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File: 1737687546875.png (112.42 KB, 780x782, 390:391, 8c2e89c4a6d2f31c1bab44e180….png) ImgOps Google

I can't figure out what the topic of this thread is, can you?



File: 1737687889258.png (867.96 KB, 1477x1097, 1477:1097, uxr9kmz1l8q61.png) ImgOps Google

The cold sting of winter.  The joy of fried chicken.  Transweed.


File: 1737694748536.jpg (79.54 KB, 850x678, 425:339, 2db06fcfcabeb80783d2d424b5….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

well i'd like less winter, and extra chicken and transweed please!


oh i know what this thread is about now!
it's about finger tutting!


Is ^Fireman^ an actual band, anyways?


File: 1737706250443.jpg (519.83 KB, 2168x2177, 2168:2177, 537096838db834947fc60e06b0….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google


What's transweed and where can I get some?


File: 1737752968316.jpg (51.57 KB, 619x413, 619:413, GettyImages-2163453738-99f….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

*redistributes the wealth*


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File: 1737796665033.jpg (109.78 KB, 1170x1416, 195:236, 473006983_2392118587801608….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

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