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Good news: My blood weaves a tapestry into a temple and I can see through the windows.

Bad news:  I've been too distracted to eat today.


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ITT: tell us you're neurodivergent with out telling us you're neurodivergent


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I know precisely where that picture was taken.


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Harvest the scripture.  Consume.


That's kind of impressive, actually.


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See that's a Piper PA-28-161 Cherokee Warrior II and Is above Lock Haven Pennsylvania looking north towards Renovo PA, you can see the west branch of the Susquehanna river quite clearly. The Cherokee and it's many derivatives began production in Lock Haven in 1960, production moved to Vero Beach Florida in 1984 where it continues today. The Piper Cherokee is the most produced aircraft in history.


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Makes sense enough to me, though I never would've guessed.


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do we need to stand on plane wings to prove that, cause i don't think insurance will cover it


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Naw, but we can do things like this >>1176055
to prove we have hyper-fixations


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Is all of Ponyville, except for me on Ketamine, or what?


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Naw, this is just how I am


No  am just as lame and boring a loser with as little to actually say as I always am


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ooh nice!


>Bad news:  I've been too distracted to eat today.

See, FICSIT are gonna have your ass, there's messages every 2h telling you to take a break and you clearly didn't listen. There is a contract and everything!


Incidentally, is it me or is humanity straight-up dead and gone in Satisfactory? That's the impression I'm getting after getting to the mid-game (and collecting enough spheres to finish all their research and also have a few dimensional depots). ADA is fucking with the pioneer in the manner that makes me believe that, and otherwise she's using them as a tool to execute her pre-programmed directive to extract the planetary resources. The pioneer themselves might not even be an example of the wider "humanity" but some sort of a memory-wiped clone created for the purpose.

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