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Today, I learned that younger people no longer get peanut butter out of jars but instead get it out of pouches, sort of like the plastic things that hold blood and other liquids in hospital rooms.

Having just turned thirty-six a few days ago, as well, I now feel as old as a dusty skeleton somehow still able to wiggle my cobweb-coated arms.

What things make you feel too old, /pony/? And do you like modern peanut butter, personally?


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>What things make you feel too old, /pony/?

My friends keep dying.


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My 15 year old daughter nor any of her friends can read an analog clock.


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My 15 year old daughter and her lackadaisical attitude to studying gets me very anxious and frustrated.


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The fact people on ponyville have 15 year old daughters


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the fact that people on ponyville believe other people on ponyville have 15 year old daughters


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The fact that people on ponyville are skeptical of the claims that people on ponyville have 15 year old daughters


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>I have no hair
>I live on my own
>Most of my family are dead

I mean it could be worse.. I guess? The years don't stop coming and they don't stop coming and they don't stop coming


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I don't trust bald people



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