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Is anyone awake right now?


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I've not been awake in years.


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They say a kiss from someone you reallly like can wake up anyone from a deep slumber.


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This is my active time usually, but I'm sick and might rest soon


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I think a kiss from a complete stranger would also wake someone up.


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Perhaps "awake" is not the proper term


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Not me


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I need some more reaction images on this phone. Is it too late to turn this into a reaction thread?

Ya know at this point in my life, that might not even work
I hope to be back on this schedule soon. I hope you rest well
Bahaha true


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Well I'm out of ideas. heres a reaction.


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I gift you a gif


Sleep tight


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I like it, here have a anoda.


That is very cheetah like and I love it!! <3


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Ok ya pulled my oninons but last one befor pass out.


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I wish I had some Salvia Divinorum.


*urban rescue ranch voice*

Oh my goodness!!

That's so freaking cute!! >.<


There's therapists/psychologist near where I live who can do mushroom and ketamine sessions,  and I've really been considering it. Ya gotta put in the work with the therapist but I think it's worth it, given the research.


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That's cool. I've done mushrooms a few times in my life. One of the strongest trips I've ever had was from just eating a handful of them.

Either that or DMT. DMT was powerful.


You know I am. Just killing time till an X-ray


I've still never done mushrooms. Honestly been pretty tame all things considered.

Weed/booze, and on ketamine session (for therapeutic reasons) has been about it for me. I've obviously had to Tae medicine like strong painkillers for surgery, but honestly hated how tha made me feel.

I think I would like to try mushrooms with a good therapist though, who I have a good comfort level with.I think it would help a lot.

How was the experience for you though?
Killing time~ He's just killing time~


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I'm awake, and high af


Well I'm drunk as fuck, so weeee!!


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I've never tried Ketamine, but I'd be more than willing to give it a go.

Mushrooms have always been a more 'natural' and 'feyish' experience. Like the Hedge is creeping over from the otherside. It's actually a stereotype that you're gonna gnomes and shit; for the most part that's a myth. You're going to see patterns and different visual effects, but nothing like a unicorn is gonna pop out at you.

However on some of my strongest mushroom trips, I absolutely saw and heard shit that felt like entities. I remember seeing 'elves'. Almost like grey-aliens with big black eyes and different colored skins (Some were green. Some were purple. Some were deep red. Some were blue.) and they were whispering things I couldn't quite understand. I couldn't quite see their entire bodies because they were hiding in dark places. I think I referred to them as fairies while I was high. I remember everything felt like it was a part of something greater, and every time someone said something to me I would occasionally ask "Wait.. But what do you mean though?" As if it were something abstract and symbolic to some spiritual meaning. I also once saw a floating spinning flesh cube with eyes on each face.

DMT is more like you are fucking outright teleported to an alternate universe after you take like three hits. The first hit made patterns appear as 'skins' over everything around me. They were moving through the air, coating everything, shimmering and shifting about. Tiny triangles similar to mushrooms, in addition to thick ropes of string made of lights highlighting everything around me. I remember my dresser turned into an Aztec looking totem pole snake-dragon thing.

After I took that third hit, I was gone. Completely gone. I remember meeting the checkered diamond patterned Cosmic Jesters that danced and twisted their way towards me. They kept telling me how happy they were to see me and that they've been waiting for me. It was strange.

Salvia has a similar effect, but in a completely different way. I feel like I'm vibrating through dimensions and transforming into something else on it. Whereas DMT feels natural, Salvia feels completely unnatural.


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I think I too shall indulge in the weed.


I'm too drunk to have a proper philosophical discussion,  but nonetheless tha is super interesting to me. I wonder what parts of the brain it effects and why people see/experience the things they do.
I want to tickle it's feet.
I was going to get an edible,  but I was so tired after work I just came home. Poured a few shots with my soda in the fridge.


Well if time didnt wanna gert killed it should not piss me off!!


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I forget what parts of the brain mushrooms affect, but I know that DMT is produced in the pineal gland of humans and pretty much every single organism on the planet produces it. Even plants produce it.

DMT is released during Rapid Eye Movement while you're asleep. It's responsible for creating dreams. The mystery is "Why?"

>A few shots
I've been staying away from alcohol. I've been sober for the first time in like 12 years and it's been a month. I'm a pretty huge alcoholic.


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Well ya know what Esh, maybe you shouldn't just kill things willy nilly!
Huh, that's really interesting.  And ya, the "why" question has always puzzled me.

As far as booze go, don't blame you at all. It's...really not a good habit. My whole family was heavy alcoholics. I'm honestly starting to regret pouring anything.

I think tomorrow I'll deep clean my place and start over fresh.
Whaaat?? It's cute! Lol


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My name disappeared ;_;


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>I'm honestly starting to regret pouring anything.
It's all good. Some people can handle it. It turns me into a miserable asshole. I have too much savage blood running through my veins. I might drink again if I start a karoke thread again, but I don't plan on going back the way I came.
>I think tomorrow I'll deep clean my place and start over fresh.
That sounds like a plan. Enjoy yourself for now and wake up new tomorrow.


It's no longer cute D;
Fair point. Still,  this is kind of a backslip for me. I usually save drinking for with friends, but I was really down tonight. Which is the worst kind of drinking and I don't want to be making a habit of it.

But yea, starting fresh tomorrow is the plan. My plants are probably begging for some water lol


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Oh yeah, I still have this one saved


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What have you been up to in the last few weeks, actually?


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Heartache. You?


Sorry, nevermind.

I've gone through summer right now, nothing too special.


You're fine man.

How was summer? I feel like I only got to go the beach like twice this year

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