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Do have you any AI-related predictions?


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AI created musical performances combining artificial songs with unusual visual pieces.


AI is rife with scams and over reliance on AI will have companies replace their staff and will just end up really tanking there service.

I predict we'll see plenty of screw ups from large companies due to over reliance on AI.

I do also fear the use of AI to drive a fictional narrative as factual evidence.


We're at the point where The Sun has run out of ways to insult people and has turned to AI generated click bait.


It's still hard to believe you can make music in just one click. You don't even need a budget studio anymore, just pick the style you want and it'll spit out 10 tunes just like that.


The most reliable AI seems to be remote outsourcing to low wage countries and pretending a computer is doing it. No reason that can't extend to the OP image.


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We'll be having sex with robots puppeted by people in India?


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People in India wrote the Kamasutra
so you know it'll be good


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It will severely die down when it proves to cost more money to develop or run than it brings in money.


It is an opportunity for individuals to compete with large companies.


It's indeed something that blows one's mind! Like somebody who's a random dude can make a song about Godzilla, of all creatures, and somehow it works!



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What I want to know is, will robotics become advance enough that they establish their own independency and we humans will...

A. Co-exist with them. Such as "androids" with citizenship and equal rights, like in Futurama or Overwatch.

B. Fear them, thus wars that will conclude with one enslaving or wiping out the other, like in Matrix or Terminator.


In the long run, could sentient and sapient robots maybe align with poor people and other disadvantaged groups against the wealthy and connected types who currently run everything? Because denying somebody the right to vote, their freedom of speech, their ability to form labor unions, and so on would get pushback whether a human or a robot alike is the victim?

So then it would be like:
A)Like you said.
B)Like you said.
C)Cold war kind of situation between 1]North Korean esque civilizations that have this scary elite of certain humans in charge plus endless legions of enslaved-ish robots and some people awkwardly coexisting in the same space as them and 2]a hodgepodge of everybody else in various democratic-ish civilizations including most humans and all of the advanced, free robots.

After all, I have more in common right now with somebody like Data (if he was real) then I would with Elon Musk in terms of ethics, morals, philosophies, personal preferences, and like almost everything else beyond the biological.

The Marvel Cinematic Universe is maybe an interesting example of C) because nightmare totalitarian societies such as the Dark Elves and others coexist with superhero alliances such as Guardians of the Galaxy and the Avengers where a highly-advanced robot and a guy from Earth get treated more or less the same.


I have a feeling there will be androids who don't mind humans using robots as tools, and they themselves will use robots for tools and service, under the believed status as "I am an android, and they are a robot. You humans regard horses, donkeys and oxen as beasts of burden, all the while keep cats, dogs and other lesser animals to comfort and amuse you. You also eat cow, sheep and pigs for nourishment. If humans can take such advantages of lesser living mammals with no objection from them, then androids can take advantage of robots."

I imagine robots with near-advance AI to be regarded as androids would be a grey area, though. Maybe androids would establish their own caste system.


Oh, want an AI related prediction? Things will continue as they have for decades. AI literally has a seasonal cycle which so far has happened so consistently that it's got its own special names for the phases. There's the MAD HYPE following a particular development which pumps an incredible bubble of an AI Summer which then bursts in a shower of unfulfilled promises and disappointment as the tech hits a brick wall of the limits of the current approach, and that transitions us to an AI Winter where the term itself becomes toxic and the whole space becomes mostly dormant with nobody serious who wants anything to do with it, except for the only people who slowly work towards creating the new big thing that will set off the next AI Summer, while still a few developments of the previous one end up sticking around.

This Summer's crop will be the pretty neat translation software that might be good enough for the casual tourist. Also probably some applications in pattern detection, as well as better handling of boilerplate nonsense. The big winners though will end up being the makers of propaganda bots and faked deceptive imagery, as well as the purveyors of slop. All in all, an unimpressive harvest but whatever, we'll see what happens next Summer.

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