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>relatively new engineer at the second biggest hydroelectrical dam in the country
>suffer for anxiety and depression during work
>working almost an entire year all days up to 10 hours
>fast forward
>Chief of operations in vacations
>Me next in the line of command
>Get promoted to Chief
>Get power over 20 people, most of them are twice my age or more
>Walking a lot, meetings with political/engineering implications I don't understand, if I ask for something, I could it done for me.
>Filling up a excel file with the payments for the workers according to their assistance
>Realizing in the eyes of the company we are just numbers in a spreadsheet
>Using helmet/googles and fidgeting with a Zippo most of the time I walk
>Worker asks me to grant him hours we could not work because he was sick
>my face is literally the same of FS in pic related
>travel back home
>eat my dinner and typing this
>recalling there is non-zero chance I could be thrown in jail because alledgedly being a spy for the USA while in this job
>Still doing CAD designs and 3d models/simulations because I also need to cover my own position .

I am alive, I wanted to hug you as I allow caffeine effect fades away.


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Good to see you are still around. Purist.


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Big boss hispypisp!





I don't wanna

How's the YT channel goin, esh


being alive is great


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>weekend off



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>Second biggest

You see that's the issue if you worked at the biggest one you would be fine

Bad jokes aside though and being serious I hope things get better for you



Just insane hours!

How are you?

I like feeling like a human being again by having a weekend off!


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damn dude! it sounds like you need a vacation!

i hope you are doing okay, but it's great to hear from you again!


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Dang, hope things get better for you~



I missssssss uuuuu.

They gave me a week off a month ago, still not enough, for now I have got some spare time to check on here so now and then. How have you been?


I would bet things are getting better for you ~


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To this day, Hispanon is still sitting frozen behind that desk, making that face. That worker never got an answer.


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I got officially and permanently promoted to Chief of project, so I just replaced by former bossy boss.

I am screwed.


He got an answer.



gratz (i think)

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