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What actually counts as edgy these days?

I had to get stitches the other week and refused painkillers because the novacaine would hurt worse than just having a needle stitch me up really fast. (Thank God I made that decision by the way)

Is it edgy to say I laughed at the pain? Because it wasn't bad at all really. Just a pinch ans aome string through flesh.


Is it edgy to say I don't like pain killers for the most part? Unless you're getting your teeth drilled or something, most procedures actually hurt less with novacaine.

And pain isn't even that bad. You squirm for a bit, but it isn't 'that' bad.

Most people complain too easily for pain because they have never experienced a truly painful injury.

I don't know. Most people are weak I guess. Is that edgy say?


[ https://journals.physiology.org/doi/full/10.1152/jn.1999.82.4.1934 ]

>"Functional imaging studies of human subjects have identified a diverse assortment of brain areas that are engaged in the processing of pain."

>"[M]any of these brain areas are highly interconnected and are engaged in multiple processing roles".

>"Multiple regression analysis revealed statistically reliable relationships between perceived pain intensity and activation of a functionally diverse group of brain regions, including those important in sensation, motor control, affect, and attention. Pain intensity–related activation occurred bilaterally in the cerebellum, putamen, thalamus, insula, anterior cingulate cortex, and secondary somatosensory cortex, contralaterally in the primary somatosensory cortex and supplementary motor area, and ipsilaterally in the ventral premotor area. These results confirm the existence of a highly distributed, bilateral supraspinal mechanism engaged in the processing of pain intensity. The conservation of pain intensity information across multiple, functionally distinct brain areas contrasts sharply with traditional views that sensory-discriminative processing of pain is confined within the somatosensory cortex and can account for the preservation of conscious awareness of pain intensity after extensive cerebral cortical lesions."

>"Multiple, converging lines of evidence indicate that brain regions outside of the traditional 'lateral pain system' may also be engaged in the processing of this sensory-discriminative aspect of pain."

>"Multiple regression analysis reveals that activation within a diverse array of brain areas is significantly related to subjects’ perceptions of pain intensity".

Note the pictures, especially!

tl ; dr - everybody feels pain differently with gigantic differences existing due to the specific chemical reactions in their brains being different


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I feel this study isn't concrete; rather relying on subjective and inconclusive information

So I don't take it seriously. I mean the report itself basically says it

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