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How many chapters are supposed to come out in total? I'm kind of holding off on playing it until it's complete, but more and more I'm getting the feeling that this is not how it works.


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> How many chapters are supposed to come out in total?
3 and 4 of presumably 7. There's been said that Chapter 5 is also in the works.  
> I'm kind of holding off on playing it until it's complete, but more and more I'm getting the feeling that this is not how it works.
Good luck staying alive until then.



7 chapters planned total, huh. I'm getting Homestuck flashbacks with that number, and let's just say it had Ways to stick to "7 acts total". Yeah I should probably not wait for the whole thing, though I might still wait until chapter 3 at least.


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It's really about time!


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Oh hell yeah! I'm so excited truck!


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I'd encourage not waiting.  The first two chapters have really nice break points that make them feel like movie sequels instead of chapters of the same story you just don't have yet.


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i can't wait... deltarune is so great, it is hard to believe it will come soon!

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