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I tried to think of a theme for this one, but I couldn't really come up with one. I know it's spoopy season, but i want to release one that's spoopy specific closer to then, so that just leaves this as it's own little bean of a thing!

so rules are a simple! roll a 1d10, and whatever it lands on, you must answer or do!

(to roll a 1d10, you type <1d10> but replace <> with [] )

so let's begin!

1. What's the last game you played?

2. What do you want to do?

3. Time to make your DnD character! what type of character are you making? (if you don't know how it works, you can make anything you want, just try and make it work)

4. You are in the world of the last game you played! how are you faring in this new world?

5. you must DANCE!!!

6. Hows your mental health right now?

7. Spicy!

8. give me your PUMP UP SONG! i want to feel the POWER!!!

9. uh oh! you made the bully mad, and now he's squaring up to fight right here right now! What are you gonna do?

10. would your life be better if you were an actual anthropomorphic creature?

commence to rolling!
42 posts and 30 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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It's an extremely naughty face focused not just on having sex but also a lot of fetishes, so I'm not going to say its name, honestly!


1d10 = 4


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Xenoblade Chronicles 2? I don't rightly know, I haven't played enough to really tell how I'd fare. Probably terribly.


1d10 = 3


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A new D&D character? Hm. I'm kind of out of new ideas. I've been playing lots of campaigns recently due to unfortunate and fortunate circumstances so I've had to make a lot in the past year.

However, I would like to make a new character with the 2024 rules for 5e (5.5)

I think I would like to make a Catfolk, though. Which is a problem because they haven't been adapted yet. But it would still work since everything is supposed to be backwards compatible. I can't think of a class, though... I don't want to do a Sorcerer, since I've done so many of those and I don't want to just remake Roxeanne. Maybe a Rogue. A soulknife perhaps?

If we were talking Pathfinder 2e, I could easily make a new character. Catfolk Investigator sounds fun!

Personality-wise, I would try and make her like a combo of Ivy Pepper and Calvin McMurray from Lackadaisy. Basically like! What if they had a daughter.


>Catfolk Investigator
So Blacksad?


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1d10 = 2

>That's a fair approach! Running away is often the best choice!
It's a good way to stay alive!


Ah, sure, let's go: d10 = 7



Spicy? Well, we were able to successfully grow jalapenos in the garden this year, the third one where an attempt was made. They turned out Quite Well, in fact. Eating this many jalapenos at once would be tricky so they got used in two ways:
1. Jar with oil, the oil preserved the jalapenos and itself turned jalapeno flavoured so a win-win right there
2. https://www.errenskitchen.com/cream-cheese-ricotta-stuffed-peppadew-peppers/ - turns out you can do something like this, but with slightly cooked jalapenos instead. Also, feta + cream cheese instead of ricotta with cream cheese. The result is excellent.


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Well, in terms of my to-do list of thing for today, I definitely should both wash my car as well as vacuum out the inside of it. I also need to get some more gas. There are some other things that I probably need to do in terms of going over financial matters with family. I also expect to pick up some prescriptions later on (image slightly related).



1d10 = 4


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1d10 = 5


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>5. you must DANCE!!!


There. How'd I do?

1d10 = 3




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i wanna roll again! i can't fall asleep!

1d10 = 2


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i want.... to roll again!

1d10 = 9


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try to deescalate the situation by reciting poetry or a joke? maybe if i can recite the entire cremation of sam mcgee poem recess will be over and i'd be home free!


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1d10 = 8


Well I did say I don't have a single pump up song so here's another one.

1d10 = 10


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>10. would your life be better if you were an actual anthropomorphic creature?
I don't think that would really benefit me.

1d10 = 8


The Random Number God seems hell bent on questioning me about my musical tastes
1d10 = 6


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>6. Hows your mental health right now?
Pretty alright. It wasn't great in my 20s, but things have more or less evened out


1d10 = 6


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1d10 = 4


>Silent Hill 2 Remake

Well, I'm just dead.
Like, no question.
Unless I somehow am too innocent to be attacked at all (which let's face it I am definitely not), I am just dead.


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Yeah, I don't think I have the kind of guilty trauma that would make me a target in Silent Hill.  I'd probably just have like a nice little vacation.


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1d10 = 10

i'd definitely would be fucked over in Silent Hill!

the amount of trauma i already got sucks, it would be so much worse as weird flesh monsters in hell mazes of rust!


aww the video doesn't work for me :<

thanks! i guess :P


ooh well you might get some cool fantasy tech stuff that willhelp you hold your own ^_^

i love all of this!

a kitty cat soulknife Ivy/Calvin would be so much fun to be <3

both for health and for health!

ooh jalapeneos with cream cheese slap so hard! fry them up for a jalapeno popper and i'd be so happyy!

somehow that doesn't make me feel better ><


no notes!

i mean, i'd stop fighting out of confusion, and if the recitation is pleasant enough, i'd hope to start a book club!

this counts as a pump up song to me!

aww but you'd be fluffy!

we need your entire discography NOW!

what's your secret?

i can relate!


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i'd absolutely love it, and would choose it 10/10 times

although i do recognize that iw would be harder in various ways. like full body shampoo and conditioner, being mindful of tails and other appendages; and i'd probably learn really quick if the government has an interest in me and my unique features


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1d10 = 9


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>9. uh oh! you made the bully mad, and now he's squaring up to fight right here right now! What are you gonna do?


1d10 = 1


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>1. What's the last game you played?

The Legend of Zelda : Echoes of Wisdom

Pretty fun, but not mind-blowing

1d10 = 8


>8. give me your PUMP UP SONG! i want to feel the POWER!!!

I have no idea what this song is about other than sex, but still

1d10 = 6


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>6. Hows your mental health right now?

Better, I am really noticing a lot of differences thanks to HRT. Who knew chemical castration was the secret to my emotional stability?


Doesn't even need to be GUILTY trauma, if Angela is anything to go by. Just the slightest bit of doubt can apparently do it.

Let's do the one thing SH protagonists never do and stick together.

Eh, it was just Safety Dance.


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1d10 = 5

I meant to type "naughty game", instead!


>aww but you'd be fluffy!
But how would that be beneficial? That would just make things more complicated
>we need your entire discography NOW!
I tend to go back and forth between different songs and albums, not all of it very pump-up music. Though right now I'm listening to DARE by Gorillaz, which I guess could be considered a pump-up song.
>what's your secret?
I dunno, after years of disappointment, you just sorta get numb to it.

1d10 = 5


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>5. you must DANCE!!!


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1d10 = 6

talk about serendipity in your posts!

i really really wanna play that game! but i gotta get my joycons either fixed or replaced cause of stupid drift ><

i mean sex requires a lot of pumping, so it fits the bill!

it's shocking!

it's like having your body fit your mind makes things easier!

mind blown!

that always works out for them and never bites them in the ass!

Silent Hill definitely needs the safety dance! have you seen that place? it's an OSHA Violation theme park!

the cat was unnafected by the ring, cause it already knew it was the most powerful being in middle earth!

i feel pumped! gorillaz is my jam for sure ^_^


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Let's do one more: d10 = 1



Oh BOY. Did you know that the long-awaited Factorio DLC just dropped today? Because it absolutely did. It focuses mostly on expanding the game past what otherwise would have been the end so I really can't comment on how good it is yet, but Factorio is just a good time either way.


Ok, let's try for one last one: d10 = 3



Oh, something uncomplicated probably. Most of my experience with tabletop RPGs is in watching the Narrative Declaration channel, I kind of feel like I should do a Neutral Good Human Fighter who is into Fighting and doing Nice Human Things to truly get a feel for it before I pull out the Chaotic Neutral Ogre Bard driven by a personal mission to find a fairy and sing her into turning big because he heard that in the music business it's all about making it big and he's already big but fairies are small so that's where his focus should lie as someone who wants to make it big.


>the cat was unnafected by the ring, cause it already knew it was the most powerful being in middle earth
Finally, somebody else gets it!


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I don't listen to them as much as I used to, but they've got some pretty great stuff

1d10 = 8


>8. give me your PUMP UP SONG! i want to feel the POWER!!!
Another one? Alright. I saw these guys in concert a few weeks ago, and they kicked ass.

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