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>>1180062physical appearance/voice? no. "vibe," as it were, as expressed through their physical appearance/voice? yes.
...dunno what to say about the guy in the video, except that i think i may be a bit too old to really get the appeal
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>"You're into men"
Hey hey stop throwing around baseless accusations against me!
... But yes, yes I am
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I have been thinking about this hread a lot, honestly.
Now, one reservation I have is that I can't say I am totally smitten by any content only on the basis of voice or appearance. Obviously, I need to connect with the content itself.
That said, eversince my life took a tumble in 2013, I have been more heavily attaching myself to he youtube sphere and content creators.
And perhaps very relevant is the rise and popularity of video game streamers. I've often heard the question why people watch streamers over playing video games. There is to me a lot a parasocial aspect to it.You watch a video game streamer because the video games ae fun to watch but also to feel a connection with another human being. to capture that feeling of being around someone friendly to walk you through the game. And frankly, that also means to me that I don't mind watching the steamer struggle a bit with the video games, rather than only watching pofessional speed runs and the likes. Because it reminds me that it is okay to fail at video games and you don't have to be perfect to enjoy a game.
But I also feel that video game streamers are heavily on the risk of becoming incedibly obnoxious when presenting their content. Often there are screamtubers, who obnoxiously scream and make every little thing into obvious over reaction for content. Then there's also the streamer / influenceer pesonalities that get super popula and become total dickweeds in stream or are found to be total dickweeds outside of their streams.
In my own history, I had picked up with watching a lot of the OG Markiplier. This is a steamer who is fairly legendary for his booming and vey warm voice. While I think there are plenty of moments of overreacting nd he can also get vey annoying, overall he carries a voice that is very entrancing.
Now for overa decade, my absolute favorite streamer has become Vinesauce Vinny. He does lean heavily on memebait and builds a brand on having plenty of "rage" quirks. But overall, he's got a very cool dude sort of voice and in the few times he appears in person, he looks like a friendly cool dude to vibe with. His whole vibe and self-deprecating humour makes him feel very pleasant to listen to and watch. So honestly, he's great to put on and listen to, even outside the video games played.
Projared is still a second (or third place) for me right now. I don't know why people hated so much on his appearance through the 2019 disaster, since to me he looks like a cool dude and can be quite funny.
It's probably no real coincidence that both Jared and Vinny are aboutmy age, it's probably why I vibe so much with them.
Linking it all to Vtubers, I don't really have a Vtuberthat I've followed per se. But lately, whenevera woman gets very popular in the streamer space, it's almost all of the time a Vtuber. And that stretches outside of the Japanese groups as well. And girls kind of bank in on a lot on the anime fad, with often seemingly mimicking the anime style voice acting for their streams. Really, a lot of female youtube personalities are basically voice actresses in several state of official recognition.
Among my favourite Vtuber voices of the last year, mostly due to Vinesauce collabs:
(Octo)hackerling sounds amazingly cute and pleasant
Limealicious is also fun to listen to tbh.
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>>1180062Ohy, and obviously Moony is also great to listen to for his voice quality.
He manages to simultaneously sound with authority and have a soothing voice that is overall pleasant to listen to.
The Moon channel is definitely something I would recommend to others to check out.
I am willing to accept a box of sweets for this promotion, Moons No.1180527
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>>1180510that's quite a detailed analysis - r u perhaps thinking of doing the youtube?
>>1180511i finally watched a moon video; i watched the cozy games 1. it was fairly cozy
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>>1180527> r u perhaps thinking of doing the youtube?I think the point of the thread is about people pulling success by having charisma?
Honestly, for me, I am complicated. I want to be heard, want to put some mark on life somewhere.
But I am honestly aware that if I put myself out there, I'd probably look like an absolute joke. I'd be making videos with inadequate material, stumble over my words, say things that make no proper sense or throw a fit on camera. So staying in my own little corner would forever be safer.
>i finally watched a moon video; i watched the cozy games 1. it was fairly cozyMost of the time it's law, Asian politics and sociology, philosophy and theology.
Overall, neat background noise, if you're willing to have it.
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>>1180663...similar for me. Maybe it's best to start very, very slow?
>Most of the time it's law, Asian politics and sociology, philosophy and theology.Interesting.
>>1180062>>1180510A variety of social media figures, such as Markiplier, appear to have both a personal character and a specific type of voice plus appearance that conveys a general sense of warmth. And this portrays something comfortable psychologically in a way that feels sincere.
I suppose this means that we can think of their career popularity as highly similar to TV and film personalities of the pre-internet-age.
You can call these relationships "parasocial", in a way, but I think there's a distinction in that somebody like Markiplier is an actually intelligent and reflective person to where there isn't any made-up persona anywhere. Not really. So, if you met him in person, and he (or you) wanted to talk about the history of Pokemon or something random... why not? A psychologist would call this "agreeableness" and "openness" in terms of the "big five personality traits".
This interview is interesting in that I think you probably could line both Letterman and Rogers alongside Markiplier up as all being basically "sheep in sheep's clothing" and having close relationships with fans/supporters/whatever based on that.
A tl ; dr of what I just said would be that like you could probably cut social media figures in two, from those with a parasocial kind of thing going on (like the OP character who's literally meant to be this fox hybrid type creature that's goofy yet sexual) where what's seen online is a "front" versus those with "no front" / "what you see is what you get": a great test being the question "Would you still like them if they were on normie TV shows doing normie things?"
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Not really? If anything I'm less likely to follow them if they seem
too glamourous.
Obviously it helps if they look or sound nice, but for me the content is more important than the presentation.
>>1180510>I don't know why people hated so much on his appearance through the 2019 disasterSome people insist on going for the low-hanging fruit even when someone's offering them a ride in a cherry picker, unfortunately. Just makes them look like dicks themselves.
>But lately, whenevera woman gets very popular in the streamer space, it's almost all of the time a VtuberI'd argue popular female streamers/content creators in gaming circles were very few and far between before the VTuber era. If anything it's been a good thing for that. What I
don't like is how most of them are controlled by random corporations, but that's a different discussion.
>>1180663>I think the point of the thread is about people pulling success by having charisma?>Honestly, for me, I am complicated. I want to be heard, want to put some mark on life somewhere.Oh, yeah. In fairness, "charisma" is literally a Greco-Roman word and concept (which Google tells me was initially written as " χάρισμα ") taken wholesale by later writers that very smart people have been arguing about and studying in vain since before Julius Caesar was born, and we
still can't figure out what it means, like not in a way that makes sense. I also have exactly the same feelings that you do. I think.
Life's too complicated, sometimes!