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File: 1733354615344.jpg (443.57 KB, 1400x900, 14:9, Amime soldier in desert.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Post the last thing that made you legitimately cry or tear up.

"Did we hurt them, captain?"




File: 1733392456909.jpg (761.22 KB, 4096x2420, 1024:605, oh my blue sky please tell….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

I honestly can't get through little talks by of monsters and men without a sob or two.

Shelter could get a sob too.


Hmm. Been a while, actually. And most things I would be able to bring  up are Danish and would require me sitting here translating stuff no one reads or cares about.

So I guess I'll share the next best thing - the most recent thing I showed d a friend of mine that made her cry - though it sure as shit did for me too, when I first saw it.


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Gav and Bob: the trilogy. The was pretty intense.

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