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 No.1177547[Last 50 Posts]

File: 1728827197910.png (401.85 KB, 1010x644, 505:322, luna13.png) ImgOps Google

We used to write stories together!

You can find them here: http://fndkp.jimdofree.com

Nowadays we just sit around and talk. Feel free to join.

We also have some 8-bit desktop ponies here: https://github.com/RoosterDragon/Desktop-Ponies/releases/download/v1.68/Desktop.Ponies.v1.68.zip

And more are here:

Check out the deviantART community:

Your can find the program source code on github:


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as one grows older, the things that used to scare us stop affecting us, and often become silly

but the things we once took for granted, become the most genuine horrors we could possibly imagine!


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What's something that used to scare you?


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The X-FILES opening credits

Particularly the part where the guy falls into the handprint with the orange bit

Dunno why that scared me, but it got me!


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Local election day comes to an end.


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I've never even watched the X-files... I don't know why, it never interested me.

Who's being elected?


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de goei


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Is that like a mayor?


File: 1728851382305.png (211.9 KB, 425x422, 425:422, ah erh.png) ImgOps Google

Yeah, local elections is mayors and stuff. Also provinces.

Federal elections were in June that's for Europe and the government.

De goei is a reference to the good ones joke that goes around here at election times.


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I hope you voted too!

Good night.


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I have

good night


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File: 1728883226914.gif (1.02 MB, 498x278, 249:139, luna43.gif) ImgOps Google

Good morning, how are you?


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work was brutal! lots of people at the park, and my ride was constantly moving

but then i hung out with a friend, and then after he left, i meditated for a bit, so i feel a bit more zen

now i'm watching trans memes

how bout you? how are you doin this moment in time?


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The night
shall last


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Just got busy with work myself, it's going to be quite the day; lots of work meetings.

Glad you found some time to relax after a busy day yourself.


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plenty of opportunities to punch anyone who drags too long!

it was nice! i've been trying to meditate more, and it has actually been helping a lot with my anxiety. the feeling is a lot more muted as of late


File: 1728885768133.png (404.54 KB, 958x643, 958:643, luna15.png) ImgOps Google

Not through the screen!

I'm glad the meditation has been helping you.

I bet you were up again all night!


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I'm about to be off for tonight.


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well not with that attitude :P

and while my brain still doesn't like living in a world where things happen that are outside my control, at least i can better cope with it now


File: 1728886851108.png (668.27 KB, 1152x864, 4:3, luna7.png) ImgOps Google

Sleep well then!

You'll be ready for another shift at the big wheel!

I have to focus on work now, take care!


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have a good one!

i'll catch you later


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I'm back.


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Did you sleep well?


Yeah, until I woke up.


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Well, that makese sense I guess.


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Take me back to dreamland, Princess Luna!


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Well, in you could sleep again in a couple of hours and fix your sleeping rhythm.


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I go where the Z's take me.


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To dreamland hopefully.


I want dreams with money, guns, drugs, and women.


Why? Mere brain vapours when you wake up.


I like dreams where I am on an adventure of sorts. Such as going to strange yet interesting places. Sure sometimes scary, but it's the only way I feel I can get out of my comfort zone.

For example, a long time a go, I had a dream where I walked down a path by a river and I came across another path that lead to what looked like an abandoned dilapidated building courtyard. I felt the place was haunted, but I entered the abandoned house and I felt very scared. I didn't see any ghosts, but it was a strong feeling that I was not alone, that I was surrounded by unseen eyes.

A few nights a go, I dreamt I was walking down the same riverside path but there were more people around, some walking their dogs. When I came across the path to the haunted place, I found it was fenced up and there was someone's garden behind the fence. I met a local and told them how I once visited the haunted decrepit place and was happy to see it was done-up and made into something lovely.


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Good morning.


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File: 1728961912051.png (401.85 KB, 1010x644, 505:322, luna13.png) ImgOps Google

Hey, everything alright with you?


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doin okay, but learning to accept things outside of my control is hard when it feels like it will hit you like a truck and leave you as paste on the road

but regardless of my feelings, time marches forward and the best i can do is my best and do what i can

anywho, how are you? are you doin okay?


File: 1728962476960.png (587.87 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, luna38.png) ImgOps Google

I'm okay, thanks, getting ready for work. It'll be another busy day. Also, I barely slept for five hours. I couldn't fall back asleep after waking up at 2:30 in the morning.

Things outside of our control sure can be frustrating.


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a busy day for a busy bee! make sure to take some time to rest for you, especially if you are running on low sleep ><

they can be, i can accept i can't change them, but doesn't mean i approve of them!

on the plus side, i am gonna be in a DnD group, and i got to put together my character sheet today! so that's fun ^_^


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Lucky, I bet you'll have a fun time with DnD!

I'll try at least. Anyway, I gotta get going! Take care!


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>Frostpunk, normally

"Yeah, child labor isn't really necessary here. Honestly long term they'd just get underfoot really. Why not make the city a nicer place to live in, and then also give the children a medical education as apprentices, giving the medical system one of its very precious boosts? There's always someone who gets sick around here."

>Frospunk, Fall of Winterhome scenario

"Yeah, uh, this, this is a lot. Other than bringing the entire city to ruin with the worst planning humanly possible, the old captain left a lot of un-nice laws in place, which extra-made the city a hellhole. But as to children specifically... The children yearn for the mines. Who am I to deny them?"


File: 1729010099369.png (411.44 KB, 1273x712, 1273:712, luna50.png) ImgOps Google

Hello again.


Oh boy oh boy oh boy, less than a week from the Factorio DLC


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Will you build more endless factories?



Will I? Who can tell! The DLC content goes into SPACE, except to my knowledge in space itself you have to build factories that are basically spaceships on moving asteroids. The space is then necessarily limited, so "endless" is out!


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The skies will be filled with factory ships.



I kinda made a factory platform there in Satisfactory, so hey I'm ready. In the meanwhile, I've been replaying Frostpunk in anticipation of getting the Frostpunk 2 that got released recently One Of These Days. It's a pretty good game still, but some of the scenarios can be a bit harsh at times. Which I guess is the point, heh.


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Good night.



Yeah, see ya



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Sonic is better.


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Better at being worse maybe.


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Maybe not, given Sonic games aren't the worse.


File: 1729131346175.png (370.03 KB, 992x644, 248:161, luna16.png) ImgOps Google

Good morning.


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Good morning.


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Hey there, still up?


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How's your day been?


Been the usual. Might go to the café tomorrow... or later in the day.


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What's going at the café?


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Cake and milkshake, but I only know when I get there if it's good cake or OK cake.


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OK cake is still better than no cake.


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Yeah, but still want good cake.


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Now that's one creepy cake.


Looks like a Robot Wars robot.


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Got to head to work, have a good one.


Frostpunk: "How would your morality fare if things were really really REALLY dire? Put into absolute power over a people who trust you completely as they see the apocalypse all around them, what would you do?"

Frostpunk DLCs: "Yeah, and here's a bunch more questions on this theme"

Then suddenly...
Frospunk The Last Autumn DLC: "What if things weren't dire, actually? Not yet. People think they know things being bad. They don't know. You played the other scenarios so you do, but they don't. Your power is high but not completely absolute, a company appointed boss rather than a dictator, people have Demands which may look reasonable to them in their actually quite downtrodden lot but which look like the height of absurd excess through the lens of the post-apocalypse, and there's all this ridiculous still existing old world classist bullshit going on since the frost hasn't scoured it all out yet. Well, you're in charge of preparing a site for the refugees of the apocalypse without which they'll all die. Things keep escalating, the coming of the frost keeps barelling down on you, and you keep learning about how the other efforts all around you have failed. You have to complete this project on time. How will your morality fare then?"

The answer to the need for evil is, of course, "skill issue" either way. But it's still a pretty cool game (heyoooo).


File: 1729180786608.png (435.9 KB, 1248x707, 1248:707, luna10.png) ImgOps Google

Hello again.


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Good morning.


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File: 1729225444894.jpg (20.76 KB, 640x360, 16:9, luna9.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Hey hey, how's it going?


File: 1729227550987.jpg (48.18 KB, 680x425, 8:5, 6db.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

doin pretty good tbh!

first time in a long time that i've felt distinctly relaxed <3

how about you?


File: 1729227738613.gif (1.02 MB, 498x278, 249:139, luna43.gif) ImgOps Google

That's good to hear! Did anything special happen today?

I just turned on my work laptop, gotta see what's going on.


File: 1729227888595.png (178.03 KB, 540x649, 540:649, tumblr_ppsm95e3dj1wtaot2_5….png) ImgOps Google

well we did celebrate my dad's birthday, so i had a burrito and two margaritas, so i'm feelin good

other than that, it's just been a vibe of a day

is your laptop not working?


File: 1729228204260.jpg (23.67 KB, 211x171, 211:171, luna30.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Oh nice, even two margaritas!

It's work just fine... and not many e-mails came. So that's good.


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Quiet at timees at Ponyville.



Oh boy just 2 more days until that Factorio DLC drop. I sure hope I won't be disappointed by it!


File: 1729362132898.png (401.85 KB, 1010x644, 505:322, luna13.png) ImgOps Google

That was an interesting interview.

Are you ready for factories on top of factories?



You have no idea. I'd be playing the Space Exploration Mod right now if not for the fact that getting anywhere in that one takes an asschunk of forever and an official Space Exploration Factorio Experience is just around the corner. So instead I'm just still chugging along on my Satisfactory Production Skyplate.

Have you ever played a Factory game?


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Not really, it's not my kind of genre at all. I've played Sim City, that's about all.


File: 1729363608002.gif (811.76 KB, 555x494, 555:494, Dont come a-knockin.gif) ImgOps Google

I stayed up way too late and ended up sleeping through most of the day.

I'll try to be off to bed early tonight.



As somebody who's played both Satisfactory and Factorio, but then also Sim City... they're not similar. At all. I'd recommend everyone give this genre a shot, with a caveat that it's a bit like recommending hard drugs.


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That's a good idea!

Maybe I will at some point, but no promises.



I don't really see this as a thing to be "promised" to me? It's just a recommendation, heh.


File: 1729365938446.png (587.87 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, luna38.png) ImgOps Google

I know. I hope you'll enjoy your DLC.

I'm off to bed now, night night.



It's still one more day away, heh.

See ya.


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This is ridiculous for an adult male to say, but cleaning in a high level of detail is just waaaaay too time consuming.



The trick is to never actually do it except in Emergency Maintenance mode.

You could do it like 5 times. Or you could do it once, after enough grime has accrued. After each of those the end result is the same, but the latter has cost way less total time and effort.


...until your mother comes to inspect your work.


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Yeah, that's what got me into this mess

Sometimes I wonder if I am just horrible.



By whose standard? God is dead, and everything is permitted.

But seriously, it's just cleaning. It's a purely physical action with a specific start point, and a specific endpoint. It has no moral dimension. It only has a "figure out and actually codify your personal criteria for those points" dimension. Do that and you'll be fine.


File: 1729371877071.png (207.94 KB, 425x422, 425:422, wel this is awkward copy.png) ImgOps Google

>It has no moral dimension
It does when others come around, I suppose.

Like, for yourself alone, you could live in the filth all you like, but you still have an obligation to welcome others in your home.



>Like, for yourself alone, you could live in the filth all you like

True! The problem is if you don't feel like living in filth but do anyway. But even then that's not a "bad person" / "good person" sort of thing.

>It does when others come around, I suppose.

It really doesn't. What others think is purely mechanical, like the Sims. You know what they respond positively to, negatively to, and what they don't care about, adding up to Social Interaction Score ++ or --. It's got as much of a moral dimension as the choice of snacks you would serve them when they pop up. Morality is about a transcendental "good" or "evil", and this is just not that. If you feel like you'd be a better host to your guests if you cleaned and you care about that, clean. If you don't have anyone coming over and personally don't give a crap, don't. A dirty room is as much of a mark of your individuality as a clean one. The real point to focus on is deliberateness, not conforming to expectations for the sake of them. Even if you deliberately choose to conform to those expectations because you like your guests and your guests like clean rooms.


File: 1729399676414.png (411.44 KB, 1273x712, 1273:712, luna50.png) ImgOps Google

Good morning.


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Look at all those things going on in that pic.


It is giving me a hecking confus


File: 1729406662915.jpg (20.76 KB, 640x360, 16:9, luna9.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

It's obvious: Sisyphos has stolen Saddam's rock, revealing his hiding place to the men who have just emerged from the caves.


When did Sisyphos even find the time, I am pretty sure he's eternally stuck pushing a boulder so mewhere else.


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This is his origin story. Sisyphos is forever rolling Saddam's boulder up the hill.


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Hey Clarity
You got featured in my dreams last night.

It was Ponyville related and fortunately nothing... improper.


File: 1729450351817.png (401.85 KB, 1010x644, 505:322, luna13.png) ImgOps Google

Really? Oh wow, I hope the dream wasn't too weird.


File: 1729450750893.png (91.85 KB, 274x338, 137:169, Im listening.png) ImgOps Google

Essentially there was a catalog of posters of Pnyville. Each page / double page was dedicated to a poster with a description of them, the avtar they used and some notable posts they made.

You were suppposedly the responsible for putting it together and releasing it.


File: 1729451120255.png (435.9 KB, 1248x707, 1248:707, luna10.png) ImgOps Google

Oh my, sounds like even in dreams I have to work!


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ain't no rest for the wicked

It was a pretty amazing book though. Worth every penny.


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Well, at least it was worth the work!

Did you have your own page in the book?


File: 1729452562736.png (211.9 KB, 425x422, 425:422, ah erh.png) ImgOps Google

Yes, actually.

The page was full of Pinkie Pie (G4 mostly) and I was described as a male maurie Pinkie Pie poster.
I couldn't figure out outside of dream logic what maurie stood for, though.

It's probably the only page prominently featured in my dreams.


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That's how dreams go, within them things make sense but when you awake it all seems nonsense!

Speaking of which, I'll have to head to bed myself. Have a nice evening!


File: 1729453569835.png (211.9 KB, 425x422, 425:422, ah erh.png) ImgOps Google

Have a nice rest.


File: 1729457969217.png (106.97 KB, 363x283, 363:283, Sweetie Belle vampony.png) ImgOps Google

I have a Halloween related question.

Blood Banks recieved 4,300 blood donations every day on average.
They store donated blood for up to 42 days.
The average discard rate of whole blood in the present study was 1.07%, which was much less compared to Kulkarni et al. [8] (23.23%), and lesser than the studies conducted by Suresh et al. [9] (5.7%) and Bobde et al. [10] (6.63%)
(All my stats from Google)

So my question is, could a vampire live off blood donated from a Blood Bank without causing any severe shortage in human need for blood or bringing any awareness to the vampire themselves?


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I remember that's the plot of a Kiekeboe comic.

How much blood does a vampire need to survive?


Well, I find vampire lore different and inconsistant, depending on whose telling the story.

For example, I regard vampires as "undead". As in they're technically a zombie, but drinking blood and maybe other factors allow a rejuvination to appear more recently deceased.

But in, say, Hotel Transylvania, vampires seem to be living beings and not too different from humans. It's never confirmed if vampires can turn humans into vampires but Mavis is a born vampire and so is Dennis.

So it varies I guess.

If I were to guess a logical accuracy, an actual vampire bat needs to consume 20grams (two tablespoons of blood) per night.

So if we multiply the body/mass of the bat to that of a human and calculate the blood intake along with it, I'd say that's roughly the answer.

(Kind of like how Spider-man has the human strength proportioned to a spider. Spider-man's strength is on the average to a human that it would be for a spider... something like that.)

Given I don't know bat-to-human ratio maths, I'll go ahead and say 3-5 pints of blood. Adult humans on average have 10 pints of blood. I imagine vampires would drain a victim entirely of their blood to prevent witnesses.

Purely guess-work given these are mythological beings.


Also, there has been some accounts of vampires, though whenever these were accounts of paranoia due to hysteria at the time is uncertain.

But I do believe vampires could be real. The reasons why stories of ghosts and aliens have persisted throughout history to todays time is because of fresh accounts and evidence backing it up. While vampires don't have as much accounts or evidence, it still a mythology that persist to todays time.


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Ya think zombies are real too?


>Oh cool they wer dreaming about Ponyville poste---
>"Notable posts they made"
Awe, so I wasn't in it?


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Literally who?

But no, sadly, like many posters here, it was out of bounds for the dream scene.
It would have had so much Sweetie Belle, though. It would have been nifty.


It's fine, you can just admit you don't love me!

>Summoning convenient drama couch


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At one point in history, they were real, though not the sort you're thinking of.

From what I've read, zombies were from Haitian folklore, most common with vodou. It's when a victim is drugged with a drought that consist of various poison ingrediants and leave the victim in a stupor yet compliant state that the poisoner can manipulate into servitude.

As for the kind of zombies made traditional by George A. Romero, well there is a fungus called Ophiocordyceps unilateralis, more commonly known as "zombie-ant fungus". This fungus. The video game "The Last Of Us" depict zombies inspired by this fungus.

Plus, I read somewhere (or was it a YouTube video? May want to look it up yourself given it was ages a go and can't remember the video), that todays scientist can indeed make a zombie virus if they wanted to, but choose not to because of the impracticality of it.

Which is kinda true. Zombie movies may make zombies appear as a threat, but if they really are just mindless corpses then they'll likely just trip over stuff like idiots on a bender and their flesh will decay to bone in about a week or two, give or take maggots and dogs and such.

And given the zombies pass infection through biting, it would be more easy to contain a zombie pandemic than it would covid.


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Well, you'll always be one of the first to come up if I have to think about Ponyville.


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Real talk though, while voodoo / cordiceps ae pretty far fetched on the scale of reality, rabies actually is a real thing.

Personally, I feel like if zombie outbreaks or vampires were real, we'd probably be dead already. Those creatures are far more powerful than any human being.
So, nah.

However, I haven't found many professional scientists that deny the existence of skeletons. Those are definitely real.


Nice save.


I believe if vampires are real, they would be a secret society and choose victims that will not be missed or, as my starting question, maybe rely on alternate sources like blood banks to keep a low profile. Even if the percentage of underground (figuratively) vampires could rival living humans, humans would be quick to kill them off.

People think vampires are killers, but in truth, humans are too good at killing that we need hunting licences to prevent us from over-killing things. If human government made vampire hunting open and legal, even if vampires had enhanced strength or powers, they would still be under constant threat of humans.

As I said, if there was a "zombie virus", such a pandemic would be short-lived for a number of reasons.

1. Unlike COVID which could pass in breathing vicinity of people, zombies appear limited by physically biting into others. If the zombie virus can go airborn like COVID then it can be an issue, but if it stays infectious via biting then just don't get bitten.
2. If they ar eliterally animated corpses, then they will decay like corpses. It takes roughly ten days for flesh to decay to the bone. Maybe zombies are able to slow the process or heal/regenerate flesh by consuming the flesh of the living, but if there is no food source then it will just have a week or two until loss of motor skills.
3. How "mindless" are they? Will they be able to comprehend stairs, door handles or kerbs? To be able to walk or even run is one thing, but if they keep tripping up on things not only will it slow them down but cause further damage to them.
4. Other environemntal factors such as flies laying eggs into them, weather such as hot, cold or rain hasteing the decay, etc.
5. Come to think of it, "flesh eating" zombies make no sense. If a human is surrounded by zombies and most of their flesh and muscles is ripped from them and consumed, how would they be able to move with removed or severed ligiments? Even if zombies could, hypothetically, regenerate by consuming others flesh, newly animated zombies would not be able to sustain themselves if they're robbed of most of their functions to begin with.

The only way I can see a zombie virus being used efficiently as a pandemic would be as a bioweapon. Bombs with zombie gas let off in public places during peak hours. This would cause some great panic as you'd expect from the movies, but, again, humans are "too good at killing". Once they realise the zombies are just mindless zombies it won't take long for the zombies to be purged by active survivors while the passive survivors will simply wait it out. they would be more concern if the virus is an airborn contagent and the media will probably spin this, but once they realise it's not things will quickly get back to normal.


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Good morning everyone.


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How are you tonight?


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not the best, my anxiety is getting to me ><

i hope you are doing well tho!


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All good here, thanks!

How do you usually handle such a situation?


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i meditate, sometimes i comfort eat (which i know isn't the healthiest coping mechanism), and when i can, sometimes i talk to a friend to help me unwind

i even talked with my dad, and he helped me feel a bit better overall

how about you? when you are stressed or anxious, how do you manage it?


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Luckily I barely ever have the feeling of anxiety. I guess I just try to take my mind off of whatever is causing it by getting occupied with something else.


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how do you do that? how does one just "get occupied" with something else?


Oh boy oh boy today's the day

The Back To Factorio day


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That's really not possible to explain, I just do it. I focus on another task and that helps. Maybe your anxieties are stronger, or more general.



Isn't the trick to, well, just do an unrelated thing? A thing which takes up a lot of mental resources, leaving not enough for fueling anxiety?


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that game looks like you could get lost in it for a month just playing nonstop!

well i can safely say my anxieties are pretty damn strong; not that suffering is a competition. so it's hard to distract my mind; part of the issue is i tend to fall into a ruminating cycle, so it just compounds a lot

i find that the anxiety often follows me to unrelated things, and unless i get completely engrossed, it's hard to shake off

i liken it to getting pine sap on you. it's super sticky, it smells potent, and it's insanely hard to get off ><



That does happen to people. There's a reason why it's got the monicker of "Cracktorio". And in just a few hours, the Big Expansion drops.

And yeah I get that. It would need to be something half-way meditative, so you do get fully engrossed like that. Ironically enough, maybe something just like Factorio.


Sorry for not replying, I had to start my work day.

I hope you will feel better soon!


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heh, i've already got a full game schedule, amongst other things, but i'll keep Factorio in my list

and i have a lot of things like that, it's just that sometimes it strikes when i can't do something that holds my attention enough for whatever reason ><

have fun at work!

>hugs <3



Can't as in, "I try and it doesn't", or as in "I feel blocked from trying in the first place"? The latter seems way more manageable.


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sometimes column A, sometimes column B

i'm usually good about dealing with it, but tonight the bug bit me good



Ah, a mix. Not great, since it seems to me like these are two way different things rather than just one thing that can be focused on. Still, what you just said does have some hope in it? If you're usually good and it's just occasionally (like tonight) that this acts up, every time that happens there's a hard time limit on how long it'll suck until you get back to things being manageable and then it's just a matter of riding it out until you're there (hence the "have you tried Distractions™")? Feels like that knowledge should help just by itself, maybe, My best point of reference is I used to have gallbladder issues (not anymore, thankfully, but I had them always hanging over my head for many years), which presented in the form of occasional attacks of intense pain that could last for hours. Just knowing that it would eventurally pass did help at the time.


It's here. Let's gooooooooooooooooooooo


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Time to build the biggest factory in the universe.


If you think about it, the universe is a star factory.



We'll get there, heh. For now... the bootstrap base is done and I'm working my way to oil processing. I'm a bit worried since I seem to have spawned somewhere without a fresh source of coal in sight, other than the guaranteed noobpatch, but that's a concern for a few hundred thousand units of it down the line. For now, oil. With oil, explosives. With explosives, the ability to flatten terrain.

Oil processing in Factorio is both simple and surprisingly complex. The bitchbasic way to do it is just "oil goes in, petroleum goes out", and then you turn that petroleum into plastic or sulphur or whatever. That's very inefficient though. You have to use that recipe for a while though since unlocking the Real recipe requires you to have plastic in the first place. That one is different. Rather than making petroleum, you make petroleum but also light oil and heavy oil. It's possible to further process the heavy oil into light oil and light oil into petroleum and petroleum is mostly what you want, but there's also stuff you can only make from the other two so you don't want to just reflexively process it all. I never quite designed a perfect way to handle this. What I figured out Works™, but with each new refinery setup I always tweak it somewhat.


Look what I picked up at goodwill for $2!


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Dammit, forgot the pic!


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I just stabbed a bitch


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The style looks vary familiar.

But why though?



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Oh yeah, that's the one!

Hope you have a nice evening, I'm off to work.


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>"I will untangle the spaghetti bootstrap base some time down the line" and other hilarious jokes you can tell yourself

Yeah no it's staying like this until the resources get fully extracted and then I'm just rolling it up completely


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I stabbed her with my dick


pics or it didn't happen


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B-But that would be wrong!


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Were uncouth things happening while I was gone?


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N-No! Not at all! What makes you think that?


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I sure hope so!


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Come on, Clarity. Do you really think I would be the type to do anything uncouth or lewd?


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Alright, I'll trust you!


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