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File: 1728720301609.png (112.42 KB, 780x782, 390:391, 8c2e89c4a6d2f31c1bab44e180….png) ImgOps Google

I high af right now and just can't stop thinking about boobs


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Send me a picture of yours


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This a good thing to think about!


There are worse things to think about. Dunces can be quite funny. As well as simpletons. Duffers, dopes and dimwits. Numbskull chumps. Now THAT is some content!


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I mean, I am sure if more situations turned out like this we'd solve 98% of the world's Problem.


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Just woke up. No longer high as fuck.
Looked down and now thinking about boobs again. Cause I just discovered I have boobs ... again.



>I have boobs

Let me offer... "the Two Stooges"


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Goofus and goofus?



Luscious, Curvy and Mound. Pick 2 out of 3, heh.


I would be somewhat worried about a boob named "Curly".



Oi! There's videos of all three!

>maybe Total Recall reference, maybe not


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Kinda hoping for you to Choose

2 out of 3


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Uh ... okay?

I choose Curvy and Mound.


I prefer the Love Shack


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lovely cleavage!

enough to make a geologist blush!



Good choice, heh. Yeah I just can't quite figure out a way to do a pun on Larry properly.


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i still find it hard to believe, deep down, that not everyone would like to have nice mommy milker tatas.  like, it seems so obvious though, right??

living vicariously through your boobs-having, Andrea!


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andrea is carrying the breast weight of all our hopes and dreams <3


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so true breastie 🙏

thank you Andrea for living your breast life!


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we are the breast of friends!

and to andrea, may you breast boobily to your best you <3


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1oo percent!


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Yeah I used to believe everyone did once ....


Mammary glandies



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I can suck on some fat old titties


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Admittedly it's kinda fun to see people stare at them, unless they seem freaked out by them when they hear me speak.


I'm 43, is that old enough?


I also use to believe every boy secretly wanted to be a girl and vice versa.


Just waiting for a change to belt out a deep-voiced "My eyes are up here", are ya`?


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i still can’t shake the feeling that it’s true! like, whenever i think of situation like ranma 1/2 i go, “well, heck! that seems great! best of both worlds!”

all that being said, i *do* believe that not everyone feels that way! and that it probably says… something about me… but i just can’t relate


Ranma mentioned! Enjoying the new anime lately.

I mean *I* am pretty happy with being a dude.


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oh yeah, i believe it!  


Is gud stuff. But then I always got a kick out of Ranma.

And it did make me doodle Girl Ranma the other day, so das fun



Mentionment of Ranma mentioned. Initiate Ranma.


I did not know of this one.



It is very old. It was around since before The YouTube (at least the song - not sure about the video).


S'a funny one.


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Bazonga Buddies!

ranma 1/2! crackin eggs since the 80s!


Took me a moment to remember what Egg means. Yeah, I can imagine a few people having their eyes opened here.


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We all want to drown in pussy and suck on some big ol’ tiddies.


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All this talk about Ranma makes me feel like a walking stereotype.

Basically the entire reason I ever got into anime was because I'm transgender and discovered Ranma


I am certain you are not the only one. I don't see a problem.


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I know, I did say I was kind of a walking stereotype. That's kinda what I meant


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it's a great reason to get into anime! have you found any new anime that hits as hard?

any... recommendations?


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Like, for transy stuff? Not really, other than 'Stop! Hibari-kun' which is just straight up about a trans girl.

It was basically everything else about Ranma that got me interested in anime, the premise of the series of course attracted me to Ranma in the first place.

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