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Have you ever experienced anything strange? Unexplainable? Supernatural?

Beacause I have. About twenty years ago when I was about 12 years old me and my mother were on our way to campsite in the countryside. The thing is to get there you have to drive through miles of empty countryside thats pitch black with no lights and hardly any other drivers

Anyway this one time it must have been about 11pm and all of a sudden the darkness around us in the middle of nowhere while we were in my mums car lit up. My mother quickly pulled to the side of the road thinking another car was coming her way and thus needed to pass as it was a small road.

But no car came. And then we both happened to look up into the sky at the source of the light and what do we see? The most classical stereotypical looking UFO you could ever see. An all silver or grey saucer like thing just floating in the sky. Far as I could tell it had no windows, and had lights all around it glowing different colours. Thing was huge too, probably bigger than a helicopter.

We were both pretty stunned and confused. It just hovered there silently in the air for a good twenty seconds or so before suddenly just going from floating in the air to just vanishing off at god knows how fast in the space of just a few seconds.

And to this day I have no way to explain whatever the hell it was. I'm not saying It was aliens come from Uranus to probe us but I have no idea what the hell it was and all I have to say is I'm so glad my mother also saw it and can back me or otherwise I probably would not think I imagined it or was dreaming It

Shit was nuts and ever since then as a kid I have loved ufo stories and thus I take a lot of stories in which people talk about their ufos sightings a lot more seriously than most


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i remember one time in chemistry class, we had an experiment lab where we had to find the point of pH levels in a solution where it goes from clear to pink. the premise was we would take a clear acid, and we would pipette a base to it, and we were supposed to measure how much base it took before the solution took on a pinkish hue

we all got stuff from the same source, same acid, all the equipment were given to us by the teacher, and we all begun at the same time

i take my vial, and i follow instructions, slowly pipetting base in there. so far, no pink

whatever, i guess it needs more. so i pipette more in there

no pink at all. hmmm...

i look around at my other classmates, and many of them had pink solutions, and were jotting down in their notes all the numbers that the discovered.

so i pipette more

and more

and more

and MORE!

still no freaking PINK

finally, i took the base bottle we used, and just dumped it all into my vial





i don't know what i have done, but on that day, the laws of chemistry decided to dodge me. and to this day, i have no idea how it didn't turn pink, even though it was literally all from the same place as everyone else, who all got pink solution!


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I guess it's about time for this thread again.

>Have you ever experienced anything strange? Yes.
>Unexplainable? No.
>Supernatural? No.

Everything has an explanation. Everything is natural. "Strangeness" is the initial impression that something cannot be explained or is not natural. The other two are just higher degrees of strangeness.

The phenomenon you're describing was a psychological effect resulting from fatigue, exposure to a new environment, and exposure to a long period of darkness. The apparent UFO was simply your mind grasping for an explanation of the new environment and darkness. For example, it is known that certain strange psychological phenomenon can be experienced while in meditation; the driving, new environment, and dark road could have induced a meditative state of mind that brought on the experience. The fact that both of you experienced the same thing is easily explained by your young age and impressionability. Collective delusions are a known psychological phenomenon, and you could have been having a collective meditative experience with your mother.

This explanation, however, should not be conceived to lessen the reality of the experience. For example, people often meditate in order to get more in touch with reality. Thus, - why people get attached to UFO sightings, as the meditative experience they had felt more real than their regular daily life.


No. And refuse to believe until it happens to me.


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>Have you ever experienced anything strange? Unexplainable? Supernatural?
Nope! Not really!

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