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God I need Christmas to be over right now, I lost all endurance and Im trying not to have a breakdown at work.
Only the second Christmas I'm going to spend alone, and working retail talking with others who get to be with family just makes me mournful beyond my ability to keep it together at work. I'm on break and hiding in the restroom crying my eyes out.
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It'll be okay. It's just a date. Quit being weak. I know you're stronger than that for a fact.
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IF you really desire an enemy this Christmas then let it be me. I've desired a rival as well. And if you would oblige, I'll be the most annoying thorn in your side imaginable. Just quit your bitching and moaning already. It is annoying and I'm sure you're pushing away your actual friends in the process. Lord knows I have. So quit being a retard and making your issues everyone else's. A the very least I can handle your dumbass displays and pleads for attention
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The timecrying could have been spent munching down Christmas sweets; You ain't need nobody for that.
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I'll be alone for Christmas, as well. Though I don't have to go to work at the same time, I get to be on a nice little vacation. Hang in there, take your breaks where you can.
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I'm sorry Andrea. It'll be over before you know it, and then 2025 will be here.
I don't have a whole lot of time to talk tonight, but have you had anything uplifting happen for you this last year? Any new pets, or a game or book that made you smile? Or a new music artist?
>>1181463>>1181464You might have your heart in the right place, but this is really not helpful man. The holidays can hit people very hard for a multitude of reasons, and it's
okay to not be okay.
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i'm sorry this time of year is so rough for you, andrea... if you need to cry and let it out, then let it out; but we'll get through this regardless <3
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>>1181472Fuck that weak ass betraying piece of shit. You know what? I'm glad their dad beat them up or whatever. They betrayed me. And the more I think about Andrea, the more I realize she deserves EVERYTHING horrible coming her way. My heart isn't in the right place because I wish nothing but misery upon her. What am I saying? "Her?" She look and acts like a dude. 'She' isn't a female in any sense of the word. He is just a delusional male who takes drugs that don't even work and is fat. Fuck em. Over fucking TRUMP of all things. Fuck you Andrea if you're reading this you fucking troon. I hope you never get another shot of delusional juice in your body ever again. Maybe then you can actually act like a fucking MAN. What you were born as you fucking asshole. I hope you get beaten the fuck up to death by some straight guy.
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>>1181473And fuck you too. I don't even know you, but you look like an egg and you've always been a piece of shit to me. I hope you get your jaw split open and curb stomped
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>>1181474>>1181475y'know, you could always just leave; instead of injecting whatever issues you have into other peoples threads
time and time again, you hold this weird bravado attitude; with your thinly veiled, or just open, transphobia; as well as other unique stances that, seem to me, just seek to entice chaos or draw attention to yourself.
seek help; therapy, or somebody who you can work shit out with. cause this, whatever it is, isn't healthy
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>>1181476Shut the fuck up bitch. You're a horrible person. And you can't really do anything to anyone as far as retaliation. You've proven time and time again that you're actually fucking retarded, and we both know you would lose in a physical confrontation to me. Like you would actually die if we fought. You're a pathetic, idiotic, loser tranny pretending to be a female. You have nothing other than your self-proclaimed pride for being gay. You are weak in body and mind and I don't respect that. I respect strength. And you are one of the WEAKEST people I've ever seen in my life, you EGG. You don't even pass as female
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>>1181478like, it's okay if you need to hash out your feelings. perhaps take up journaling, to really focus all those negative feelings into it; and slow down your thoughts. or perhaps some meditation to really help yourself become mindful.
still, i'd say it would be beneficial to seek some sort of professional help. different types of therapy/ treatments/ or medication could help you really reign in your darker impulses and allow you to really find the connection you are looking for
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>>1181481My only therapy is for people like you to have their life snuffed out. Of course I'm not going to break the law and outright do it myself, but I'm going to support anything to harm people like you. And assuming a person like you were to attack me, it won't end well. Its happened before. You ever pull a tooth out of your fist? It's a good feeling. When it comes to your kind, betrayers, I say "Gut them. Gut them all." Because people like you are horrible and I hate you. You aren't even addressing the fact you can't even pass. Does that hurt you? Is that harming your feelings you failure of a man?
(Nonny... please, maybe take a break.) No.1181485
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>>1181483i definitely get the sense of "I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals" vibes from this
it's abundantly clear that you don't wish to actually engage in a real conversation; so i'll leave you to... whatever this is
i'll just continue to ignore you and focus on people that i want to. and i hope that in time, you can find your way and be in a better place and a better head space
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I'm going to stop for you Moony. Though you are asking for a lot. And I'm not threatening anyone. I'm insulting them for being a worthless piece of shit. I'm going to say one last thing, and then I'm going to go cool off. I'm sorry Moony, but they've pissed me the fuck off
>>1181485And I get "I'm a girl UWU but I have a dick" Vibes from you. Another thing, my strength is self-earned. I worked out for this body and will do it to do whatever I please. If that means BEATING THE LIVING SHIT OUT OF TRANNIES, then I'm going to do whatever I want. And you can't stop me. People like you; discussions like this make me unsympathetic and want to simply hurt your kind. Blood for the blood god and all of that.
I actually was in the Navy you stupid fuck. And for you to sit here and pretend what I'm saying isn't true is you ducking and hiding behind internet tropes. We both know you can't take me in a fight or conversation. If anything this proves it, you tranny false woman. Your father is probably ashamed of you. I certainly would be if my son turned out to be such a fucking failure at being a man. The gender they were born as, you otherkin excuse for a human being.
And because of you, I am going to do everything in my power to destroy your kind. I don't care if you want to make fun of it or not, I'm going to bleed you in one way or another, so never complain about when people "Mistreat you" or anything from here on out
People like you shouldn't even be allowed to have children because every single one of you are perverted pedophiles
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>>1181508Act your own size. You troon motherfucker. Bigger people than you exist and wish only for your death. Do us all a favor and die alone, because I can assure you, nobody here actually wants you around either. Not a single person. I've seen the way people talk behind people's backs And let me tell you, not a lot of people like you one bit. People simply lie to you and I'll be the first to say, I hate you and have always hated you. If I remember correctly you are a scrawny man-like thing pretending to be a girl and I could easily put my fist through your entire fucking head.
I want to see you suffer
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And it's fucking disgusting that you, Noelle and Andrea post as feminine figures in your weird quest to prey on actual women while pretending to be them when you have a more manish and ugly face than I do. An actual man. Disgusting. Actual fucking vomit and creep tiers
And the worst part is that I actually used to defend your kind when people would attack you all saying "No, they're just having a bad day. Come on don't be mean" And now I can see the truth. You and your kind need to be erased and eradicated. And I'm not going to make sure of that in my town. Fuck you
Especially because I just had a Tranny turn out to be a huge pedophile in my own region. You know what happened? HE was beaten the shit out of and arrested. When I think about trannies I get so fucking mad these days. Kill them all
>>1181462A friend showed me this remix a while back, and I've been absolutely obsessed with it.
I think this is the second song tha someone has taken what seemingly feels like two completely different vibes, mashed them together, and came out with a
Might be a mistake to acknowledge it but Jesus Christ dude, I thought you didn't care if anyone 'saw you as a monster'.
>>1181468There weren't any available in the break room.
>>1181469I prefer husbandos
>>1181471Yeah, yesterday was really rough. Fortunately I had the chance to visit with a friend after work, though I fell asleep there for a bit.
>>1181472I've had a number of uplifting moments this past year thanks to the gender transition going well, but of course, it's also an emotional roller coaster.
But if you're asking about small things like new music, I've really been digging the new Magdalena Bay album 'Imaginal Disk'
< favorite trackIt's really catchy, girly neo-psychedelic progressive dance pop. Also I love this music video.
>>1181473Yeah, thanks. I know I'll get through it, expressing it helps with that a lot.
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>>1181462A great mantra for life, and one that would apply here perfectly, is to listen to Dolly Parton. Because Dolly Parton is always correct. Always.
>>1181462>>1181552'Now, did you kids know that God sees us the way that Santa saw Rudolph?
He sees the true beauty and knows the great potential in each and every one of us
And that's how we should look at each other, through the eyes of love
After all, that's what Christmas is all about, love'
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>>1181548> There weren't any available in the break room.Paris would burn for this sleight.
If you can't have a get together with family, get together with the union.
Vive la révolution!
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>>1181552>>1181553I really need to explore her discography
>>1181554>get together with the union.OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOF
>>1181548>I've had a number of uplifting moments this past year thanks to the gender transition going well, but of course, it's also an emotional roller coaster.
Hey if you want to talk about it, I would love to hear it!
I'm gonna check that music video out when I get back home ^_^
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>>1181560>Hey if you want to talk about it, I would love to hear it!Let's just say at 2 years on hormones and
<thisreally captures where I am these days, for (mostly) better or for worse. It's almost like I am rediscovering some past prepubescent version of myself buried deep in my memory and feeling generally OK with that.
It's also been
enormously therapeutic to work customer service while deliberately visibly transgender in a very accepting place and mostly encountering acceptance or apathy from strangers.
also tits No.1181568
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>>1181565>>1181548having amplified emotions might be scary, but i'm glad you are getting in touch with yourself more <3
and i am grateful you are able to be yourself at work! i do wear lipstick and earrings; and most people are chill, but sometimes i get kids asking "why do you wear lipstick?" or "are you a boy or a girl?"
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>>1181568I've been having more visceral emotions that hit quicker but they resolve themselves a lot faster and don't dwell, making them easier to deal with. It's like I'm experiencing them the way I used to before puberty brought on the dysphoria, only now I have a more adult mind and adult experiences to process and make sense of and put into words, It's also easier for me to cry, which is
enormously relievingBut along with that comes a kind of spontaneous trauma processing as well, like randomly breaking through layers of suppression to make me more aware of dysphoria I've usually been dissociating from for ... most of my life. Like, I used to be fairly tolerant of my facial hair, but these days it's bothering me a lot more than it used to, (to name one example).
All of which kind of has me in
<thisstage of gender transition as well. And preoccupied with self reflection and reminiscing. I guess it's just a natural response to such a major change to reminisce on who I was in a past life.
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>>1181582it's sorta like you got to start life on new game +!
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>>1181586Yeah, in a way.
But it's bittersweet, as I get closer to freedom from the dysphoria, I simultaneously mourn for lost time. And
especially lamenting that I never got to experience a girlhood.
Like, I work retail and over the Christmas shopping season we were carrying
<this pink sparkly toy make-up set in the toy department, part of my job is to put reshopped and returned items back on the floor and it just keeps make me thinking about how I'll never share the common, stereotypical childhood experiences of cis women friends my age (or really any of assigned female friends) . Like even if I'd never had
completely taken to all things feminine, I'd still have liked to have had that same base of relatable socio-cultural experiences ... like being a little girl and being given this for Christmas by your grandma, for instance.
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>>1181598i can dress up like a grandma and give you a makeup set for christmas!
>>1181568>"Are you a boy or a girl?"Say: "I'm a fully-grown adult who has my own driver's license as well as my own bank account, so I'm neither."
W.r.t. the threads core themes, yeah, I also would like to wear both jewelry and makeup in the future
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>>1181609since i'm Genderfluid, my answer is usually "both" or "yes" or "sometimes"
and the only thing stopping you is yourself!
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>>1181614Call CPS and report a case of rampant transphobia.
The kid can't help it, but the parent is most likely to be held responsible.
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>>1181614I was always curious about cosmetics but I was still self-conscious of my transness even when I was a kid.
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>>1181609>I also would like to wear both jewelry and makeup in the futureI have amassed a sizable collection of cheap earrings in the past couple of years
>>1181615Eh, more likely just parroting the grandparents. A lot of our expectations and ideas are learned behavior with no ill intent.
>>1181616Well no duh. When I was a kid, basically existing within 500 miles of anything remotely "girly" was basically the equivalent of wearing a 25 foot tall neon sign saying "Please come beat the shit out of me"
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>>1181618Is it ironic and uneducated of me that I thought Scandinavians didn't consider long hair feminine because of vikings and black metal?
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Boxing Day is today.
If you place a gigantic box over your entire head and shoulders, then it may be more difficult for other people to guess what your gender identity is.
Just was thinking about that today.
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>>1181614It's such a weird question. Like why would you have long hair if you were a girl? What feminine gendered activity does your hair apply to? The truth is none of us should ever have hair, it serves no purpose. It's primarily a hassle. Sometimes a very expensive hassle.
Why do I have long hair? I'm too lazy to cut my hair.
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>>1181644I mean I ilke my long hair cause it’s pretty and I’m a metal head
I do understand the pain tho, I suggest deep conditioner
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>>1181644Now, like, I can see really long hair being directly associated with a lot of things, just not gender really!
Like if you've truly long hair, you wouldn't be a chef... it would cause dramatic issues at times!
And like if you've truly long hair and are into the creative arts... you probably love to decorate objects that others can put in your hair in order to be fancy!
And long hair with multiple colors probably tells you a lot about personality? I suppose? Somebody with golden highlights wants to say "I'm so cool that I'm 'good as gold'!", right?
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The psychological side of gender transition can be deeply therapeutic but in a visceral sort of taking off a bandage sort of way.
Like, last night while tryingto fall asleep, I had a flashback to memory being a kid and finding myself rejected by most girls and being fucking *devastated* by that more so than rejection from boys for reasons I couldn't understand at the time. And it hurt like *hell* to remember that. I had a crying fit over it and it's as if I'd been holding it in for almost thirty five years. But like I said, it ultimately feels therapeutic, like I can finally properly cry over it, finally processing all those micro traumas/prolonged trauma of a lifetime of gender dysphoria.
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Let's mind Anrea and the other trannies here that they will never actually be women. No matter how much pills or surgery they take. They're just mutilated men(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)