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Since Christmas is now upon us, how do you handle getting and receiving gifts, /pony/?
> Transactional
< Secret Santa / White Elephant gift exchange, or simply agreement under family and friends,... You give a gift while you receive a gift. Fair exchange.
> Santa Claus
< You always get gifts for everyone, even though you barely ever see anything in return. But you know, watching someone get happy over something you gave is all that really matters and you're not crying when jotting this option down.
> Anti-consumerism
< You don't go out to buy any gifts and you don't accept gifts from anyone else. Christmas is not about gifts, it's all about LEAVING ME THE F$$$ ALONE!
> Opportunist
< You don't really go out to get gifts because no money / time /motivation. People do usually get you something, but it's not like you forced them to buy stuff for you.
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I get gifts for my family, regardless if they can get me anything back or not, which they usually do. I told them I don't mind if I get nothing for Christmas because I just don't know what I really want that I won't put asside and forget about. The very least I will settle for a Christmas card.
This November, I suggested to my family we just exchange Christmas cards and leave it at that, but my brother hinted he may have got me something, so I felt obligated to get him and my mother something.
On Steam, I check my closest associates Wishlists to see if there is anything I want. If they have nothing on their wishlist, I feel a bit awkward about it, which is why I try to put something on my wishlist to prevent that whenever others will buy for me or not (My Steam wishlist is kinda bare given I have a backlog of games I already own to play than to just buy games purely out of collecting.)
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I either gift money or chocolate.
Nobody ever complains at getting either of those
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Today when I was out shopping, I kind of found the perfect Christmas gift for myself for this year.
Sadly, I don't think anyone close enough to me would get me anything this year.
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Mostly anti-consumerism. I'm not big on gifts.
I mean, I give to who I get from.
My parents. My sister. Her husband. Both of their kids (he has two sons from an earlier marriage and they have a ddaughter together). And a few of my friends. One of my friends also has a birthday on the 28th, so two presents for him, always.
It does mean I tend to have to bust ass to try and get some commissions and shop over the course of November and December since I'm too much of a worthless sack of dogshit to be employed and have a decent paycheck, but hey.
As for what I do for presents, it's pretty individual. I will buy stuff people re asking for (within my budget), but also just stuff that I am certain people will find fun. Most of my family are readers, so a lot of books, usually.
But yeah, I stick to "fun" gifts. I'd rather give people something I knew they'll enjoy than something I personally think they need, yanno?
For my friend's birthday this year, his christmas is Fighting Fantasy gamebook - and his birthday present is gonna be me treating him to a movie and a beer. He's been a bit down for while as a lot of shit hs gone down in his life, so I am gonna do this to kind of drag him out on a "low-stakes" hangout, so to speak.
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>>1181428I used to to usually get gifts for everyone (even if very small, $1 gifts) because I thought it was traditional but rarely see anything in return, except from my parents ...maybe just a card. I suppose it's about time to stop giving gifts at all, except perhaps to my parents.
In regard to to the chart, I guess I'm a bit of all of the above (except there is no transactional agreement) - would like to be Santa Claus but good gifts require money.
>>1181429That seems like a good plan.
>>1181431My dad (or his stomach) would complain about both. (He always says he doesn't want anything, especially money that he would say I don't have.)
>>1181432>thatfeel>>1181433>thatfeel2>>1181434>theprincipledpony>>1181436makes sense
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Oh, hey, and a merry Christmas Eve to all!
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Heya folks, Merry Christmas.
In Denmark we do the whole thing today. Right now we are all just chilling.
MY three and a half year old niece is the only little kid here, so we're letting her open presents slowly over the course of the day before she goes to bed.
I gave her a LEGO set and sat with her for nearly two hours building it and playing with it. Considering she used to completely ignore me in favor of my parents, that's a big step.
Also, check what's on her wall.
>>1181455I actually attempted the beef Wellington dinner tonight
and hit the red wine sauce tonight
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well i typically get gifts for my irl friends and my dad. i don't usually have much of a budget, so it's nothin crazy, but it's the least i can do
and i gotta say, my friends and dad have been really generous this year, and i know i can't really top what they did, so i hope that they at least get the sentiment from me ><
>>1181458They will.
My budget for gifts is pretty tight. Especially since I have a lot of folks to buy for (another next year). And then I gotta bust my ass to even do that.
I do feel bad sometimes. I wish I could give people more interesting stuff more comfortably. But I assure you, no one has ever complained. Friebds or family.
At the end of the day, if you're with the right people, all the cheesy Christmas specials are right. It's more about giving and the sentiment of trying to make eachother happy.
I mean shit, when most of my friends were turning 30,I drew personal t-shirt designs for them and printed them on really cheap crap t-shirts. Cause it was all I could afford to do, all at once. A few of my friends still have them.
>>1181454Oh I'm sure. We're about to have hours. But then we usually have it a bit late anyway.
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None of the above
i get the people im close to gifts that i can afford and people do the same for me, but its not transactional. neither of us have to do it or expect it to be done, we just do it.
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Unless you give me conflict, I want nothing from anyone