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>Find a youtube video of someone playing one of your favorite games
>The comments are disabled and the video has a high number of dislikes
What other obvious internet red flags can you think of?
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Any youtube video that promises passive income.
Or using AI to generate a stable income.
"Here's an easy hack that people don't want you to know about"
Low effort AI generated images topromote things.
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In general, any internet personality who pitches crypto or NFTs are a general yikes for me.
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People who advertise their courses on becoming successful, romantically or in other places.
Hustlers and pick up artists. People who flash money as if it legitimizes anything they say.
People who bring chatGTP or derogatory memes into serious discussion topics.
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You gotta watch out for entitled brats. I learned that the hard way.
Also, ask yourself:"What value do they bring to my life?" Really think about it. It'll save you quite the headache from those that would love to waste your time.
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one of my biggest turn offs is when i see anything that says
"Stop doing this! Learn this one cool trick!"
it grinds my gears!