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I was at the place we do kung fu, just warming up, doing my tai chi and basic stances and stuff.

then my kung fu brothers came, and one of them with a small humanoid! it was his baby! (also the mom was there too)

he was so dang cute and precious <3 so curious of the world! got to hold him (against my will) for a little bit, and i was terrified but he was so cute <3

my kung fu brother says

"We call you 'Kung Fu Uncle (insert real name)' on our phone, but that's a mouthful; so we just call you K'Funcle (name)"

I'm now a K'funcle and i'm so happy <3


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What a nice story. And a pretty coold name you got in the process. =)


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thanks clarity ^_^

i do try to be more femme and whatnot, but how can i deny such a grand title ^_^

he's a cute little dude! maybe one day we will train him to be the dragon warrior


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Make sure you're still in good shape when the day comes!


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i should try to get to better shape

and now that i'm a K'funcle, i have a duty to train this lad!


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babies are cute and k'funcle is a hilarious and great nickname


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just call me K'funcle Navi!

and babies are cute! don't want one of my own anytime soon, but they are adorable!


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K’funkle Navi!! i was thinking of grunkle Stan the second i heard k’funkle! hehe


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my mind immediately went there as well and it's adorable!

but don't think i'll be grunkle posting here, cause i still am femme through and through


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woona poster is the way to go! i'm sure grunkles would agree!


Give it a few years, and you'll be the wise old master teaching the chosen one so they can bring balance back to the world!


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K'Funkle loona approves!

That would be fun! i never thought i would play the "wise master" in the story, but yoda my best i will do!


I see you more a s a Mr Miyagi. Trick the little snot into doing all your chores.


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Despite how much I've always wanted my own babies, I've long been haunted by fear of accidentally hurting or killing them. I'd be terrified of that situation

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