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>People still making MLP videos

It would seem in the midst of it's over we found a shimmer of we are so back


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Problem is, it was good. What we have now, not so much.

(BTW is the MLP:CCG still a thing?)


When it comes to MLP original content, agrol/lorga is pretty amazing still.



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I have it and several expansions


They were never sold where I lived, but interested how well it took off. Curious if Enterplay are still producing them.


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I guess I should have said no pun intended


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There were 10 major sets, the last one about five years ago.


Pity, I figured they'd juice it for all they could and maybe re-adapt it for Make Your Mark.

Then again, I was surprised to discover yesterday there was a Teen Titans CCG. Didn't know of it.



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We already have AI programs that can effectively be boyfriends and girlfriends for people by pretending to be their ideal MLP spouse via text communications.

And AI generated videos are already a thing, beyond just making single images.

VR scenes created by people are a popular thing currently.

So... how long until we have AI created horse wives that we spend time with, both in an auditory and visual sense? I mean... it's happening? Right?

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