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>Waking up to all the Pokemon leaks


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Knowing that the people that make pokemon are both very kinky and into horror makes me want to truly be a pokemon master ❤

Also makes me think of this video



At least the Joker has been vindicated


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The fact that the biggest media company in the world is run by kinky furries just shows how powerful we really are

The world will be yiffed!


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Let's see what 4chan thinks about such things!

Here we are:




I keep seeing people reacting to this, yet no one actually reposting the damn leaks.

Somebody show meeeeee



<"A young girl is tricked by a shape-shifting Bakufun (Typhlosion) into thinking that he’s a human. Eventually, she apparently has a child with him and she’s called his wife. Her father eventually comes and kills the Bakfun and when she returns to the village she and her half-Pokémon child is teased by the men in the village who at one point cover it in fur skins. Then they run into the forest and are never seen again.">

Damn, nature, you scary!


So something was written to sound similar to real life ancient folk tales, was rightfully scrapped for not fitting too well tonally and people are freaking the fuck out over basically nothing again. Gotcha.

Was there also some beta Pokémon designs leaked? I am quite a bit more interested in that.


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A gigantic amount of materials got leaked besides different stories, including some designs!

And I personally love many of them!

Like this:


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We found out what beta mudkip looked like and everyone is very sad and upset


Got a link to somewhere that collects them all? I wanna see. I love shit like this.

And I, for one, fuck immensely with Lif preserver bunny.


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Make me an angel

Who flies from Montgomery


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They even cut a gorilla with boxing gloves


Man, some of these rule.

I don't see the tongue guy here though. Where'd he come from?


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Tongue guy is Gen 1/4


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I really don't see the problem with the story


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Turns out that Vaporeon wasn't the most compatible one.


You know I meant "where did this design come from if not that sheet"


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Are people still horni for Gardevoir?


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Ugh! Fine! I guess I’ll adopt one.


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Ugh! Fine! I guess I'll adopt one.


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A challenger appears!


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Ugh! Fine! I guess I'll adopt one.


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