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10 minutes from now my new video will drop! and I invite you all to come and join the fun!

and even afterwards, i'll gladly take any and all watchers who want to chat <3


Holy crap i nearly forgot to remember!

happy 21st Night of September!


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oooh, i liked that a lot, navi!! i can tell you spent a lot of time on it!

a lil more spooky than i'm used to, but i dig it!!


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thank you <3

and there is a darkness within me that is barely being held back :D

i hope you are doin well ^_^


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yeah!! exploring aspects of yourself through art is what it's all about!!

i'm doing pretty well! i'm about to eat some poutine, so things are looking up!!


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it can be terrifying, but also quite liberating...

i knew you were canadian, but then you just turbo maxxed that!

i want poutine... i never had authentic poutine before


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mhm!! i'm excited to see where the story leads!!

oh yeah, there, eh! going to wash it down with a caesar, eh! no doubt about it!

oh, i bet you would love it! so long as you like cheese curds, french fries and gravy!!


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hopefully it doesn't take another 8 months to make the next episode ><

it's like they're speaking words or something!

what's a ceasar? is that a canadian specific soda?

>cheese curds
>french fries


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a caesar is like a bloody mary cocktail EXCEPT it has clamato juice instead of tomato juice! (it's better than it sounds!)

you pass the poutine test!! you gotta find some now!


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>bloody mary
>with clamato juice
i'll take your word for it, and if offered would try it. but let it be known that on the surface, that sounds horrendous

well great!

where do i find the poutine?


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>The following video has violent imagery and disturbing scenes

Walp, I'm out.


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that's fine

i put the disclaimer there specifically to let people know so they could make the decision best for them

so i'm glad you are being mindful of what you want and can watch


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Great video. I bet there's somet deeper meaning to it which I'm missing.


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perhaps, but it wouldn't be fun if i told you straight up

plus, who's to say you got the whole picture?

thanks for the view <3


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1.1k views in 12 hours makes me feel happy! i was so worried it would kinda just land flat, but it apparently resonated with some folk :3


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selfish self bump because reasons!


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Bump away baby cakes.

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