c:

what is the pay like for those jobs? It sounds like some great work! i am so proud of you!

...i understand. me too :c

but... that just means it is all the more important to think about the little things that we are grateful for. like a nice mug of cold water before bed. or stuffed animals c:


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thank you <3

so the creative producer thing would be around 45k per year, and it would be centred around shooting commercials and little ad reads for a news station; and the case management job would be 60k per year, and it would be handling medicaid and food stamps for people. i'd prefer the producer gig, simply because it's in the field i want to be in ultimately; but i also can't deny the pay increase for the case management thing would be sweet

>stuffed animals

i have a loona plush that has been very soothing to me; i just feel better hugging her <3

and while nothing in life is ever certain, that just means we must be adaptive, and learn to cherish the present moment and the small joys and victories all the more so <3


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Both sound great, Navi!! Where would the producer gig be? For a news station, you say? That does sound fancy!

cherishing the present can be hard, when so much seems to loom on the horizon. but that makes it only the more important, i think


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it would be for a news station in colorado springs; and it's fancier than anything i've ever shot film for, that's for sure!

and i agree

which is why i want to say you are important to me! i am blessed to have you as my friend <3

and i'm grateful that you are my friend too, andrea <3


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out of curiosity Navi, what were other two?


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well it was only 3, but the producer position i went to 2 interviews for

so the one that i didn't mention was for a local gravel and cement place near me, for a front desk position. that one would have been a part time min/wage position, but it's very close to where i live, which is not bad


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I'm thankful that my current apartment, and its general apartment complex, that I moved to relatively recently has worked out to be a pretty neat place.

I think a lot about the activities of the local rabbits mere seconds from my door. They often do interesting things. I've posted it in another thread already, but I still want to share this an additional time.

This bunny looks in the photo as if it got arrested and is so angry... I swear!


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ohhhh ...

And i see c: that can also be good! Are the other two far? How long is commute?

ohhh i do love bunnies!! i am glad to hear you that the apartment has been nice, pseudofox! That is wonderful news c:


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it's not a bad proposition, and i could make it work

the case management job is only a couple miles away, a very short drive

the news channel job is about 40 minute drive away; so it would be by far the longest commute. although ironically it's already next to a place i teach tai chi, so it's a familiar drive at the very least


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I have been busy and stressed out of my mind. Life did not go the way I hoped or expected at all.

I have been so stressed my body has just started giving up in weird ways. I slept for maybe 15-20 hours intermittently yesterday.

I have moved 3 times in the last 6 months.

Last move, after a 6 hour drive I got to one location where I expected to live, but had to change plans and drive another 16 hours in an entirely different direction with a U-Haul trailer containing all my mortal possessions. I only arrived 3 days ago, but I'm still exhausted.

I've also been doing a lot of job hunting. Managed to get to two final interviews for senior dev positions, but didn't get either.

The latter called me to tell me I should reapply in 6-9 months, so I at least "passed" even though I didn't get the job. They told me that there were 1700 applicants for a single position and 50 get to start the interview process. So I musta done pretty good to get through the entire interview process and be told to reapply later, but that's not much consolation, especially hearing how absurdly flooded the software dev market is now.

I still need a job, I have a small temporary space to live, and I have very little idea what I'm going to do from here.

Probably going back to college to get a degree in business management so I can aim for higher positions which shouldn't be getting as many applicants.

I am small sailboat in stormy seas looking for a harbor.

I'm certain I'll find one, but goodness is this process painful.


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Some days ago, I saw that Hassan did a commentary video on the Moon Channel's Gender wars entry.

Nowadays not the best association, but did you find out already?


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Good morning, comrade Moony. And good evening.

Kiff is a cute show that's coming out. It definitely makes me laugh andots easy to engage with mentally and actually enjoy watching. It's building momentum in my world.

Jury is still out as to weather or not Bluey will stand the test of time, but bandit is an inspiration. We already call her Warlord Bluey around my dimensions.

Vivziepop is still doing its magick, and i cant stop simping for basically most of the characters. Angel is hawt, always and eternally a man queen. Sallie Mea makes me feel warm fuzzy things in my many hearts; she's fucking beautiful. Unironicly hawter than her sister. I can't buy, steal, and/or collect enough Sallie Mea simpery products and merch. She makes me happy when im sad.

I FINALLY had Paw Patrol on the TV but didn't much watch it, i was cuddling with my domestic partner. I want to give it an honest watch. Ive had that on my radar for years.  

Oh! And Big City Greens is hitten' pretty strong. The kids are cute, the stories make me laugh. I can't actually relate at all, being as i've always been historically a Babylon city dweller, but the show definately does a good job of making me feel like i can relate (i do dip tobacco, love guns, wear camo, and like banjos; so i guess im psudo country in a city world). Cricket is adorable and does a good job at being the protagonist. No I can't hear the word Cricket in a country context without thinking about those cute little 22LR rifles in single shot that you give to your children to teach them about guns and gun safety. Not that that relates in any way.

Over on the Nickelodeon side it's looking like the loud house is gaining momentum. It's actually really cute and enjoyable, the only problem is whenever I'm trying to watch it with [company], all the men have to jerk off before we can even engage with the story. Something about the one guy and a dozen girls concept.


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I have so much to tell you and some things where I need your love and guidance; I miss you :c


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I’ve been having depressive thoughts, being alone on Valentines Day (again), stuck in a cycle of a fast food job and still living with aging parents, no long term goals or motivation, the list goes on. I think about you every day, Moony.


No I don’t


That's some incredible artwork! OwO


>Is everything well? Do you have anything that has happened to you lately, that makes you feel grateful?

No. No.


Oh hey Moony. Good to see ya alive.

As for grateful... not particularly. I have, yet AGAIN, had what little work I managed to create for myself yanked awya under my feet two days before it was supposed to happen, so that's fun. And latest video is basically a flop. So fun, fun, fun all around.

I at least got around to finally do a little work on my game again, and actually did some simple cutscenes I am quite happy with. So I guess that's something.



i found a game called "grow: song of the evertree" ...played a bit


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Well January was hell on my mail Jeep, other than that not bad I guess.


Moony please reply I miss you :c


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Holidays in the 2020s be all like...


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Yo what's up dawgs.


Moony leaving us again


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