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File: 1729211899469.png (914.71 KB, 606x606, 1:1, Pimp-With-a-Tank.png) ImgOps Google

Suppose you could drive anything you want while living wherever you want?

Would you do something like drive around in a Panzer tank or otherwise "go nuts"?


I'd love to drive a personal plane but I'd probably lose control and die in a crash.


File: 1729317241078.png (178.42 KB, 849x942, 283:314, ss52.png) ImgOps Google

How about a Starfighter.  That'd be cool.  I could just fly around Earth and maybe go up and shoot random satellites.  I'm picturing one that can leave and enter atmospheres.


Here's a good one. A flying carpet


the carpet was pulled into threads and then the threads were woven into a cloth that was then used to make a comfy, wind and low temperature resistant aviator suit... which still flies.


But the carpet was sentient and is very angry about being subjected to what was no doubt a torturous experience on its owners whim, so once you put on the aviator suit it just fllies straight up until you can't breathe anymore to enact its revenge.



Oh no, but you see... the question was what I wanted to drive. I don't want to drive a sentient carpet. I want the carpet to be the kind from before Disney got to it. See? We're not doing a "djinni's wish but then the djinni is a dick and corrupts it and gives you In Retrospect I Didn't Want This At All" here.

Though if it just wants to avenge things as a hobby, I do feel like I could induldge it in that!


I'm not even in Djinn territory, I am just in "fantasy settings love to find ways to screw with you" territory.



Yet this particular setting is "what do you wish for", even if it's aimed at settings and transportation options. The methaphorical Djinn is hanging there and peeking over the corner quite conspicuously. If you want, I'll add "also I want to have the option to amend my transportation wish as any fuckery comes up". Ezpz.


I'll get you next time, Gadget!



Now there's a wish.

A wish to avoid. I don't want to traverse places Gadget-style. There's less invasive modes of transport out there, heh.



To elaborate, to be Gadgeted would probably be like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x8zV2qsC7LM

That's why my transportation idea is about a wool-like exoskeleton rather than modifying my internals, heh

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