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Starting in the morning I'm back on the wagon. It's been a horrible week, and drinking doesn't help much. It just makes me feel sick, dwell on feelings in a negative (and not healthy for the moment) way, and I'm sick of it already again.

Any improvements you guys have been making in your lives?


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>Any improvements you guys have been making in your lives?


I've an official tour of an apartment complex set up that will happen in a few days, and it seems close to certain that I'll be trying to move there (which will indeed happen).

Granted, of course, this is a move that was supposed to have happened months and months ago during a period of positive vibes. Instead of going on now during the middle of a dark cloud of nightmarish drama and depression (plus there are countless other negative things that've been happening this year so far for my family and I). Eh. I'm somehow still alive. And will be likely improving my life situation by a significant degree.

Also, given very recent Federal Reserve actions, being able to afford basic housing without murdering somebody with your bare hands first should be a more achievable dream in this country. I've my fingers crossed that our agonizingly terrible national housing crisis shifts over to be gradually getting better instead of gradually getting worse. I'm suicidally idealistic and optimistic in a hopeful way.


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Pfff. You go girl
Well, you're alive now.  That's what matters. I hope you can get some housing.

Try not to let depression get to you. Or else you might end up like me; an unlovable drug addict on top of your situation


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What about trying to make the other end appealing, though?

{I think this counts as not technically NSFW... so I can post it...}


"Big dumpy"

Read nigga' read! -- boondocks


That's true enough.


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Heh, sorry if I sounded rude. I actually hate reading


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Don't look at me like that.


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I've cut out deep-fried foods from my diet.  (But I make an exception for foods that I know are deep-fried in a low-PUFA fat such as tallow.)


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I wish I was rich enough to be an alcoholic


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I warned you


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It costs a lot of money, I'll tell you that.


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A man can dream.


Not really.

Doesn't help that literally every bit of work I had set up for myself in the fall fell through all at once because as usual I am useless to everybody.

Back to being a turboloser instead of just a superloser, I guess


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Hmm.. how old are you? (Roughly)



Been entirely useless my whole adult life, according to the peopl who get to decide if we deserve to live decently, so yaaay


That's old enough to be president!


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I don't normally post anthro, but when I do...


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I've done a lot of laundry lately. That's something. Yeah.


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"Man. Fuck them kids." You know your own worth and should let people dictate what you do. You can always grow as a person in whatever ways you can; as little as they can be.

It's not the greatest path to go, but for example: you could try for the military. The Navy takes people up to 41 or so, and the Army takes up to 35.

But, I know stuff like that is much easier said than done. Toxic positivity is a thing, but calling yourself useless and closing yourself off to positivity can be just as toxic.  


Hey, well, for what it's worth, I've been seeing positive news about Danes lately in my social media.

Danes fighting for international charity efforts such as those working to restore water service, power service, and heat service to suffering people in Ukraine.

I think of you and feel glad that even a smaller group of people in a smaller country can be emotionally so positive.

Example is at= https://euromaidanpress.com/2024/09/24/denmark-to-provide-over-19-million-to-ukraine-for-energy-recovery/


Please, we all know no one takes you seriously as a candidate if you don't practically have one foot in the grave already.

I aint american, my guy. Also definitely in no way remotely army material (or have any desire for it).

Eh. Spending a good ten years being either used for free, outright ignored or having literally every single thing I DO manage to get started implode on itself doesn't exactly make you all that hopeful.

That sounds about right and is very nice. Doesn't realy change my personal situation much.


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I spent some time in the Navy. In hind sight it was a pretty hilarious time.

Anyway, it was just a suggestion. What country are you from that doesn't have a military?

>Eh. Spending a good ten years being either used for free, outright ignored or having literally every single thing I DO manage to get started implode on itself doesn't exactly make you all that hopeful.

Believe it or not, I actually can understand the feeling. I won't go into too much detail, (I don't want to talk your ear off) but let's just say there was a time in my life that was quite dark. I'm quite lucky to be alive.

I don't have much advice, just my own thoughts about hopelessness, misery, madness, and pain.

Life is sink or swim at all points in our lives to some degree. And there are sharks in the water. Sharks that will eat you alive if you let them. It isn't fair, but life can always change for better or far, far worse. It's okay to feel sad. It's okay to even wallow in it for a little and call yourself a loser and vent about how terrible your life is; but just like with drinking, you can drown in that self-depreciation. The way I got out of that slump (which took a long time to do. There are still moments and episodes in which I fall into deep depressions), was to apply introspection and to ask myself just what it was I wanted out of life and what to do.

My answer was to be a better person, and to have honor.


"Come now. Choose life or death."

What makes you think you're a turboloser? That sounds a little harsh.


From what I've read of Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen, she started out her life as a social activist for marine animals, especially whales. And other things that had her kind of socially adrift. And now she's in charge of the whole country. Just saying.


We have military, I just don't wanna be in it and would be an ill fit anyway. But to answer your question, Denmark.

I am already on sertraline to manage my emotions and make my dips a little less pronounced. It's just that I had literally like, three things I had lined up for the fall that all fell apart at the same time, on top of having spent ten years since I left school with no actual employment - neither anything remotely related to anything I actually know how to do and enjoy (living in a location that has none of it and no money to move doesn't help), nor regular-ass bread-and-butter work that just straight up ignores me even when I attempt to apply, so while we have an overall quite good social security, I can't really afford to better things for myself or have much of a future ahead of me.

Add that I never have any success with creative endeavors, suffer from lack of motivation and just clearly generally aren't talented enough to make it in any alternative ways, and I am simultaneously too much of a shithead to be a cog in the machine and not good enough to not be one.

So yeah. Those are the thoughts always swirling around my head and making me out to be a goddamn loser.

I suppose.


I guess from my perspective as somebody's who's Finnish-American, looking to Denmark, I'm counting on Danes to keep their alliance with both the Americans and the Finns strong by protecting Eastern Europe from the forces of hatred and authoritarianism.

While there's not much that an average person on the street can do, I guess like anything that you try as an engaged citizen even in the slightest, even if it's literally just donating spare change to a charity or whatever, still helps. Each journey is made up of many individual steps. As they say.

We'll see what happens with this: https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/danish-defence-minister-warns-russia-could-attack-nato-3-5-years-media-2024-02-09/

And these people likely do good work: https://www.aidukraine.dk/about/

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