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File: 1737747913509.png (1.07 MB, 1600x900, 16:9, allcel5.png) ImgOps Google

We used to write stories together!

You can find them here: http://fndkp.jimdofree.com

Nowadays, we just sit around the fire and enjoy the holiday. Feel free to join.

We also have some 8-bit desktop ponies here: https://github.com/RoosterDragon/Desktop-Ponies/releases/download/v1.68/Desktop.Ponies.v1.68.zip

And more are here:

Check out the deviantART community:

Your can find the program source code on github:
266 posts and 176 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1738565145862.jpg (69.23 KB, 850x478, 425:239, 9f4474f9706e21a771e9343450….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

fair enough! what kind of whiskey did you have?


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He will be drunk soon enough. We must be patient.


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Jameson... it's really nothing to write home about. I keep the special ones for guests.



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he's already starting to be a little more loose in his typing, so it's only a matter of time

jameson is alright, but have you ever had Tullamore Dew? my dad introduced it to me, and i dig it myself

also can't go wrong with wild turkey


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Yeah, I have that at home too. Another 'standard brand' - not bad, but not special.

I prefer Glen Grant myself, and even more so the really peat-smoky ones like Bowmore, and the new Aerstone.


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yup! you are now officially drunk!

also you got more refined taste than i, but that's mostly cause i'm perpetually broke


File: 1738566101628.jpg (272 KB, 2260x1808, 5:4, e63f0b13af970a04e5b0352e0b….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

You will be inviting us to some wine tasting in Napa at some point.


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I think I need more coffee to fix that.

Well, yeah, those are at least twice the price. But really worth it.

I can invite you to wine tasting in Austria.


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Treat me to coffee instead and you got a deal.


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i'll trust your word on that!

but alas, i must head to bed



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Night night!

I should work now anyway.


Why is everyone yapping about drinking whiskey at 9 AM wut


I dunno, I'm teetotal.


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One person's 9 a.m. is another's midnight.


That is indeed how time zones work


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Good morning.


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Poor Clarity.


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must be the hangover :P


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He is fucking out of control. All of our warnings were nugatory.


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ooh that's a new word for elmo! learned somethin new today!

and yeah, poor clarity! he used to be a decent and civilized person, but now is lost in the sauce T_T


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I am sure you know all sorts of mots justes.

Are we supposed to take him to rehab?


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i will say yes without looking up anything cause i'm cool like that

we could always send him to antarctica

research in -100 degree weather will freeze the alcholism out of him


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They have shapeshifting aliens over there. Probably not a good idea.


I hope there are no shenanigans going on and no one is talking behind my back while I’m at work.


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Oh shit, oh fuck.


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oh damn! i remember this movie! i remember really enjoying it; although i found it hilarious that they brought in Samuel Jackson to literally be in the first 11 seconds of the movie just to get shot :P

and the part with james gandolfini's character talking about he got used to killing people really messed me up!

nah, we just need to give him a flamethrower! he'll be fiiiiiiiiiiiine... maybe...


hey look! a Distraction!



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It is a good one. Most people tend to recall the Sicilian speech. However, I was just using the piece because, you know, you are so cool.

I think at this point he will use it on us...


I’ll take you along to Antarctica to keep me warm.


You just want a meat shield in case of a Thing encounter.


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Would I do that?


A new Shawn Keller pony animation is out.


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Narrator: He would.


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We are colonizing Antarctica now?


Yes. A thousand percent.

Why, what's wrong with Antarctica's colon?


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I'm not saying that there are scary sea monsters around Antarctica that eat up things in the ocean... but... I kind of want to believe that there are some out there...


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Hi Noelle, all good?


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i'm doin fine, although my brain is fried!

a bit nervouscited about the interview tomorrow morning; at least nobody can claim i didn't try to prepare ><

how bout you?


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You know what happens if you do not secure that position.


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You can do it!

I’m okay, just arrived at work.


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thanks for the vote of confidence T_T i spent 5 hours reviewing cameras, lenses, after effects, and premiere pro; so i'm fried

got your boxing gloves on?


You need some rest then.

No meetings in sight, so no gloves needed - for now.



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i'm taking it easy now, just watching some youtube and chilling

well you should be ready to throw hands just in case somebody calls for a stand up!


File: 1738737771087.jpg (412.65 KB, 1240x1754, 620:877, 0c5835ce074dd5fea5c9aac38c….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Good luck tomorrow.


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thank you <3

i'm gonna abscond to go to bed

but thanks for the vote of confidence

we'll keep the roof over your head yet ^_^


File: 1738738204071.jpg (4.47 MB, 4961x7016, 4961:7016, 6c6191ee80db981858946501ca….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Pleasant dreams.

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