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File: 1735938934732.png (1.24 MB, 999x998, 999:998, Sloppy-AI-Slop.png) ImgOps Google

I don't know who this woman is, but since she personifies the year of 2025, somehow, I want us to talk about her and those like her (this being an online contest related image from nightcafe.studio not related to me personally, with me finding it kind of randomly):


What else have you seen that screams "It's 2025!"?


File: 1735944593325.png (2.08 MB, 1024x1024, 1:1, meadowmares2025-ai.png) ImgOps Google


...the fact that programs exist that can create images like this and watching youtube get flooded with sloppy ai slop.

...learning that programs like invideo ai exist and is specifically for creating and making money off of sloppy ai slop.

...the increasing popularity of vtubers

...the increasing popularity of vr

edit: oh yeah, and facebook (meta) (apparently) deciding to use old people as a testing ground for future ai-in-vr developments, as they announced they will be flooding the platform with ai-bots


File: 1736023279361.gif (2.14 MB, 999x999, 1:1, Obnoxious-AI-Sparkles-(GIF….gif) ImgOps Google

We need to get... more annoying...


File: 1736023539699.png (625.29 KB, 808x333, 808:333, Money-Talks-(Bulls__t-Walk….png) ImgOps Google

The beatings[*] will continue until morale improves!

[*]Of your eyes by constant slop, metaphorically speaking


File: 1736026283037.gif (8.24 MB, 320x320, 1:1, ethereal_urban_mannequin_v….gif) ImgOps Google

I think AI must have found these images/videos from MLP when generating that image:


>The beatings[*] will continue

...soon you won't even remember what originality looks like ~ time to watch more 90s anime


File: 1736026935671.png (868.61 KB, 1440x1080, 4:3, vaguelylike.png) ImgOps Google


...would also note the similarities to this bad guy from magic knight rayearth, such as the hair, lipstick, eyebrows, and magical aura aspects, except this pic looks way better



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