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File: 1726523312547.png (376.65 KB, 1672x2400, 209:300, cookie rudie leens2.1.png) ImgOps Google

ya'll ever grafitti?


File: 1726524833491.jpg (802.04 KB, 750x1845, 50:123, my little graffiti.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google


Nuh-uh. I am not cool and street enough


File: 1726525739717.png (428.15 KB, 1575x990, 35:22, alakazam bubble.png) ImgOps Google

that's as real as it gets
never magic marker'd a bathroom stall? never 'kilroy'd was here' at least once??


Not that I remember, no.

I looked at some art at a street art exhibit in Copenhagen recently, does that count?


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File: 1726529966426.png (2.33 MB, 2138x2114, 1069:1057, plumeleg4s.png) ImgOps Google

ah, a shame! never too late to start!
remember, it's morally okay to paint over/graffiti over advertisements! if we didn't have a choice whether we see it or not it becomes ours to do with whatever we like!
ayy rudie


My brother is a professional graffiti artist!


File: 1726538200931.png (65.94 KB, 1221x1221, 1:1, Recycle.png) ImgOps Google

I can't remember ever doing that.

If I did so, I might want to use the thing that I'd like to have as a tattoo at some point: the recycling symbol.


File: 1726539271399.png (118.15 KB, 686x699, 686:699, trans pory.png) ImgOps Google

whoa, no way! that's awesome! professionals rule! what kinda graf does he do?
it's a really catchy symbol! good choice


Yeah, I want an environmentalist burial when I die as well... so literally I'll wind up "recycled" myself by being placed directly into the Earth... just like the tattoo would command... and it sure does look so great!


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I want to see how this love grows, baby

But I don't know because I got one post, baby

God I am in love with Kady


File: 1726557988238.png (112.28 KB, 1222x1526, 611:763, EG at the beach 1.1.png) ImgOps Google

that sounds nice! what is involved in a environmentalist burial? does it involve birds?
whoms't kady?


File: 1726596393683.jpg (20.39 KB, 295x369, 295:369, 1725755952288.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

I forgot I posted that. I broke my month and a half long sobriety because my stitches were hurting. (I got a laceration on my eyebrow)

Kady is my girlfriend. She posts here sometimes.


File: 1726597222352.png (25.55 KB, 250x199, 250:199, ???D_?1?-Bunta-27b.png) ImgOps Google

Oh, now that I'm good: to answer your question, yes. I used to tag shit with sharpies all of the time. I took pride in my pictures because I actually know how to draw.


File: 1726599468468.png (788.54 KB, 2619x1944, 97:72, mew graf.png) ImgOps Google

goodness knows it's a struggle to stay on the cart sometimes... good on you for making it to a month and a half, though. keep it up!

and aww! that's adorable! i hope i get to see her say hi sometime!
could i see some of your drawings?? maybe a quick tag??


File: 1726600312884.png (359.17 KB, 528x529, 528:529, 1725255402123.png) ImgOps Google

I don't have any at the moment. I might doodle that gelatin dragon you post as while I'm at work today.

Truth be told I need some inspiration. (I want to draw her something. I was thinking about drawing her another neco arc or a picture of hat kid)


File: 1726600973731.png (155.35 KB, 1200x595, 240:119, sleepy blob.png) ImgOps Google

oh that would be so awesome! maybe we can do a doodle exchange? if you draw my lil gelatin critter i'll draw something for you back! any ideas?

inspiration is sometimes the toughest bit... neco arc is always good! and hat kid from a hat in time? that would rule


File: 1726601887214.png (195.41 KB, 376x400, 47:50, and then there's that ahol….png) ImgOps Google

I tried it once and I can't work with paints at all!

I do like the idea of exchanging art subjects, just to watch different artists show off their own style.


File: 1726602173605.png (12.25 KB, 100x100, 1:1, avvy2.png) ImgOps Google

would you like to do a lil doodle art exchange? it's fun! and styles/technique/comfort levels don't even need to be involved! i'd love to draw you a lil something something for an exchange!


I am not cool enough for that!


File: 1726602478802.png (91.85 KB, 274x338, 137:169, Im listening.png) ImgOps Google

I can always try, but it will be for tomorrow. If I find time.
I do have your smoochy doodle.


File: 1726602649083.png (26.45 KB, 200x200, 1:1, the crew2222.png) ImgOps Google

but you *could* be!

would you be interested in a no pressure lil doodle exchange??
oh yeah, no rush! just a fun lil thing to get some inspiration/fun doodles!


>Being cool
Pick one

Quite possibru. I haven't gotten my ass kicked at art in a while.


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it can happen! cool is as cool does

only if you're keen! i know how awful a feeling it can be to feel obliged to create something! totes no pressure!


I am afraid I am completely incapable of cool

Well what did you have in mind more specifically?


File: 1726603467268.png (23.45 KB, 560x594, 280:297, tomatams.png) ImgOps Google

this nonchalant attitude of coolness denial is pretty... cool... of you.. hm...

the exchange: if you draw a doodle of that orange critter i post a lot of (or a mew!) i'll draw a doodle of whatever your request for!


Nuh-uh, I am a huge colossal dorknerdgeekus.

I dun even know what to ask for!


File: 1726604810245.png (157.24 KB, 856x800, 107:100, disco dragonair.png) ImgOps Google

favourite pokemon is always a good one! or maybe two pokemon to fuse?


Oh, hey, "green burials" are an interesting international thing that's associated with environmentalist feelings and can involve being buried all covered in leaves by trees as well as a ton more! There's a lot that can go on!

See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burial#Natural_burial


>Pokemon fusions
Now there's something I should do for an art video one of these days. Though I got plenty of plans to last me through October for now.


File: 1726605441947.png (517.68 KB, 683x800, 683:800, magnezard.png) ImgOps Google

oh pokefusions are great! i went through a failry long phase of using a pokemon fusion site for drawing practice!
oooh, neat!


I had a lot of fun playing Infintite Fusions.

And also got to see that just about eveyrone is far more clever and creative than me cause God there are some brilliant ones.


File: 1726606525181.jpg (20.39 KB, 295x369, 295:369, 1725755952288.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Alright. I'll doodle up that dragon in between customers. I just need to find some paper.

What is that dragon from anyway?


File: 1726606748494.png (291.84 KB, 1129x1200, 1129:1200, earthday jiggs final.png) ImgOps Google

i gotta check this out!

we~ell... she's not so much a dragon as see is a jelly zafara neopet! but i really, really like your interpretation of her being a dragon!

id there anything i can doodle for you?


>World Jigglypuff
Mah gawd


Too many customers


File: 1726612076017.jpg (118.28 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault (1).jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Why is my store so busy!


File: 1726614579267.png (152.21 KB, 800x753, 800:753, earthday chansey800px.png) ImgOps Google

earth day specials!
the tuesday blues...


They are quite cool.

Earth Gastly pls


File: 1726628189666.png (544.31 KB, 1200x1500, 4:5, 1726260649811.png) ImgOps Google

I'm sorry, I'll do the doodle some other time. I'm exhausted from today


File: 1726630796719.png (238.81 KB, 1200x1008, 25:21, blushie2.png) ImgOps Google

oh no need to apologize at all nonny! do it whenever ya feel like c:

what can i do for you?


File: 1726639725265.png (1.13 MB, 2520x1080, 7:3, PseudoFox_reference_sheet_….png) ImgOps Google

Oh! Please draw me too!


File: 1726695120549.png (426.46 KB, 455x497, 65:71, hold the thought.PNG) ImgOps Google

I'll be honest, for some time I thought she was supposed to represent Goodra.

Which could still make for a good subject.


I literally didn't realize that we were the same shade of orange across ourselves until this exact moment... and now my mind has been blown...


File: 1726704129442.png (1.05 MB, 1056x1400, 132:175, goodraleena.png) ImgOps Google

oh ho! i could, but it'd have to be an exchange! would you draw something in return??
wh-what!! a goodra?? why, they, uh... they look nothing alike... ahem...
oh hey, yeah, you're right! if your grey was more yellow we would almost be like siblings!


I suppose we look like cousins right now!

What do you think exactly I should be drawing?


File: 1726782028199.png (1 MB, 3199x3656, 7:8, jelly donut.png) ImgOps Google

Here's the first part, but I think I'll try tomorrow for part 2.
If I can get that right that is.


File: 1726784633775.png (1.06 MB, 1163x1201, 1163:1201, world gastly.png) ImgOps Google

you got it!
oh! well, whatever you feel like! but if you'd like a picture drawn for you, you gotta offer something back! though it can be anything, i got a real soft spot for mews, my jelly critter, or jigglypuffs! :3
ahhh, pinkie you did awesome!! i absolutely love it!! the shading of her eyes is great and you did well on the jelly shading! it can be such a tricky bit... thank you so much!!

is there anything in particular i can draw for you??


File: 1726787177688.png (195.57 KB, 452x431, 452:431, heheheyeah.png) ImgOps Google

I'm sort of happy to have tried it to see what would become of it.

> it can be such a tricky bit
I would guess there's actually an entire optical logic behind it with lighting and shade, but that's really above my level.

In retrospect, I was too apprehensive to use transparancy in the colouring, that could have been neat.

> is there anything in particular i can draw for you??
I was super happy about the Pinkie that you made in the smooch thread.
But maybe I can come up with something tomorrow.


File: 1726787856541.png (24.95 KB, 728x602, 52:43, darigan leens.png) ImgOps Google

trying something to see what becomes of it is a very important step for growth! everything else is gravy!

>optical logic behind it
yeah, i think there is too! though it's kinda hard to find references for it as giant animal shapes made out of gelatin in hard to find... though that may make it overall easier to make renditions of it as our eyes may not be trained to recognize what looks 'wrong'!

please let me know if you think of something! i could totally try another Pinkie! maybe one in a pose you wish you had as a reaciton image? to be honest, drawing my own reaction images back on ponychan is kinda how i got a lot of practice in for digital drawing back in the day!


File: 1726789040451.png (163.47 KB, 319x225, 319:225, pinkie G3 that's not my to….png) ImgOps Google

>  to be honest, drawing my own reaction images back on ponychan is kinda how i got a lot of practice in for digital drawing back in the day!
I have to wonder, how long have you been on Ponychan before?

There's an aspect of it that has always kept me thrilled when it comes to public domain pony OCS.


File: 1726797342159.png (210.52 KB, 776x770, 388:385, IgcQ4OL.png) ImgOps Google

ih gosh, i don't remember when i first started posting there... but it must have been pretty early in it's life! i also stuck around for a while. didn't start doodling until the end though!

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