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File: 1728515092449.jpeg (285.79 KB, 840x664, 105:83, IMG_0405.jpeg) ImgOps Google

Have you done something to straighten your life out recently?


File: 1728534924278.png (32.26 KB, 476x476, 1:1, 131032__safe_rule-63_artis….png) ImgOps Google

No, not really.


File: 1728538384390.jpg (145.46 KB, 850x678, 425:339, 85d4001267b7606277c0780a7f….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

i have been meditating more often, which is helping alot with my anxiety


File: 1728560877243.jpeg (246.71 KB, 711x771, 237:257, IMG_0412.jpeg) ImgOps Google

Are you mad about slavery?

Do you have a wife yet? You should get one of those.

Have you considered starting wars?


I bought a gun.
I have till Monday.


If you’re being treated like an animal, you deserved to be compensated for the abuse and insults. Abusing people is. Human rights violation.


File: 1728667402891.png (447.71 KB, 512x768, 2:3, hgfd.png) ImgOps Google

dont need it


File: 1728671235499.png (144.35 KB, 2112x707, 2112:707, Discounts.png) ImgOps Google

Yes. I won't say, though, what that action was.


Nah I'm just gonna paint a Picasso

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