No.1181213[Last 50 Posts]
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We used to write stories together!
You can find them here:
http://fndkp.jimdofree.comNowadays, we just sit around the fire and enjoy the holiday. Feel free to join.
We also have some 8-bit desktop ponies here: more are here:
Check out the deviantART community:
http://desktop-pony-team.deviantart.comYour can find the program source code on github: No.1181219
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So I was rummaging through some old pony pics of mine and found this custom-MLPCCG card I made of original series Tirek ages back. this was before Lord Tirek was introduced to MLP:FiM
Here is a list of Lord Tireks official MLPCCG cards: goes to show how little of the rules i understood at the time.
>>1181219So I take it that throne just has no back.
So he's more or less just slouching over a slab of rock with arm rests.
All for the sake of looking cool sitting on a throne.
Gotta admire the dedication to the bit.
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Good morning.
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>>1181234Hi Noelle, how are you today? Ready for Christmas?
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>>1181235well i nearly broke my knee, and my sportsteam lost. so not in the best of moods atm
and almost there! i just gotta do a couple more things, but the bulk of the shopping is done, and i'm ready whenever!
how about you? doin good on christmas shopping?
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>>1181236Oh my, I'm sorry to hear that. How did you hurt your knee?
Nice! I'm already done with my shopping as well, so all is good.
Just relaxing now.
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>>1181237so at the end of the day, the person on the big wheel needs to shut it down which requires multiple steps; cutting the power, turning off the pressurized air, flipping some switches, etc.
so i was in the middle of that, and at the base of the wheel, we flip four switches that go to small presurrized motors that propel the wheel.
as i was walking around to one of them, there was a wire that i didn't see that tripped me up, and i couldn't catch myself. so instead i fell forward, and my knee hit right on the railing of the bottom of the ferris wheel, and it hurt like a BITCH. it hurts to walk and move a lot, but i can get full range of motion, so i know nothing is torn, and after all the while, it is feeling marginally better.
still it hurt like hell ><
good! relax for the holiday season! enjoy your time off and soak in the holiday goodness!
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>>1181238Oh, the devellish wheel! I thought you might have had an accident in kung fu! Sounds like for now you can only do the crane kick.
I hope it'll feel better soon.
Trying my best here! I think I'll have another coffee.
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>>1181239it knows that i only have a few days left there, so it's striking while it has me within it's grasp
i could totally crane kick that thing!
i'm sure it will be fine, but tomorrow is not gonna be fun while walking on it ><
have 2 for me, cause it's too late in the day for me ><
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>>1181240It wants to strike at the last moment to ruin the holidays!
Any news regarding any job offers?
Maybe they can give you a spot where you can sit more?
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>>1181241well jokes on it, i'm gonna be on relief tomorrow, so i won't even see it (except if i need to run it for the operators lunch) so HA!
nope! did get one bite, but upon research, i decided to turn it down; so still searching :/
i should be on relief, and while i typically like to move around and helppeople out, it may be in my best interest to rest up when i'm not needed
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>>1181242It will be waiting next year! Revenge of the wheel.
I'll keep my fingers crossed! Did you work on our script yet?
You should look after yourself first when your knee hurts.
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>>1181243well it will have to come and find me! (hopefully in LA) The wheel will have to travel to get its revenge!
uhhhh i'll definitely get it done before the end of a year! you can count on that!
i agree! and i will also look after myself now by going to bed
goodnight clarity!
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>>1181244It will roll down the highway and catch up!
Sleep tight!
Morning once again.
Trying to keep my mind off my stomach
Having cereal for breakfast which, normally, I wouldn't if I feel a bit lurchy, but I figured it would distract my tummy long enough while I distract my brain with other stuff.
>>1181220Probably, I imagine it's something like a Curule Seat.
>>1181247It was a bit of a struggle, but I got through it.
I just wish mornings were not like this.
Maybe I should consider going to bed late and waking up late like before. Yeah, I was wasting half a day with it, and I like getting up around 8am, but I never had problems waking up so late before.
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>>1181260Do iiiiit
...says my useless ass that never owrks on any on my ideas...
You have full on VIDEOS
all I have is random snippets of paragraphs and some art in a journal book at home
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>>1181262Hey, everything alright?
>>1181263And they're all talking about other peoples' cool shit
I am being my usual corny self and enjoying christmas by having a christmas themed meal, a christmas beer and watching a Christmas movie...
...more specifically an obscure 1988 direct to video christmas horror movie called Deadly Dreams.
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>>1181265Well, I don't know the movie, but I can appreciate the beer.
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>>1181296I'm here.
Dammnit, couldn't even make it to 9 o'clock!
As per usual mornings, that queezy feeling but I try to ignore it as it didn't feel as bad as usual.
Coughing a bit.. then all of a sudden, I gobbed up some phlegm and accidentally swallowed it in the surprise of it all. I quickly went to the toilet to try and do the "technique" again only to accidentally trigger myself being sick.You see, somewhen post-anxiety last month, I was sitting on the toilet wishing for a convenient way to expel the phlegm from my stomach without being sick all the time. Then... I suddenly "gobbed up" and spat it in the toilet! It was so quick, convenient! But I don't know how I did it the first time or how to do it again.But being queezy in the morning is somewhat of a bad habit and I don't know how to break it. I regard myself "recovered" from my anxiety and back to normal, it's just the mornings that I've been struggling with since. No.1181324
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>>1181323>>1181318Bummer, hopefully the rest of the day will be good.
>>1181326Might go for a walk later.
Had a walk last night to beat off the winter glum.
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>>1181327No glum here, only gaming and taking it easy.
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Hello again.
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>>1181359How's it going? Did you escape the wheel?
And is your knee feeling better?
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>>1181360i'm okay, my knee is feeling a little better, but not all the way yet! and i still have one day left, and one more battle against the wheel! our battle will be legendary!
how about you? how are you doin?
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>>1181361At least it's better. One more day, try not to die!
I'm alright. I think I'll need a second helping of coffee.
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>>1181362it tried to kill me once
but this time
i'll be ready!
coffee sounds soo good right now ><
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>>1181363You should have some then!
Did you write any new scripts?
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>>1181364i'm goin to bed in like 20 minutes, so that's a big no, unless i want to be dead before i get to the park tomorrow :P
i haven't had time to think or anything lately. between work and christmas gift stuff, i'm scrambled ><
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>>1181365Coffee has pretty much no effect on me. Maybe because I've had it since I was small. I just drink it for the taste.
That makes sense. Write something about the overzealous bible club cult that secretly summons Cthulhu below the church.
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>>1181366well i've had it since i was small too, but i guess i didn't build that kind of immunity. but i'm glad there is somebody else who appreciates the taste of coffee!
i mean, it would definitely be interesting if cthulhu showed up! it would make for a very lovecraftian christmas!
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>>1181367It's an early acquired taste!
Big bible club in a bountiful country, crops always growing. Small black goats secretly watching. Shub-Niggurath cult in the church catacombs!
>>1181368>>1181368it is, but so so worth it <3
>vid relatedgoodnight! i'm gonna go pass out!
I'm feeling good this morning!
And y'know what? Don't care if I throw up or not. Thinking about it too much causes it, distracting myself from it feels like a mental exercise. But if I just surrender to it, allow my tummy to just be how it is in the morning, give complete surrender, then I will not worry about it so much.
And really, is it so bad? I mean, it's mostly, if not entirely, phlegm. There's no pre-digested food or stomach acid etc. It's not making me anorexic or anything, given it usually happens before breakfast and I feel fine and eat what I want throughout the day.
I feel at this point, the only true way I can take my mind off it, is to surrender to it. If I can do that, will no longer be the first thing I think of when I get out of bed.
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>>1181377What's in the broth?
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>>1181379Ah, it's a beef broth. Sounds pretty good.
>>1181382Well... yeah, it still has that beefy taste. There is also stock.
But it's still bone broth.
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>>1181383I use the tiny stock pots you can buy in stores if I want to make stock. No butchers anywhere in sight.
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Good morning.
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>>1181443Maybe you should see a doctor about it if it causes a lot of issues.
>>1181444It's not a huge issue, it's just a mild annoyance at this point.
I've pretty much entirely recovered from the strike of anxiety last February. The only differences from before are:
* I don't have much of an appetite as before, but I am still snacking every once in awhile and eating meals.
* Phlem-sickness. Though it's not every morning, still most mornings. Afterwards I am alright.
My family might have this genetic disorder where we are carriers to this... uh... it pretty much means our body produces too much phlegm for us to handle but as carriers it's only a minor problem.
The reason why it was never a problem before Feburary is either because:
* My body could handle it throughout my life up until this point, its tolerance is no longer tolerabe due to wear and tear of age.
* I never had such things to think or worry about before. Now it's usually the first thing I think of in the mornings which cause and effect.
However, my mother said she also goes through something similar in mornings (she just doesn't get sick) and that it turns out it's rather common for people to start their day feeling anxious or queezy due to hormones.
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>>1181445Well, I hope you get used to it then.
>>1181446I'm hoping, if I surrender to it, then maybe after awhile, it'll go away.
Because giving it attention or ignoring it leads to the same results. All I can do is just... accept it at this point.
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>>1181453I had beef tartere as Christmas dinner and I drank a lot. Good night!
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>>1181486And a merry Christmas to you! How are things? Did you open your gifts yet?
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>>1181487things are good! i'm listening to my favorite christmas album, and just vibing until i head to bed
not yet! gonna do that in the morning ^_^ i did already receive a couple gifts from friends, so theres that! still the show will be in the morning
how bout you? did you get everything you wished for?
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>>1181489Who's on the album?
Nice! My friend and I agreed a long time to not gift each other stuff anymore. So I only send gifts to a select few online friends on Steam.
I got everything I wanted, yes.
>>1181490it's "A Christmas Carol" by Majestica
it's a power metal album based on the story of Ebenezer Scrooge and the ghosts of christmas past, present, and future! i listen to it every year <3
hey that's quite alright! as long as everyone is cool with it; plus it saves money
what did you get? was it actually nothing, or did you get at least a little somethin?
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>>1181491Haha, I thought it would be some metal album!
Well, I got a shirt that I wanted. And a few games on Steam which I had on my wishlist, so there's that!
Will you celebrate with the family today?
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>>1181493heh, i guess i'm a tad predictable :P
ooh nice! is it a shirt with somethin on it, or like a nice flannel or somethin? and what games did you get?
gonna go to a casino with my dad, eat at a buffet, and gamble a bit!
it's a simple, fun time, and we may get rich! so who knows?
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>>1181494Actually it's just a black shirt of a good cotton quality, nothing on it either. My aunt got it for me, she's well versed when it comes to clothes.
As for the games, I got the Silent Hill 2 remake, some shorter horror games. I always tend to play horror themed games around Christmas, heh.
Oh, don't gamble away all that hard earned Wheel money!
I hope you'll get rich!
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>>1181495nothing beats a comfy quality shirt, so that's very nice <3
and great get! i actually just finished SH2 remake today, and am just emotionally gutted (in the best ways)
hmm that is interesting! what is it about christmas that brings out the horror mood for you?
me too ><
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>>1181498I played through the original a long time ago and honestly, without a guide I don't think I would have even known what the game was about... I wonder what the remake is like.
I think it's cause it's darker for much longer, and that is the fitting atmosphere for creepy games!
What would you do with all those riches?
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>>1181500>>1181500well i loved it myself, and depending on your combat difficulty, you're gonna be in for a ride! there are multiple endings that do require very meticulous things that are meant to reflect james psyche, but unless you know exactly what to do, you don't know which one you will get. so if you want a specific ending, you might wanna pull out a guide for that; otherwise, just enjoy the horror and the spooks!
that's fair! although every day is getting longer now, and soon it will be warm again T_T
well first thing is to pay off my student loans. then move to LA, and then become richer and famous!
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>>1181501I wanted the best ending in the original, but it required things to do which I would not have done in a million years. Cause the game wants me to "roleplay" as James.
But you like the warmth!
Why LA? I live in a big city myself, but LA is gargantuan due to its metropolitan area.
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>>1181502yeah, and it turns out James wasn't exactly the best guy :P
i do! sorry, that was meant to be a "crying cause i'm so happy" vibe, but i admit i could have added context
cause i'm a film person, and my big dream is to make it as a feature screenwriter, which requires relocation to LA
plus my mom's side of the family lived in LA, and i used to visit them every summer, and i have very fond memories of the place
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>>1181503Yeah, he certainly wasn't.
Oh, I see! Well... I'll be crying too when it's warm again, but because of other reasons.
Ah, so it's a must to be there as a screenwriter? You'll become a big shot!
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>>1181504yeah, if you wanna be a SH protagonist, be like Heather! she's a badass who just wants to avenge her dad!
alas, unless one us decides to go southern hemisphere, it looks like one of us will be upsetti spaghetti :P
more or less; technically you can make screenplays anywhere and sell them from anywhere. even I sold one myself. however it is something that you get through networking, and most of the agencies and big names are in LA, so to not be there is making an already difficult task nearly impossible (but not completely impossible)
gonna be a BIG_SHOT!
but before all that, i must hit the hay!
goodnight clarity! and merry christmas <3
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>>1181505I remember they took your script and it appeared in a series, right?
Sleep tight now, upside spaghetti!
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I'm feeling good this Christmas morning. I don't even feel queezy (yet), but my body is still waking up.
Maybe Christmas miracle, no phlem-puking?
Anyway, regardless how my morning will be, I just want to wish all a Merry Christmas.
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>>1181509Merry Christmas to you, I hope you'll have a fun day. And lots of food!
>>1181513I think it will be a brilliant day! I haven't felt queezy at all, and I feel it's going to stay like that for the rest of the day!
As for Christmas dinner, I hope I can handle lots, my stomach still has a limited capacity, but I am looking forward to it.
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>>1181524I had my sad spaghetti all on my own! But I'll have a beer soon!
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>>1181530Oh yeah, I did have a good time; we celebrate Christmas on the 24th.
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>>1181535Did you have a good time, too?
>>1181536>>1181536Yeah, certainly. It was real nice.
Especially since I FI ælt got to be the one to entertain my niece for a while.
She's 3 1/2 years old, so rather than force her to stay up all night and wait, we sort of met her open her presents during the day (and give us the ones she made us) as long as she asks nicely for one which she always does.
So one of the first she opened was the Lego set I got her, and I sat to build it with her.
She's really, really preferred my parents over me so far so that was a pretty big step.
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>>1181539Oh nice! Did she get to build some, or did you do all the building yourself? =P
Still, nice that she spent some time with you, too.
>>1181540I had her pick out the pieces shown in the manual and try to put them on herself, then helped her understand and correct it if she got it wrong.
Of course, concentration kind of weaned by the end, and I had to sort of try and steer her back to it just to make sure small pieces wouldn't go missing. So I sort-of did do most of the final stretch of it by myself. But I made very, very sure to try and make her a part of it the whole time.
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>>1181541What did you build together anyway?
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Good morning.
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>>1181584Merry Christmas to you, I hope you're doing well!
Alas, the video isn't working for me.
>>1181587i'm doin well! christmas was a great time, and now i'm just vibing ^_^
ah dang that doesn't work, look up "Christmas at Ground Zero" by Weird Al
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>>1181588Great you were having a good time! To be honest I'm glad the ruckus is over and I can relax some.
Ah, Weird Al... classic.
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>>1181589guess since i'm not at the north pole anymore, and christmas is very low key at my place; i tend to think of it as very relaxing when the day finally arrives ^_^
my dad got me a weird al shirt with a painting he made as a print, so i'm very happy ^_^
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>>1181590It wasn't so bad here either honestly. But the company around Christmas is usually rather boring.
Oh wow, that sounds like a very original gift!
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>>1181591heh, i feel that! whenever i visit family, i'm ready to be gone by the third day ><
yup! i got a weird al shirt nobody else in the world has! you jelly?
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>>1181592Well, I'll be having lunch with them again today. Then it's really over.
I think I'm a little jelly.
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>>1181593you should have a toast with eggnog to really celebrate the season ending!
and i'll have to see if my dad will sell them. (or if it's legal to)
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>>1181594I always make eggnog of sorts, but we're all out already. We're at a Greek restaurant today.
Weird Al will come and ask for his share!
>>1181594>>1181596I never had eggnog before, what's it taste like?
(And why is it seasonal?)
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>>1181601It tastes mostly like nog. There's only a hint of egg.
What does nog taste like?
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>>1181601To me it tastes like drinkable pudding with a burn of alcohol if that's been added
Had a bombardino this week, which was a bit warm, with a helping of whipped cream, so delicious.
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>>1181641That's the spirit.
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>>1181629>>1181641>>1181645It actually amuses me that you guys are still keeping this meme going. Peak cinema!
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>>1181647It's a classic!
How are things on your end?
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>>1181651I ended up watching the entire thing.
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>>1181653It's absolutely worth it.
>>1181652Talking about woke TV, I have yet to watch the new Doctor Who episode.
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Good morning.
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>>1181684Hi Noelle, how are you?
My dish washer broke down, so I was busy early in the morning already.
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>>1181685doin alright! did some work on projects today and feelin productive, and hung out with a friend. now i'm just vibing and watching youtube
oh damn i'm sorry :( did you fix it yet? or is it somethin you need to get a new one?
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>>1181686What projects were those? Anything good to watch?
Nah, I think the suction pump is broken, there's no water getting in.
It's 30 years old, but I think I'll have it fixed, if possible.
>>1181687can't tell ya! secrecy is the source of my power!
did find this youtube the other day and i love her content ^_^
>vid relatedfun! is that something you can easily replaced?
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>>1181688Oh, a secret? I hope it doesn't involve matches and the bible club library!
It's almost an educational video.
I really don't know honestly. But there's a repair service in town focusing on old machines. In the end I guess it will depend on spare part availability.
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>>1181689well all i can say is that you'll see my name soon enough ;)
she goes over a lot of different interesting topics, plus i like her humor and style! it's very unique!
well i hope you can replace it! maybe you can get mario and luigi to help you out with it!
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>>1181691I'll be on the lookout!
That's a fancy suit!
I'm not sure a plumber can be of any help with the dish washer honestly.
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>>1181692good! and if anyone asks, you don't know me!
gotta break out the 1.50 hot dog shirt!
well just need to figure out if he can jump on a turtle!
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>>1181694I'll keep my lips sealed!
What kind of shirt is that?
But how does that help the dish washer?
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>>1181695good! now the Carbuncle ate itself!
it's a shirt with the famous 1.50 costco hot dog on it! the owner of Costco specifically wants to keep the hotdogs at 1.50 here, even if that means selling them at a loss; and for that he has my respect!
well its because Bowser has taken over the mushroom kingdom, and he'll need to enter your dishwasher to save princess peach, and bring back peace and freedom to your dishwasher!
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>>1181696That's a very cheap hot dog!
Now it all makes perfect sense, thank you!
I gotta be off for now I'm afraid, I'll have to take care of my weekend chores.
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>>1181697take care and enjoy some hot dogs!
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>>1181711i've been rather blessed in that i know nothing about the movie outside what i saw in the trailer
but don't worry, when i see it tomorrow, i won't spoil a thing for you!
>>1181716i wanna do a spa day <3
>>1181703You can't say anything anymore!
>>1181711Aw boo. I'm sorry that sucks.
I jus come home from seeing it myself. It's a dang good time.
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Good morning.
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>>1181731doin good overall! my sportsball team lost, so i'm bummed about that
but i got a lot of work done, and was productive! then I met up with my DnD group and had a blast! almost got my team killed because i don't know how to interact with royalty or abide by customs at all; but then i became a drunk cat Paul Atreides!
so overall, had a great time!
how bout you?
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>>1181732I'm doing alright. Sorry for the slow reply, I had to do some cleaning at home. Had pen and paper RPG yesterday and there were crumbs all over.
Oh, you had RPG too I see! Are you playing online?
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>>1181733snacks are always important when gaming! so no worries!
yeah, we play over discord! they are all on the east coast, so it gets late for them when it's barely nighttime for me, but we always get a good session in!
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>>1181734Ah, nice. How long are your sessions usualy?
We always play "irl" at my place cause we all live in the same town.
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>>1181735aww dude, that's awesome! nothing beats doing irl, getting pizzas and booze, and having a great night playin games <3
well it depends, we're all busy bodies, but it usually is within the 2-4 hour range.
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>>1181736There also was pizza and booze! Just that it was a great afternoon, hehe. We usually play from noon till 7 p.m. But yeah, it's always a fun time.
If you play regularly that is still plenty.
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>>1181737damn! you have a 7 hour session? that's a lot of gaming to do! i wish i had that kind of session in! i could only imagine the amount of people i would want to kill me after that time!
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>>1181738Well, we also eat and chat, so I guess the actual game time is 5.5 hours.
Why would think that?
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>>1181739ah that makes a bit more sense! still that's a good amount of gamin!
well my character is very go with the flow and doesn't heed to things like social ettiquette and politics; which for some reason makes hoity toity kings and governors not want me around for some reason
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>>1181740Ah, you play that kind of character. Best to hide them in a dungeon or a deep forest!
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>>1181741wouldn't do any good! they would probably wander out and get into a drum circle at the local inn with a few of the people chasing her with pitchforks
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>>1181742That sounds fun. We have a guy who is a little similar to that. Yesterday he tried to get into fisticuffs with a peasent. The hero rolled double crits, missed his swing and fell off the castle wall.
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>>1181743no matter how hard you try, you cannot punch your way out of gravity :P
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>>1181744No, you certainly can't. And it was poetic justice.
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>>1181745reminds me of a step by step guide to falling down the stairs
step 1
step 2
step 4
step 10
step 17
step 28
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>>1181746Hehe, sounds about right.
Got any plans for the rest of the night?
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>>1181747well given that it's nearly 2am, i think my next step is to go to bed!
goodnight clarity!
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Tomorrow, Sonic 3!
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>>1181756>>1181751I just sat down at the theater to watch the new sonic film!
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>>1181757and i fuckin LOVED IT!
oh it was such a joy to watch <3 i felt like i was 12 years old again <3
and it gave me something that i was hoping to see with all my heart <3
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>>1181763plot twist: it would not matter who's phone it is, because they both have the same pics
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>>1181766can't a man have hobbies?
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>>1181768and that's why he's the best <3
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Good morning.
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>>1181770guten morgen
>>1181771if you had tails intellect, what would you make?
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>>1181774ooh like his Bi-plane? that thing is iconic!
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>>1181776oh it was a blast! i was hoping i'd love it, and i genuinely had a blast <3 i'll probably go see it again with a friend of mine!
and the one thing i hoped i'd get, i got, so i'm doin great <3
how are you?
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>>1181777Doing alright, thanks. Playing some on the PC. What did you like about it?
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>>1181777>>1181778it was just a fun story, and pretty faithful to the original Sonic Adventure 2 story; aside from some obvious changes made by the previous 2 movies which i personally don't mind cause it was still a great time!
Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles had plenty of fun screentime, Shadow was intimidating and Keanu did a great job being the ultimate life form
Jim Carrey's performance as both Eggman and Gerald Eggman was hilarious! i'm a sucker for Jim Carrey shenanigans, and they didn't skimp out on that. i could see some people that don't care for that being annoyed by it, but it worked for me
the final act was incredible! very intense and emotional, and just a total rush!
also, some stuff at the very very end that i'm not gonna spoil for you, but made me very VERY happy and excited for the next installment!
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>>1181780Well, I won't watch it anyway, but you shouldn't spoil it for Epic Mount.
Glad you were having a good time!
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>>1181781i wouldn't dare spoil it for anyone unless they specifically ask me to, so no worries! everything i mentioned was already in trailers, so i'm not worried
not a sonic fan?
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>>1181782No, never been one. I watched the first movie, I enjoyed it quite a bit. Not so much the second one, so I think I'll give this a pass.
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>>1181783fascinating, cause usually the consensus is that the people liked the second one more than the first cause it gets away from the "family movie with quirky character" vibe and more towards the actually sonic canon; and i tend to be in that same camp. although i did enjoy the first one quite a bit
and this is just a me opinion, but i thin Sonic 3 is the best one of the trilogy thus far; although i probably should watch the other 2 again
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>>1181785well i guess it makes sense that if you aren't a fan of sonic lore, then you wouldn't want to watch a sonic film
it's like complaining you got too much moisture in your soup; it's kind of its defining feature :P
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>>1181786Exactly! Anyway, I hope you have a nice night, I have to take care of a few things at home.
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>>1181787have a great day! and get those choirs taken care of!
Todays the day!
In three and a half hours, I will take the train to my old hometown where I'll watch it with my best mate!
>>1181759>>1181777Glad you love it!
>>1181782As a Sonic wiki admin, I had to delete posts from inconsiderate users who did not properly announce their spoiler posts.
Because of that I know that:
Amy Rose will be the mid-credit reveal.Metal Sonic, or at least a Mecha Sonic will be revealed.Shadow the Hedgehog was not created by Gerald, but he recovered him from a meteor.Prof. Gerald Robotnik dies in the end.It sucks because, I remember aranging a daytrip just like this one to see my friend to see Sonic 2 and seeing Shadow in the mid-credit reveal was a genuine surprise for me and I really wanted that legitimate surprise for Sonic 3.
>>1181785You didn't like it because it was too canon?
I take it you hated the Super Mario movie for being too much like the source material?
(then again, the 1993 film is a guilty pleasure of mine.)
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>>1181790i will neither confirm nor deny any of these!
hope you enjoy it tho!
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With all the talk about Sonic, I decided to go to the cinema as well. I watched Conclave. It was very good.
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I'm home!
The movie was awesome!
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What a shit night; three hours of sleep.
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>>1181802sleep more then! turn that 3 to an 8! or at least a 6 :P
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>>1181803Too late for that. I tried for over three hours to fall back asleep and couldn't.
It's gonna be a long day.
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>>1181804whenever i can't sleep, i just accept that i can't sleep and just enjoy laying there with nothing to do, and just think about stuff that i wanna think about
9/10 i fall asleep
but even if i still can't sleep, i can at least say i i spent the time resting
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>>1181805Unfortunately that's not working for me, the more I think the more awake I get.
It's really bad timing too, cause I should be awake now for the next 24 hours.
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>>1181806well dang, that sucks
well if i were in your shoes, i'd get myself a few cans of monster (or your energy drink of choice) and be ready to stand up and move around when you start to get drowsy
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>>1181807Tried again, no chance. I'm tired, but not enough to sleep.
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All you can do now is endure the day until there is an opportunity for a nap.
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>>1181809There won't be one.
I need absolute quiet and darkness. I won't have either for the next 40 hours.
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>>1181810they got a lot of that Vitamin B12 in there, and for people with ADHD, such as myself, they actually help quite a bit
>>1181811i know that feeling! i never could sleep with a nightlight or ambient noise on!
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>>1181812mmm... b12. i have some cherry-tasting b12s
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>>1181812Ah well, that time too will pass.
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>>1181811I am so sorry this has happened to you.
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I hope you have a nice new year!
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>>1181826Happy New Year is already upon you.
Living the future, I see.
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>>1181826Hell yeah it's gonna be nice.
Got myself some nice gifts and a toy.
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>>1181863Ah, you want the specifics I see..
Um, it's metallic and can give you a good massage.
Asides from that, I got more white tea and an epilator for those pesky and stubborn areas I've been treating with a laser. A darn professional is probably a good idea to see, admittedly.
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>>1181865That sounds like a fancy toy!
Ah, I see you still are a connoisseur of tea!
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>>1181865It's a robot that massages your shoulders!
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Good morning.
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>>1181885Hi Noelle, up late? How are things?
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>>1181886a little late, but that's okay; just vibing !
how bout you? are you vibin?
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>>1181887Relaxing while watching random stuff on Youtube. So I guess I'm vibing!
Got plans for the rest of the week?
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>>1181888hey we doin the same thing! we're both vibing on the same frequency
well tomorrow i'll be seeing a friend of mine, so that's fun
then either tomorrow or sunday, he and i will see the sonic movie; which i'm excited to see again
other than that, just work on projects and apply for jobs
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>>1181889I think I'll go the cinema later today. There's a new horror movie I wanna see, Nosferatu.
Oh, I thought you had already seen Sonic.
No luck with a job yeth, huh? That sucks.
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>>1181891ah cool! you'll have to let me know what it's like after you watch it!
i have, but he hasn't, so i will get to catch it a second time!
eh, it is what it is. hopefully i find something soon, something close so i don't have to risk my neck when i drive; but we'll see
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>>1181892I will. I liked the original from the 1920's, too. I wonder how close to it it will be.
Ah, that makes sense. There's only few movies I've seen twice when it was at the cinema. Like Lord of the Rings way back when.
I'll keep my fingers crossed!
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>>1181893i have not seen it, yet it's been on my list. i know it's incredibly influential to the landscape of cinema tho, so it's got big shoes to fill!
LotR is definitely worth a rewatch in theaters! so good <3
thank you <3
i sleep now
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>>1181900Good morning, how are you?
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>>1181901Well my phone died today, which is a major bummer
So I went to the phone store and got a fancy new phone called a Google Pixel 9 pro, and it's been pretty good so far
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>>1181902Oh no... I'm glad my company provides my phone. I don't even have a private one.
I didn't even know Google made phones.
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>>1181903Dang! That's cool you get a free phone from work! The reason why I went with this one is because of a promotional thing. It's usually a $1000 phone, but they waived the fee so long as I paid the tax on it, which was still $150, but worth it
Yeah, apparently it's pretty high end. I went with it cause the cameras on it are supposedly top of the line, though I haven't played with it yet
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>>1181904Wow, that sounds like a really cool phone! I hope the camera is as good as you hope.
I got an iPhone SE myself, pretty old by now, but works for what little I use it.
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>>1181905we'll see; but the more important task for the next two days is "be careful with the phone until the new case arrives" but once i get it, then i'll go ham with the phone!
hey if your phone works, then it's all good! my last phone was kinda ancient in phone years, but i intended to keep it going as long as i could, which was all the way up till this morning
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>>1181906Yeah, I really don't care if it's old or new as long as Youtube works. =P
The Nosferatu movie was pretty good by the way. It tried to be a remake of the 1920's silent movie (in style and also acting), but also added some pieces from the Dracula novel. All in all a good watch.
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>>1181907i kinda feel the same way tbh :P
oh i forgot to ask you about that! glad to hear you liked it! i'll have to put it on my list!
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>>1181908Who's that avatar you are using now? One of your own creations?
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>>1181909Her name is Mei Zui, and she's my Tabaxi Monk with Drunken Master tradition! she's the character i play as in my current DnD campaign. I made her with the idea of a Zhuangzi style Taoist Monk, which is about spontenaity and "riding the wind" or going with the flow; so she's just vibing everywhere, and doesn't really have much knowledge or care for social norms and politics
think of her as a sort of amalgamation of The Dude, Winnie the Pooh, and a dash of Uncle Iroh because she has parables and metaphors. but also add a .08 alcohol blood level!
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>>1181910She doesn't look drunk at all! I never even made a pic of my own RPG characters, let alone a series.
Looks very cute though!
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>>1181911(i'm making these with an alterior motive, so they are more or less just reaction images atm)
and it helps to be an artist! i've been having a lot of fun making these!
and trust me, she has her moments :P i nearly got us killed after not being able to shut up during an important political summit and also nat 20-ing a history check, so i just so happened to remember the entirety of a prophecy that was meant only for royalty to know, so woopsies
but that's okay, i turned out to be part of said prophecy somehow, and now i'm a drunken cat version of Paul Atreides
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>>1181912Ah, I see. But pretty good ones! You did a good job with them indeed.
Sounds like the usual game in most RPG groups to me.
How lucky to be in a prophecy!
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>>1181913thank you <3 you are very kind <3
hey, i live for that kind of thing! it's fun seeing our noble woman/rogue flail as she tries to talk our way out shenanigans, while i obliviously walk into dangerous territory
as for the prophecy, given that she's a very taoist inpsired monk, the idea of being part of a prophecy and an empress is more just amusing than earth shattering to her; she's probably have the same reaction if you told her she was a cat
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>>1181914Oh, so she's an empress too?
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>>1181915it's part of that prophecy bit!
i don't remember all the details, but when the dragonkin and the tabaxi meet, the ashen one will come, and the true emperor shall return
and in our party we also have a Kobold hobo-pirate that the native tabaxi are in awe of and will now keep hummus in their pockets
but because of that, and the fact that i am covered in spots (which is a sign of royalty in this tabaxi land), that means i'm the highest of stations according to their traditions and prophecy
so i kinda stumbled my way into being an empress, just in time for the zeppelins to come and wreck the city :P
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>>1181916Sounds like you're running an all-furry crew there!
And there's zeppelins too? DnD really is different to the RP I play, hehe.
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>>1181917well half of the players are furries; me and the kobold guy! the other two are humans
but we also are in a tabaxi land with a ship that is run by tabaxis, so in a way yeah, we are sporting an all furry campaign in a sense :P
yeah, the whole game started in a port city where the two humans were doing diplomacy stuff. The tabaxi in the city are sorta like how the Chinese Immigrants were to 1800s america, where they were indentured workers working on railroads and industry stuff; so think of the tabaxi being like that but with ship yards and vessels; and i was part of that sort of scene, and i was able to help the other party members escape a zeppelin bombing from a conquesting country because i knew where a hidden vessel was that could harbor them and all of my feline community.
we found our kobold friend in a barrel
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>>1181918Sounds fun! And also, that's the proper place to find a kobold in.
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>>1181919>>1181919You can also find three in a trenchcoat!
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>>1181920That sounds like something that should definitely happen.
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I gotta be off for now, I hope you will sleep well!
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i'm goin to bed, so nighty night!
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>>1181933Hi, how's it going?
>>1181936I just finished.
Pork chops and potato stars.
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>>1181937Pork chops are good, I haven't had those in ages.
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Can life stop flying off like it's Made in Heaven?
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>>1181941Does it go by fast? That means you're old!
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>>1181942I'll be even older in two days time.
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>>118194337... super old.
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>>1181944>>118194537 is the age Marge is supposed to be.
39 is the age of Homer.
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>>1181947No worries.
With clarity and me around, you're basically a toddler still by comparison.
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Hope you're all having a nice evening.
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Funny how that Scootaloo edit is still being used all these years later.
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>>1181974The pony spirit of old lives on!
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>>1181975In a way, since we are not now that strength which in old days moved Earth and heaven.
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>>1181976That's one way to put it.
How are things with you?
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>>1181978Not terrible, realistically speaking, but I am hoping for better things to come. The current lack of quality sleep just does not help.
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>>1181979Yeah, lack of sleep is really not good - I know that first hand. Do you find it hard to fall asleep?
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>>1181980I surmise you are glad that there are no more holidays to be used as an excuse to cause more auditory chaos out there.
My problem is more related to staying asleep, as I tend to wake up every hour or so, making me feel frustrated that rest time is running out.
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>>1181981I wish I could go straight on the next vacation. I have plenty of open vacation days after all.
I wake up whenever there's a loud noise.
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>>1181981>>1181983let's all take a january vacation!
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>>1181983Everything will collapse should you take a day off. I know of no one more crucial to the workforce than you.
Do you find earplugs ineffective because you can hear your own heart beat?
>>1181984The entire month?
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>>1181985hell yeah!
we can go down to australia and enjoy the summer time again, go surfing, and throw some boomerangs!
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>>1181986Sounds like an act of lunacy. I like it, as long as we stay clear from Brisbane. There are some people there who would be happy to see me depart this dimension.
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>>1181984Sounds like a plan, I'm for it!
>>1181985You're not even totally wrong with that...
I just find earplugs uncomfortable, I must be really tired to fall asleep with them.
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>>1181988Well, there you go. You hold the fort while Jade takes me to Crocodile Dundee land.
I guess what you really need is one of those sensory deprivation tanks.
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>>1181987well that's fine by me, i've never been, so i'd be chill seeing the other sites in australia and not having other people get shanked near me
>>1181988hell yeah! happy slussletag everyone!
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>>1181990I have only heard most places are decent apart from Perth and Darwin, and to be careful of the critters.
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>>1181989oh cool! jades comin with us? that would be hella fun!
>>1181991oh yeah, definitely don't want to be bitten by some random spider and then just instantly dissolve into goo ><
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>>1181992I think she wanted to go, but I could be misremembering.
No way for a person to die. A parachute not opening, that's a way to die. Getting caught in the gears of a combine!
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>>1181989Well... I don't feel like going to Australia, so here I must remain.
>>1181990I don't even know what that is!
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>>1181993well we should plan a trip then! once i have actual money, then we will have an incredible time down under!
>a parachute not opening, that's a way to die. getting caught in the gears of a combine!ouch... that would definitely be a way to die!
my plan is to make it to 100, then to be pushed out of a helicopter into a volcano
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>>1181995Better get to writing that screenplay, in that case. Make sure to include me as a co-writer, naturally. The spec market is a wasteland, but I have faith in you—I mean us.
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>>1181994It might be a blessing in disguise, honestly. That way you will not be infected with Chimera. It is everywhere down there.
>>1181994it's the holiday in January where we put out the sluzzle wurst for sluzzle dude when he comes out of the toilet to give us our regifted gifts!
now don't forget to listen to some Grindcore to get into the holiday spirit!
>>1181996hey, i got 1 script sold, i can do it again!
just give me some... a lot of time :P
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>>1181998Well, damn, I was already preparing for the trip: packing the bags, listening to the soundtrack of Baz Luhrman's Australia, and all those necessities.
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>>1182005Honestly, a day like any other.
However, my mother is working on my Birthday cake and I don't want to trouble her with dinner, so around six I'll go out for takeout.
Other than that, I've been browsing for a new VR headset to buy. No.1182007
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>>1182006Sounds like my birthdays used to be way back when.
A new VR headset sounds like a good idea.
>>1182007Yeah. I have a sneaky suspicion that Meta has sabotaged my Oculus Rift S in order to get customers to buy their newer Meta Quests. Given Meta are the same people behind FaceBook, I think it's fair to break trust with them.
But I don't know what's the "in" VR headset right now other than Meta Quest 3 so I;m surveying my options.
So far they're:
* Vive XR Elite
* Vive Focus Vision
* Valve Index
* Valve Index 2/Deckard (in development / unknown release date)
>>1182008...the last time i researched them over a year ago, i think that generally different ones are better at different things as well as have different kinds of media available to them
--would definitely avoid anything by facebook/meta, as they have already tried putting ads directly into the headset, only removing them after backlash
>>1182012Yeah, I only got Oculus Rift S at the time because I believed it was the leading headset.
I mean, it was, but that's because Meta had most of the monopoly on VR at the time. If I had known of the Valve Index at the time, I probably would've gone with that instead.
Right now, I'm leaning between Vive Focus Vision and Valve Index... but I would like more information on "Valve Index 2" if there is any.
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Rather not.
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>>1182020Well... I guess then don't.
>>1182021Hi Noelle, how are things?
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>>1182023You have to make up your mind!
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>>1182022The Broncos broke their playoff drought with a dominant 38-0 beatdown of the Chiefs!
i'm on fucking cloud nine right now!
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>>1182025I remember when the Chiefs were really bad. When did they suddenly get good?
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>>1182026ah, i wish i had your lack of football knowledge
the chiefs used to be bad many years ago; but when they hired Andy Reid as head coach, and found the football god that is Patrick Mahomes, they became the most dominant team in the NFL since about 2018; where they've been to the superbowl 4 times, and won 3 of those superbowls; and are currently on the hunt for the NFL's first three-peat of superbowl wins
and the Broncos are in the same division, and as such, i've been in a football hell for a while; especially since my team hasn't even been to the playoffs since our last superbowl in 2016
but when we beat the Chiefs today, we broke that drought!
although it was against their backups, as they were resting their starters
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>>1182027Well, no one cares about football here. So I only remember that they were garbage in the old football games.
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>>1182028that's okay, i'm gonna gush anyways
cause we got our own football jesus now!
Bo Nix! thank you for saving me from the darkness!
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>>1182029He has a winning smile!
Remember the MLP clip in the Super Bowl ad?
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>>1182030i do actually! that was absolutely wild!
wrong horse team, but that was still a magical moment XD
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>>1182031Yeah, it was the Colts, right?
And yes, that really was the prime of FiM I guess.
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>>1182032yup! hey, i got nothin against the colts; plus they gave us Peyton Manning back in the day, so i'm eternally grateful for that!
and that was peak brony for sure! celestia those were good times <3
and hey, we're still here, and i still see the G4 ponies from time to time; even though Bluey is definitely the dominant force nowadays!
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>>1182033Yeah, they really were good times.
I haven't watched ponies in quite a while now to be honest. I heard Bluey is nice.
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>>1182035>>1182035good times have gone, but good times will come, and the good times are here if you are open to them <3
same, although i do keep up with art and enjoy memes from time to time
bluey is a lot of fun! the hype it gets is well deserved. and when i was at the North Pole, i swear that at least half of the people there had Bluey somehting on their person!
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>>1182036That's the right attitude.
I do look at the art still as well, but not as much anymore.
It hasn't fully caught on yet here I think, but now and then you see something with Bluey.
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>>1182037well it's worth a watch if you are up for it!
anywho, what's on the docket for you today?
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>>1182038Just some gaming really, no other plans for today! I'll just stay home and take it easy.
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>>1182039any particular game in mind, or just what stirs your interest?
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>>1182040Yeah, I started playing Drova... it's pretty good. Like a pixel 2D version of games like Gothic or Risen. Just what I enjoy.
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>>1182041absolutely dope! sounds like a good day to me in the bag!
i'm not familiar with any of them, but i vibe with that sort of thing!
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>>1182042Yeah, I think it'll be a good last vacation day.
What about you? Off to bed soon?
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What the heck? Why does your mom let you have one more vacation day?
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This is highly enriched weapons-grade bullshit.
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>>1182043Yup! I'm off to bed
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Wake up, get up, get out there.
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>>1182057It's getting late though, and it's cold outside.
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>>1182058I'll hold your hands; they're just like ice.
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>>1182060I like GOB's interpretation of that too.
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Good morning.
>>1182067>>1182067Good morning!
Sun beams will soon shine through
Good morning
Good morning to you!
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>>1182071Ah, I thought it's that one.
>>1182072Funny how 1am is regarded "Morning" and an all-nighter for them.
Ever since I got my sleeping-schedule how I like it, 1am is being a bit late for bed for me.
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>>1182073No one calls 1 a.m. morning - it's night.
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>>1182083Hey Noelle, how's it going?
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>>1182084well it's currently -15.5c outside, and our cold water pipe is frozen, which is greaaaaaaaaat
other than that, got a good amount of work done, and just huddled around my space heater
how about you?
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>>1182085Oh no, that's extremely cold! We haven't had that in a very long time. Hopefully the pipes aren't bursting.
I'm fine, was just heading out to work!
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>>1182086well they haven't yet, but in case of emergency, we know where the shutoff valve is; but that would be a bitch and a half to fix
alright man, you have a good one at work!
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You cannot simply leave us like this. You must make a fine exit.
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Home from work, time to be lazy.
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Good morning.
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>>1182099No sleep for the wicked.
>>1182101>>1182101Money don't grow on trees
Got bills to pay, got mouths to feed
Ain't nothing in this world for free
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>>1182102Ah, the Oz movie. It did sound interesting.
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>>1182105I see. Still, it's supposed to be good.
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>>1182118Hi Noelle, how's it going?
I remember those sounds well... Windows was kinda nicer back then.
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>>1182119it goes to show how important sound design is, even in places where it doesn't seem that important
we never "needed" that sound, but damn if it doesn't just put us into that headspace to expand our mind and our horizons <3
i'm fine, although it's -15c again, so i'm glued to my space heater once again ><
how bout you?
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>>1182120Windows should have a good start-up sound again. I don't know when it disappeared. I think with Windows XP it was the last time I noticed it.
Still damn cold, is it? We had a storm tonight which kept me awake, rattling at the windows and exhaust pipes.
I'm alright, working from home today.
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>>1182122i'd be so happy if they did that too, it would be such a nice "i'm gonna have a great time" vibe! but i guess since we are all online all the time, it's not something most would hear
yeah... still cold... snowed and made the roads icy... still a bummer and i cannot wait till summer :/
anyone you can punch from home?
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>>1182123I'm not online all the time. I turn my PC off whenever I'm asleep or out the house. You should too!
I hope it'll be many months till summer!
There are quite a few who would deserve punches.
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>>1182124i mean, i do as well, but there are many who don't; plus i don't think either of us have heard that sweet tone in the wild
you just want me to freeze to death, don't you T_T
well what's stopping you?
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>>1182125I wonder if modern Windows even has a jingle when you turn it on.
Never! But I'm rather cold than melt in summer.
My knuckles ache quickly.
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>>1182127it would probably start with a gentle chime, then wind would blow into a cute 3 note memorable tone with a reverb that gently fades with the echo
or death metal i dunno
we could not be more opposite. i wish i was in australia to enjoy summer, and then come back here when it is summer again; if i never have to see another snowflake, it would be too soon
we'll call it conditioning! we'll make you an Iron-Fist Clarity before you know it!
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>>1182128I like the idea of a chime.
I guess in that regard it's true. Maybe I would see summer differently if there were air conditioning.
You'd have to train me well.
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>>1182129the chime would probably have more broad appeal; but i'd definitely be a lifelong customer if they went the other direction
let's get you some air conditioning, and then you can enjoy some cool indoors, while having the amazing ability to go outside and not worry about dying or going off the road; and also enjoy the freedom of a t-shirt and shorts
i could do that for you!step one is to get a phone book or a small medicine ball and punch it 100 times a day
after a few months, we'll see where you are at!
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>>1182130You'd listen to it all the time if it were Powerwolf.
No air conditioning allowed in the apartment. So I have to stay nude at home all summer and still feel like I'm burning up.
Is that really a training plan? Also, I don't think there's still a phone book
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>>1182131i would absolutely do that! i got a few playlists that i would use as well
laying down naked feeling warm and toasty with no extra effort as i just melt away sounds heavenly right now T_T burn me away so that my ashes fly to paradise...
it's a classic kung, you want tough fists, you condition your fists. i would recommend getting some dit dat jow (which is a chinese salve for healing bruising, bones, and soft tissues) and if your knuckles start to get bruised, you can use that to help them heal up faster
if you don't have that, then get some tiger balm and grin and bear it
well then get the medicine ball! or you could always get a book you don't mind repeatedly punching
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Carbon induced climate catastrophes
Just in time for my desire for doomposting.
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>>1182132Not toasty, sweaty at 90 % humidity. That's not paradise!
I think I would have fitting ointment at home. I didn't know you could train the knuckles.
>>1182134What a time to be alive.
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>>1182135I feel like our general attitude plunges into accelerationism.
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>>1182135let me melt, let me burn, just take me out of this god forsaken frozen hell!
i mean i guess icy hot or bengay could help with the soreness
the important thing is the consistency and form of the punch tho, so if you need to lighten the hit, that's fine, but make sure the punch lands correctly for those 100 strikes
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>>1182136Gotta think positive!
>>1182137We really are polar opposites when it comes to temperatures. Not that I'd like -15 °C.
Yes, sensei.
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>>1182139to be fair, if you just made it a solid 25c and kept it there, that's where i would be the happiest!
and for chinese martial arts, the proper term is Sifu
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I'd rather put up with the chill of winter than the unbearable heat of summer.
If you're cold, put on some layers, or wrap a blanket around you. Turn on the radiator or heater if you don't mind spending the electricity or heating.
But summer heat requires a fan on all day and night and all it does is circulate the air than cool it. Or you buy an air cooler. It's just a hassle and cost in electricity. It's either that or I sprawl on my chair naked and sweaty and not in a fun way.
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>>1182140That's the most I can accept, we can agree on 25.
Very well, Madam Sifu.
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>>1182141i hate wearing layers, cause i eventually start to feel itchy, or if i do anything strenuous, then i start to sweat and i'll just be getting cold anyways. plus if you slip on ice or in a puddle, then you are boned either way. and my space heater has been on for the last month practically. either that or we order wood for the wood burning stove for the same reason.
summer, you get to be free of the confines of clothing and just relax in a t-shirt, or with nothing at all! the gentle wind feels sublime, and you don't worry about hypothermia from being outside too long. you can be outside in the sun all day and life feels good and your not trapped in your house , waiting for the world to thaw and not hurt your face or threaten frostbite
and y'all need to work on your naked sprawling! it sounds like you aren't appreciating the proper naked sprawl!
>>118214225 is great! i do love me a solid 25. although my upper comfort limit is 35. beyond that it's a bit too toasty
well sifu would be the honorific, but madam sifu has a nice ring to it
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>>1182143Oh no, 35 is a death sentence. 25 at most! 22 and the sky full of clouds would be my ideal so the sun cannot be seen, that would be my ideal.
Let's go with Madam Saifu then.
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>>1182144i mean it's a little spicy, but there is somethin about it that permeates down to the core that i like. plus when it gets into the evening and night hours and its still warm outside... oh that's the best time to be alive <3
well Madam Sifu must go to bed!
remember to do your punches, and i want to see how strong your punch is in the coming months!
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>>1182145Well, to each their own!
Rest well!
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>>1182143Perhaps summer is more chill where you live. But over here, when summer rolls around here, it's almost like a sentence.
Especially given I have my computer on most of the time, so the heat from that contributes to the overall heat in my bedroom.
Sure, the weather of late has been cold enough for slippery surfaces. You just need decent boots and to be careful when walking for that.
As for summer where you're able to sit around in just a T-shirt, well, I'm not a naturalist, but my natural attire at home is always just a T-shirt and boxers. I don't bother with trousers at home. Even in the winter, the chill doesn't bother me.
But at Summer, the summer heat is just too much for me. Even without a T-shirt, I am ugly-sweating.
Still, I'm more of an autumn guy myself. Where there is still some sunny days left but no longer baking hot. Nature has that slight burnt smell in the air and brown leaves scattered everywhere. Not too cold, not too hot.
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>>1182168What's that all about?
>>1182170I remember seeing the late showing of the movie. 10 p.m. I think.
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>>1182171You havenot watch Dungeon Flippers yet?
I know,it's probably some silly cartoon.
But it's really fun.
>>11821752 real estate agents in a fantasy world selling dungeons to their clientele.
It's charming
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I'm still working on my revised "Zone Maps" for my Sonic RPBG project. It just might take a while, given I'll be working on it from scratch.
>>1182178I remember watching that last year!
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>>1182178That sounds like a fun plot to be honest.
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Good morning.
Yesterday morning, I threw up phlegm. This time I don't feel the need to do so.
It's good it's reduce to once a week or so, but still dunno exactly what's causing it.
Mum thinks it could be because of milk. But I had more milk yesterday than I did the day before.
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>>1182211Well, at least it's slowing down.
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>>1182213Yeah. I pretty much have the normalcy I wanted again when I suffered from anxiety. Things are pretty much back to normal now.
Well, slightly less appetite for chocolate, but still snacking.
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>>1182214Got any plans for the day?
>>1182215Hm... none at the moment. Maybe go to the Peckish. A place for pizza, kebabs and such.
Normally on Saturday I go for Chinese, but they're closed until February.
Even my favourite chippy is closed until the 22nd.
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Inmy recommendations: Hasanabi reacts to the Moon Channel. (1 month ago)
It's not the greatest person perhaps,but I wonder if Moony knows already.
Also, might work some more on
>>1182180It's taking longer working on this than I thought it would be.
But to be fair, I had plans to finish it a few months a go.
"I'll get to work on it by tomorrow" I said the night before, the worst case of anxiety I ever had begun.
I just finished the second row, will finish the third later.
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happy sluzzle tag everyone!
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>>1182224he gave me some already scratched lottery tickets!
>>1182228Every January we celebrate the arrival of Sluzzle Tag, where Sluzzle Dude climbs through our toilets and gives us the unwanted gifts of others from christmas!
So we play our favorite Grindcore carols, eat some sluzzle wursts, and spread that dismal january joy <3
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>>1182241Well, I guess it's a free gift.
>>1182242indeed! you might get an ugly christmas sweater, or scratched off lotto tickets, or maybe even one of those singing fish! the sky's the limit!
and if you don't mind, i'm gonna add one of my favorite grindcore songs to put us in the sluzzle tag spirit <3
>>1182244it's very famous in metal circles cause it's so insanely short
to this day when people meme on grindcore, the go to joke is to always make the track a second long because of that XD
a lot of grindcore doesn't go for very long, but it still usually is within the 1:30 to 2:30 range
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>>1182246What are they saying there anyway?
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>>1182256>>1182249probably the alphabet as fast as they physically could!
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>>1182260Well, it might as well have been the alphabet on fast forward.
How are you?
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>>1182261>>1182261well, my sportsball team shat the bed today, but we weren't even supposed to be in the playoffs this year, so we are ahead of schedule, so while the game sucked, the season was awesome; still a little bummed, but eh
otherwise, i'm doin okay; still lookin for a job, but other than that just stayin warm
how bout you?
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>>1182262Oh, which team is that again?
I'm alright, started playing that Silent Hill 2 remake yesterday. It's aight.
Other than that I should check what's going on at work soon.
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>>1182263the team i root for is the Denver Broncos, which has not been a good team since lik 2017; although this last season we got Bo Nix, who's been a fantastic rookie QB for us, and went above and beyond our expectations this year, and even making it into the playoffs, where nobody thought we'd be at all! so while i'm bummed about the loss, it's been a helluva ride!
oooh yay! i absolutely loved SH2 remake! where you at?
checking to see if there are any faces to punch?
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>>1182264Oh yeah, the Broncos. Sorry that they are out of the playoffs. Maybe they'll have more luck next year.
Running around the apartment building, which was the best part by far of the original game. That guy Jack you play seems to be on constant valium. He doesn't give a shit about anything that's going on.
I'm too tired to punch anything. Got two meetings today.
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>>1182265well i think all our luck was just getting there, so hopefully we bring a little extra next time!
well i mean he's been downing a lot of random nutrient drinks and using syringes a lot, so its very likely he's drugged up quite a bit
ahh if you can't punch, you can at least body slam! it's like punching with your body, and you can lay down at the same time!
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>>1182266Maybe they'll make it big next year!
You gotta be drugged in a town full of gimps and four legged manequins.
Given my 210 lbs I think my best bet is just using the weight advantage.
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>>1182268that's what i hope! we need some offensive weapons tho! our run game needs a massive overhaul, and we need ball catchers that can take the step up!
well for how paranoid i was in that game looking around every corner for a mannequin, i could use a sedative as well!
learn to throw your weight with precise skill and control, and you have a powerful weapon!
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>>1182269Draft Al Bundy. Four touchdowns in one game.
The apartment building is very Resident Evil-ish with its limited visibility and close quarter combat. Jack just shrugs everything off.
Big splashs for everyone.
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>>1182270i mean, if this were the 80s, i'd bet he'd be on the top of our draft board :P
he has to be on his A-game, cause unlike the first game, those mannequins are actual threads, and not just off putting pinatas!
a tidal wave of pain!
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>>1182271I never played the first game - nor any other SH games to be honest; except for Shattered Memories on the Wii.
Got any plans for the week?
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>>1182272i thought you said you played the original SH2; i'm sorry if i was confusing
well i teach classes monday and tuesday, otherwise just working on project work, and still trying to get a job.
i should actually start heading to bed, so i'll catch you later clarity!
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>>1182273Yes, I played the original SH2 too, on the PS2. I meant beside that I only played Shattered Memories.
Sleep well now!
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>>1182291Been up already? Good on you.
Also, I see you posted a new video.
>>1182292Well, I got a gig in a commercial and shooting starts at 7:15 AM. SO I had to get up.
I did. Now if only the art in it was slightly better. But people seem to really enjoy the concept, so that Make me happy.
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>>1182293Oh, what kind of commercial?
I think your art is very good.
>>1182294>>1182294TV commercial for one of our biggest grocery store chains. The pay go this one day of work is roughly equal to what I usually get in welfare each month. Not that I'll see much of that, but it doesn't hurt it have on the resume and it shows that I do work when I have any. Also it's just usually fun.
Thank you. It's probably just the usual post-release blues.
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>>1182295Will you have a speaking role in it?
Everyone is their own worst critic.
>>1182296Not likely. But from what I understand I am the primary focus of a few shots.
Well, there's a lot of ways I just know I Am not actually particularly skilled. But still. It seems I hit a fun little niche here.
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>>1182297I hope the shots are showing your best side.
>>1182300>>1182300>Implying I have a good sideKek
Well, so far, it has taken 45 minutes past the schedules meeting time for the crew to get here
But whatever. That happens on shoots sometimes.
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>>1182300>>1182301shoot days can be very long with not a lot happening for some people inbetween
and sometimes you accidentally set the set on fire!
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Yes. Accidentally.
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>>1182301Have you been at many shoots before?
>>1182302That's just how things go, suddenly there's a fire.
>>1182302That last one is more a you thing I think.
>>1182304A decent chunk over a few years, yeah. Plus I have a degree in Film and Media and used to work at a TV station for a bit I know a bit of setiquette and what to expect by now.
>>1182288>>1182291>>1182302I was first to arrise...
>>1182275 Where were you guys yesterday?
>>1182308I see.
Yesterday I didn't do much. But I have started downloading FF7R given it's one of my back burner games I've been meaning to play.
Taking ages though, I had to stop mid-way for bed.
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>>1182307I totally arose earlier!
>>1182305Well, you must have some experience then already.
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Good morning.
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>>1182358Not here, very cloudly, no sun.
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>>1182361Either global warming or axis shift.
For example, A Christmas Carol popularised the idea of a "white christmas" when in truth the book was written during the little ice age where most of the world was going through global cooling at the time.
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>>1182362At the end of the little ice age.
We've already left the medieval warm period in the dust by now.
>>1182363True, but just saying A Christmas Carol set the high standards of a white Christmas.
I never ha da white Christmas before. Close I ever got to one was a white Boxing Day.
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>>1182364Got any plans for the evening?
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>>1182392There's plenty of witches and evil spirits in African folklore.
I can't pinpoint a specific name though.
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>>1182397I've been thinking of "recycling" my ponysona Epic Mount into an original fantasy character. Thorn, a barbarian who lives in a forest and weilds an axe.
While he lives alone, he had a "Zecora" of his own to look after him. Instead of making someone up, I was thinking a witch like Baba Yaga, but African.
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Oh fudge, David Lynch died.
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Good morning.
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>>1182403oh no! David Lynch is one of my favorite directors, and so absolutely influential to my taste... I still remember bawling in Mulholland Drive; and Twin Peaks is so damn iconic...
Rest in peace to a legend!
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>>1182416How are you?
I could never really get behind Twin Peaks to be honest. I found it rather boring.
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>>1182417i would highly recommend them! although you must be prepared for weird abstract and dream logic stuff, cause that's his bread and butter!
>>1182418well worse now that i know David Lynch is not with us anymore T_T
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>>1182419It sucks if something like that happens.
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>>1182420well he was up there in years, so i can't say that it was unexpected; still sad tho
other than that, i'm okay. got some project work done, and vibed for the most of the day
though this weekend is gonna be fun, with three nights at around -24c so i am definitely glued to the space heater
how bout you?
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>>1182421Oh, that's very cold. What kind of project did you do?
I'm fine, waiting for a repairman who tries to fix my dish washer.
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>>1182422summer can't come fast enough...
although, still can't beat the coldest day i've ever experienced, which was a fun -36c back in like 2011
oh damn! i hope he fixes that for you! dishwashers are important!
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>>1182423Summer, please visit Noell, but stay away from here!
He was here, couldn't fix it. It's too old and there are no more spare parts.
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F**k Summer!
Screw it and it's unbearable heat!
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>>1182424I can accept those terms :P
Aww dang, well what's the next step then?
>>1182425Welp f**k winter and it's unbearable cold and it's dangerous driving conditions you have to survive! Also I can't feel my face!
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>>1182427There's only two options, just keep washing the dishes myself in the sink - which would be cheaper and not even that much of a hassle.
Or buy a new one; but I'd have to also get a new extra power outlet installed to even hook it up.
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>>1182436What's the best way to get my body to stop waking me up at 7 in the morning just to poop?
What sucks is because my bowels are half-asleep, it only does half the job. And given I might as well get up by 8, I still feel the need to poop after.
I'm not losing full-nights sleep over it, I just wish I can wake up on my own terms.
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>>1182439I guess you'll have to change your eating habits.
>>1182440I did in a way.
I stop eating before 9pm. (Though I did have some biscuits after hours.)
I figure starving myself a little before bed, as well as making sure I go before bed, would make sure everything is cleared out.
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>>1182441Seems like it didn't work. Try the opposite.
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>>1182442Stuff my guts after 9pm?
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>>1182443I'm not sure stuffing is the right thing. But it can easily take more than twelve hours between eating and having to use the toilet. Especially fatty food takes longer.
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>>1182445I guess you need to sleep less.
>>1182446Less? It's lucky I even have a proper bedtime!
You know what I was like before, going to bed around the ass of dawn! (Around 5) and waking up past midday.
Last November, I took one melatonin tablet, just one, and that effectively reset my sleeping schedule.
I notice I've been going to bed a bit late of late (around 1-2am) but I don't wanna slip up like before.
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Good morning.
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Well... I still needed to poop around 7:40 or so, but it wasn't so bad this time
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I'm probably the only one here again.
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>>1182580Hi Noelle, hope you're doing well.
>>1182590At work, how are you?
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>>1182592All good here, thanks. Got plans for the day?
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>>1182596How long does the fire alarm test take?
>>1182597Only a second. I have already done it.
The tenant agreement is I must do a fire alarm test every Monday and the shop next door must do their own. I have to let them know I am doing mine.
Originally they did their own with a step-stool, but given I am so tall, I offer to test their alarms and my own to save them the trouble.
Afterwards, if I feel like it, some shopping from Spar.
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>>1182598I didn't know there's a Spar in the UK.
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>>1182600Here too. I think they started out in the Netherlands.
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>>1182640Hi Noelle, how are you?
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>>1182641sitting at -24c tonight, huddled in front of my space heater again; and last night our pipes froze
but fortunately we were able to use a hair dryer to unfreeze the pipes, and now we have the water flowing out of the bathroom tap to prevent it happening again
how bout you?
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>>1182642Oh no, that's really cold. I wouldn't want that either.
At least the pipes are safe!
I'm alright, just finished my coffee and watching some Youtube before work.
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>>1182643fortunately tomorrow we should be out of this arctic blast, and back to warmer temps (a solid -1c) so i'm looking forward to that
coffee and youtube is nice! anything in particular catching your eye?
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>>1182644That's the temperature we're having right now.
I'm watching some 80s music videos and how certain songs did in Europe VS. the US.
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>>1182645well, while i'd prefer it to be warmer, compared to what temps i dealt with, -1 will feel like summer :P
oh nice! i watch a youtuber called ToddintheShadows who reviews music and often mentions how "one hit wonders" state side are often actually much more popular in other markets
any particular ones that surprise you?
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>>1182646Oh, I know ToddintheShadows and his no. 1 hit wonders. He should make those more regularly! I think he was with the Channel Awesome guys way back when.
I recall one that was a big hit here was "Boat on the River" by Styx, but it didn't even chart in the US.
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>>1182647yup! and he's still making stuff to this day! the last vid he made was the Worst of 2024 music list! still looking forward to his best of 2024 vid!
i don't think i've heard that song before! i'm familiar with Styx, but not super knowledgeable of them!
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>>1182649I'm not knowledgeable about current music at all. I think I stopped listening to the radio back in 2017.
I guess Styx's most famous songs were "Babe" and "Mr. Roboto".
A US band that did really well in Europe but bombed at home was Cock Robin.
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>>1182650i only really know what popular music is from todd and other types of youtubers; however my metal knowledge is much more up to date ;)
oh yeah! i know those 2! in fact Todd did a video on the Mr. Roboto album and how it lead to the end of Styx's popularit!
>cock robinthat is a fantastic name XD
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>>1182652The only metal band I ever got behind for a while was King Diamond. I still need to listen to that Powerwolf album I got.
Yeah, I think they even disbanded for a while after the album with Mr. Roboto.
It's a fancy name, heh.
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I'm off to work, have a night night!
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>>1182653no time like the present to break that badboy out!
and i shall start a parody band called
Dick Throbin!
>>1182654later! enjoy some powerwolf and some cock robins!
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What is it with my bowels needing to poop at half-past seven? It's annoying!
I wanna wake up bright and fresh, if I wanted to be forced to wake up and all groggy, I'd get an alarm clock.
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>>1182744well it's not nearly as cold as it was; it's about 20f (-6c), which compared to the crap i dealt with, is so much nicer
other than that, worked on projects, played some games, and doin alright
how you?
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>>1182745Lucky you! No more sitting in front of the radiator.
What were you playing?
I slept long last night, working from home today. Got lots of meetings coming up.
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>>1182746i mean, i still have it on, but it's much easier to manage now :P
i was playing ZZZ, cause the Ellen Joe banner is back, and I wanted to get my goth shark girl
nice! how many hours?
also is there anyone to punch today?
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>>1182747What's ZZZ? Sounds like someone falling asleep!
Six hours worth of meetings or so, the first one is about to start. I could punch everyone.
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>>1182748it's a gacha RPG game made by hoyoverse, same people who do genshin impact; and this takes place in an "urban fantasy" where it's like being in 2000s anime style world where you work as a "Proxy" who specifically guides people through Hollows, which are pocket dimensions with non-euclidean geometry and people turn into monsters if they are in there too long
the character i'm currently pulling for is part of a hospitality agency that also cleans out hollows; that's why she is also a maid alongside her giant scissors
well better dust those knuckles, and get ready to throw hands!
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Is the Story Thread sinking?
Is Christmas officially over?
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>>1182749Ah, that's big scissors she's got there. Reminds me of that old Clock Tower horror game.
>>1182750It's been sinking for days. I'll make a new thread when it disappears from page 1.
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>>1182752Got any plans for the day?
>>1182754Pringles, chippy and maybe some video gaming.
Also, I'm thinking of looking for a scenery artist to help finish my zone maps. I don't think I can finish them by myself.
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Good morning.
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>>1182820Hopefully they can fix it soon.
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>>1182822Yeah, it';s sorted now... right after I came home with bottles of water.
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>>1182823It's a good idea to always have water at home.
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>>1182825Doesn't need to be an apocalypse. It's enough if, e.g., a water main breaks.
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>>1182827Guess they only patch it up but it needs to be fully replaced by now.
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>>1182829You should store it for when its needed.
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>>1182831Bottled water stays good for many, many years if you don't open the bottle.
And if it's in a glass bottle and sparkling water it stays good for decades.
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>>1182833Well, it'll still stay good for ages.
>>1182834That's fine.
Besides. I only use tap water for hygene. I drink volvic mienral water when I'm thirsty.