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Immediately after posting this, i'll be leaving to go see Powerwolf and Unleash the Archers in concert! i'm so excited!

Which makes me wonder what kind of concerts and venues you've been to!  but because it's me, i gotta make a game out of it!

So let's do some chatroulette!

rules are simple!
Roll a 1d10, and do or answer the prompt given to you!

(to roll a 1d10, type <1d10> but replace <> with [] )

so lets begin!

1. Show me your favorite band shirt/accessory! if you don't have one, then show me something you'd really want!

2. What's a band you want to see in concert/ favorite band the most!

3. Share some music with me!

4. What was the first concert you've ever been to? if you never have been to one, the tell me what one you would want to see/are going to see?


6. What roll do you have in the mosh pit? Why?

7. If you were to be in a band, what role would you be? what instrument if any would you play?

8. What was your favorite concert you've ever been to? if you haven't been to any, then what's your favorite album? (you're free to answer both!)

9. Favorite music video!

10. Have you ever met any big name musicians? if not, did you ever have any close encounters? if not, who would you want to meet?

If you decide to answer all the questions, then you are required to write the chorus to your new smash hit!

now lets begin! and i'll catch you all later!


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Not for me personally, but my ex left her daughter here for a bit, to go to a rock concert right now. So probably relevant.

d10 = 7


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Boring question
I am horribleat every musical thing ever.

d10 = 6


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Alright bet.

1d10 = 6
1d10 = 5


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Staying the fudge away from it.
d10 = 6


d10 = 2


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I have no idea how to answer either of those. Uh...

Crowd surfing!!! I guess.

>6. What roll do you have in the mosh pit? Why?
This one. She's cute and girly and has twintails.


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I'm just gonna answer down the line.

1. I dont have a favorite band. I used to have a SCREAM BLOODY GORE patch that I really liked. I don't know where that jacket went.
2. I used to enjoy going to concerts, but I don't really see the appeal anymore. If this were a few years back, Daft Punk would have been cool to go get drunk and stoned at.
3. I don't think anyone here really likes my taste in music, but based on the sounds of the OP, they like metal.. so here's some metal


4. Iron Maiden back in 2008.

5. I've done it a few times.

6. I usually just run around in there until I need a little break. Then I pit guard. No particular reason.

7. I don't know. I've been told my singing voice is alright, but I get stage fright pretty easily when it comes to my voice.

8. Gwar threw on a pretty good show.

9. Don't have one.

10. I met Oderus Urungus (Dave Brockie), the guys from Slayer, 45 grave, and hung outside of the Bone Thugs tour bus before.


1d10 = 9



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1d10 = 3

here we go!!!


oh ho!! sharing some music, eh??

here is fre3zer's 'colder than the rest'! it's the tune that lifted coolpunk into the stratosphere!


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1d10 = 3


>3. Share some music with me!

1d10 = 6


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>6. What roll do you have in the mosh pit? Why?

Distant observer

I'm fragile little pussy bitch

1d10 = 10


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>10. Have you ever met any big name musicians? if not, did you ever have any close encounters? if not, who would you want to meet?

20 years ago, I briefly met Weird Al after a concert to get his autograph on a copy of Poodle Hat

1d10 = 1


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>1. Show me your favorite band shirt/accessory! if you don't have one, then show me something you'd really want!

I don't own any band merchandise actually.

I'm more interested spending on just collecting albums anyway.


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Powerwolf was absolutely fantastic! and Unleash the Archers were also amazing <3

it was an amazing show and i am sore and beaten up all over ><

1d10 = 5

i did manage to keep my spending under budget, even after i got my "Metal Is Religion" hoody!

ooh! what concert did she go to?

not even the electric triangle?

that's a valid one! the pit is not to be trifled lightly, although it is amazing!

this is very chill! i definitely can see that being played around these parts

the M Night Shamalan the Village style video is a unique twist!

this makes me think of christmas in a cyberpunk style city ^_^

this gives me some real strong Jack Stauber vibes and i love it!

i would protect you, m'lady!

that's so awesome!!! I saw him at the Pueblo State Fair around that time, so he must have been touring with Poodle Hat

incredible show, but i apparently was very obnoxious to the people sitting in front of me at the time ><

that's fair

as a metal head though, i'm required to have a whole repetoir of metal themed shirts and spiked arm bands at any given time!


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1d10 = 7


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the guitar for sure!

i'd wank the shit out of it, and arpeggiate the hell out of them solos!


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I am happy you had a nice time.

O'Death has very good vibes.

1d10 = 8


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>this gives me some real strong Jack Stauber vibes and i love it

Sparks has been around since the early 70s as a glam rock band taking a lot of influence from musical theater, so I wouldn't be surprised if they were an influence on Jack Stauber and amongst a lot of other comedy rock artist (Weird Al has confirmed he's a fan of Sparks).

Sparks are still around despite their obscurity, thanks to their fanbase of other popular musicians and big celebrities. Definitely a cult band.

>i would protect you, m'lady!

There's too many pf them! You'll never survive.

>that's so awesome!!! I saw him at the Pueblo State Fair around that time, so he must have been touring with Poodle Hat

It was actually the second time I saw him in concert, but the first time I talked to him (though only for a few seconds), the first concert I saw him at was when I was like, 10 years old, when he was touring for Off The Deep End.

>as a metal head though, i'm required to have a whole repetoir of metal themed shirts and spiked arm bands at any given time!

I'm too fickle to commit to expressing membership in any genre fandom. Plus, I really fucking hated that middle school to high school tendency to judge everything about a person based on their taste in music so I reflexively shied away from expressing my taste in any music whatsoever. At my age it wouldn't matter at all anymore, but it's still a deeply ingrained reflexive inhibition, so I've never really thought about expressing taste in any particular artist or genre. That, and for similar reasons, it feels like limiting what I am allowing myself to enjoy, which I also know is certainly not true, but it's still a habitual way of thinking.


Here's an Electro-disco track by Sparks about sex ... from the point of view of sperm


Also got to share this one, some of their most clever lyrics

Here, there are lots of things to do
And a panoramic view
Of the universe completely surrounding you
And here, you cannot buy souvenirs
We're never going back, never, never
Basically, I guess it could be worse
Yes, I do suppose it could be worse

Here, there are many, many sheep
And the people only sleep
And awake to tell how gory and gruesome was their end
And I don't have many friends
And it's really very clean and I'm thinking
Juliet, you broke our little pact
Juliet, I'm never coming back

Up here in heaven without you
I'm here in heaven without you
Up here in heaven without you
It is hell knowing that your health will keep you out of here
For many, many years

Dear, do you often think of me
As you overlook the sea
Do I qualify as dearly departed or am I
That sucker in the sky
The fall guy for the first and the last time
Juliet, I thought we had agreed
Now I know why you let me take the lead

Up here in heaven without you
I'm here in heaven without you
Up here in heaven without you
It is hell knowing that your health will keep you out of here
For many, many years

Second thoughts, is that what you had?
Second thoughts, first I broke my back
Second thoughts, as I hit the sea
Second thoughts, for eternity, for eternity, for eternity

Up here in heaven without you
I'm here in heaven without you
Up here in heaven without you
It is hell knowing that your health will keep you out of here
For many, many years
Up here in heaven without you
I'm here in heaven without you
Up here in heaven without you
It is hell being here without you, dear
Up here in heaven without you
I'm here in heaven without you


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very classy! although i expected nothing less from you ^_^

never heard of St Motel, but i feel like i'm about to watch a modern take on a noir film

well if Weird Al likes sparks, then i will have to give them a shot!

and you were right about the musical theater part! has strong marching band vibes for sure!

and i will fend them off, or die trying! (or get a snack)

that's so cool! glad we both had such an awesome early experience with Weird Al <3

and i get that. i kinda fell in love with metal, not only cause i actually enjoyed it, but because nobody else i knew was into it, so it felt like something of my own that nobody else can take from me. I know nowadays that is silly, and i actually am happy when i find people that like the same band as me, but gatekeeping is such a stupid little thing :PP

through the tunnels of love!



>and you were right about the musical theater part! has strong marching band vibes for sure!

Sparks went through a few different periods playing around with different genres. Their earliest stuff was kind of experimental pop, then they did a trilogy of that musical theater glam rock stuff, and then moved on to synth-pop in the 80s, gouse dance pop in the 90s and then went back to expiremental pop in the 2000s and have stayed there ever since. They're generally quite eclectic these days, with their most recent album being released in 2023.

>well if Weird Al likes sparks, then i will have to give them a shot!

They've got a huge discography at nearly 30 albums over 50 years. But before diving into them, watch this documentary about them:



1d10 = 2


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I  guess hopsin
Dance Gavin Dance
and kurt come to mind


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1d10 = 3


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d10 = 10


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Back when I was in college and MSN was all the rage, I off handedly spoke to some lady who attended music academy and I got a few of her personal songs at one time.

She ended becoming pretty huge in the national music scene.

It's pretty neat to think back to those song and a shame I lost them.

We were never really that close though, just acquainted fellow people on a social forum.



>3. Share some music with me!

The last thing that I listened to was this:


From the 'Queen of Reggae'! <3


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1d10 = 7

damn! that's awesome that they are still making music to this day! i love seeing bands that continue to produce, even after many many years!

and i'll save that documentary for later!

Not familiar with either of them! but i'm always open to new music ^_^

hey! that's so cool that you met somebody before they got famous! there is a sense of "i knew them" that not many can claim!

the closest i got to that is an acquaitance i had in school that sorta became famous(?) after an episode of Kitchen Nightmares showed where he was the chef in the episode. It was not the best look for him however >.>

ooh i LOVE island and reggae music <3

makes me feel like i'm at the beach, in the warm sun, and all my worries melt away in pure bliss <3


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already answered this!

1d10 = 7


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i said i already fucking answered this!!!

1d10 = 5


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well as long as you don't drop me, then i'm good

1d10 = 8


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ooh i think i would have to choose the Amon Amarth and Ghost concert i went to last year

Ghost is my current favorite band, and i NEEDED to see them, so when i heard that they were selling tickets on the radio, i literally pulled over to do it on my phone

but then when i looked it up and saw Amon Amarth was part of it as well. i was FLOORED, cause they were one of my all time favorite bands, all the way back in highschool! i even had an old amon amarth shirt that i had from back in the day!

so i went to the concert in 2 shirts, and just had a blast! they both were absolutely fucking fantastic! "Putting my back into the ore" was one of the most memorable things i've done with a whole audience of literally a thousand people.

and of course, Tobias and the band were just simply stunning! I sang along with every song, i was so enamoured with their performances, and he's just a fantastic showman! he owns the crowd every time he talks

my only gripe was that i was pretty far away from the stage. I could only afford the lawn ticket, which was a little bit far from the front. Next time, i'll splurge a bit and get much closer to him next time <3


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1d10 = 6


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> ooh! what concert did she go to?
My ex parents in law run a small rock festival in their back yard.
They apparently pulled a known musical artist from abroad this year.

As daughters of the organisers / property owners, she is also known by a few others over there.

Kitchen Nightmares... I hope he's a neat dude?

anyways, checking if I can get that music video one.
d10 = 5


>damn! that's awesome that they are still making music to this day! i love seeing bands that continue to produce, even after many many years!

<Most recent single


d10 = 6


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Cinnamon, which I am very carefully removing from the mosh pit.

Or did you mean "role"?

d10 = 1


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Uh... do Splatoon bands count? lol

I'm lookin' to buy the new amiibos~


d10 = 8 forgor


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8. My favorites were actually the ones I performed in with my university choir. It was a ton of fun~

I've been to a few other concerts, mostly classical though.

I'd love to go to a Jacob Collier concert at some point.


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1d10 = 6


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the... mosh pit? snacks, maybe?


It's a 'pit' where people run around during the music and slam into each other. It's a lot of fun.


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i have heard of mosh pits... but i am not sure it is for me, nonnie. i will accidentally hurt someone. and i don't... really like to be that energetic. or slam.


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That's alright. It isn't for everyone. I remember seeing a guy break his leg in one once. That was wild.

I was in the wall of death during a Cannibal Corpse show. Imagine like 50 people running at each other at top speed.


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mosh pits are not for everyone, and if you don't want any part of it, then that is totally fine and respectable ^_^

for me, i also don't want to hurt others, cause i'm a bigger person, and i actually am trained and conditioned to fight, so i don't want that to harm somebody who doesn't deserve it

however, i don't mind being on the perimiter as a person who insulates other people from the pit. I form a horse stance, and if anyone slams into me, i can withstand it to reduce the impact on other people


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what... happens if the wall of death just smashes into each other? do people die? are there broken teeth and stuff?

aren't you scared to get punched in the face?


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injuries can happen, but it's much more rare than you think

metalheads are mostly just having fun and horsing around; and if anyone falls down or is visibly not cool with it, they will back off and help out the other person.

i'm sure there was probably some bad accidents, but it's absolutely the exception, and not the rule

as for getting punched in the face, you're more likely to see that at the bar, or along the sides where somebody is not having a good day. I did watch this girl bitch slap another girl at a concert well outside of the pit


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every metal fan i have ever met has been a very kindly person, and a good friend, so it must be true


like Gumball says

"You know metalheads! they pretend to be hardcore, but they're just hippies who like to wear leather"

there are studies that show that people who like metal often are better able to process negative emotions and are generally nicer

nah, the real people you need to fear are people that recreationally listen to classical music! those people will destroy you!


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>nah, the real people you need to fear are people that recreationally listen to classical music! those people will destroy you!

... tell me about it. :c

i am listening to nice 40's music c: old crooning stuff. with a nice little fake candle, in the dark. it is nice.


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ahh nice! i'm not super familiar with crooners, but i do pop on Sinatra once in a while cause i love his voice and try to sing along with it ^_^


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i really like ella fitzgerald!

i also listen to a lot of ... what might be described as dream pop? or psych rock? it is hard to place!


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I've been punched in the face before. It's not that bad. Yeah injuries can happen, but that's the risk eith getting into the pit. A lot of people aren't out to actually hurt others, though there is the occasional dickhead.

The whole, "If you see someone fall pick them up" Thing does happen, buy I wouldn't rely on that sort of thing.

I juries are gonna happen though. I've seen broken noses and black eyes. The guy who broke his leg was carried off to the hospital.


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i am not sure i have ever like i should release my anger in a mosh pit. i do not like the feeling of being angry


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I used to carry a pistol on my hip and listen to this kind of music.


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ahh ella fitzgerald is so iconic and influential! we did a lot of listening to her in my jazz history class

dream pop and psych rock sounds fun! do you have any examples? i'd love to listen to them!


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I never did it out of anger. I did it because it was fun. Like playing tag or something.


i see... still, it seems very physical! maybe i would just watch. i would near earplugs maybe

i like this kind of music! this is a more psych rock... sort of song.

meaner than a junk yard dog c:


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I feel like you would like Marc de Marco.


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this feels like i'm riding in the back of the car as we drive through arizona and nevada... very nostalgic <3

and earplugs are pefectly fine! concerts get incredibly loud, and the dBs can cause damage if you aren't careful. so taking care of your ear health is welcome, and anyone who tries to tell you otherwise is wrong


this is something more dream poppy c:

they have my favor cover also of Baby, One More Time



and here is one that is a bit of both put together

much of my music playlist is stuff like this! some also a few more energetic songs. also, i really like citypop: the sort of 80's Japanese pop music.


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"She's a killer."

I highly recommend this song for the bass riff that come and go.


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i think i have heard of this one... but something about the music doesn't quite resonate with me. it does not feel as... how to say... tired

i love to see what people think of my music, as i really do not have many to share it with c:


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it has some similar vibes! what do you think, dear friend?

it is a very unique song, with great feeling


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now this is something i would listen to while lying in bed, and i got starlights shining on my ceiling in pretty colors <3

this music video is so trippy and i love it <3 and it gives me strong Steven Universe vibes!

you have a lovely sense of taste! it is always fun to see what my friends like to listen to, cause it shows a window into their soul, and let us hear something that lets em tick

although saying that out loud, i realize that my taste in music might give people a perception that i'm a bit aggressive or edgy :P


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I enjoy it. There's this beach-sound that is commonplace with both, though it is more present with Eyedress, especially in some of their other songs.

I really like bittersweet songs about things like unrequited love and depression.

It's why I got into the sacred attention whore. Shinsei Kamattechan. Though that music might be a little too much for you.


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Gosh your are right... there are some Steven universe vibes...

It is ok to be edgy c: but at the same time i assume any metal head i meet is a big softie

i like this beach sound... shoe gaze sound.

i... am less into songs about depression or unrequited love :c deprrssion sometimes is ok, but especially unrequited love, which is a topic i do not think about if i can avoid it!

We are similar in the vibes though i think c:


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i'm not a softie! i am the darkness! i am feral! and i'm 100% edge!

but i also like cuddling and the donuts with the strawberry icing <3


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oh oh i also really like folk music stuff c: old stuff like Pete Seeger, medium old like Bob Dylan and... well, modern stuff.


i like music, in hindsight, that offers perspective. yes, maybe life is really hard, and you are being hurt. but it is ok. Breathe. Think. rest. Tomorrow will come.

my one guilty feel bad song is my alarm clock music in the morning... which is the Gorillaz "Tomorrow Comes Today." It never fails to make me tired and sad the moment i wake up c: ...but in a way, it is also helpful context. things will feel better tomorrow... but also, tomorrow is today too.  


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You are the biggest softie ever i think! It is true


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ooh i love pete seeger and bob dylan! i actually have a couple of his albums around here somewhere

and this definitely feels sad and contemplative, but in a comforting way. like you've just been dealing with so much, but a friend is there to take some of that pain off, and you are reassured that things will come together in the end, and even if it doesn't, you're not alone <3

and remember to breathe...

i get that feeling! it sucks goin through hell, but you'll get through it


i'm public enemy number 1!

i'm evil encarnate!

i am the extra air they put in the bag of chips!


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Nouns has music that is pretty bittersweet to me. They sing a lot of amount mental issues esoteric memories and suicide. You don't have to listen to those if you don't want to.

The last song in particular is about their friend who died. You can really hear the emotion as he screams at 2:24 and 2:38 The first song is about memories. What gets me is the part about a particular memory that he has with a girl and how at the time he didn't quite appreciate it until now. (Or rather in spite of a great memory he has given up on the idea of love)

i've decided i don't believe in love and that i never did
even that time we threw our clothes to the side
and jumped into that pond behind your house
you clung to me for warmth
while i was too busy thinking about the grimy feeling between my toes. Grubby feeling. Grubby feeling. Between my toes! Grubby feeling. Grubby feeling. Between my toes. Grubby feeling. Grubby feeling.


The middle song is a complicated about the expectations a child feels to live up to their father. Or at least that's the vibes I get from it.


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What is your feel good song, star? do you have any you like to relax to even if metal?

i will take a listen c: maybe it could be something to learn from too and find new music


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Sure thing. Emo music is really good. I remember back when I used to hate on it for pretty much no reason.



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it is very screamy. i do not process my emotions in this way and so it feels very foreign to me. Even so, it is very powerful and i can seen how it is meaningful


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ooh that's a good question! i love all sort of songs that make me feel good! and i love all sorts that help me relax quite a bit

while i could probably give you a whole list, one that never fails to put a smile on my face is  "Flight of the Sapphire Dragon) by Twilight Force


it's epic power metal with VERY strong Tolkien/DnD vibes, and you feel like you are flying through the skies on the wings of a dragon when listening to it in all its whimsy

as for relaxing? metal is kinda hard to relax to because by definition it's about power and heavier feelings, even if it's super bright and uplifting stuff like dragonforce. i bet i could think of a relaxing metal song, but that might take a while

but i will absolutely say this! I find myself in love with the ost of Natlan from Genshin Impact! i love every song, and it makes me nostalgic and happy in all the right ways <3



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I thought I was having a fever dream when they came out with their While of Unsound mind album. These guys made the Still and Still Bummed album back in like 2012 or something and disappeared for years and years.

I'm not gonna lie. That one took me a little to digest, but it's probably their most powerful album.

I can't even begin to describe it. It's one of the most emotional pieces of music I have ever listened to (At the very least certain moments of it), and yet it was so hard to process at first. I actually almost hated it because I didn't quite understand it. And now it's become one piece of art that has described so many emotions I have felt throughout my life through sound and lyrics. There are some many parts about the album that I still don't like, but overall it's a fine piece. I can't even quite explain why some specific lyrics resonate with me so well. Well, I can, but you know what I mean. It's hard to find the words sometimes.

"In the forest I find my place!"
"Waiting on me... SUFFERING!"
"why don’t I feel? why don’t I feel? why don’t I feel? why don’t I feel? why don’t I feel? why don’t I feel?"
"Waving goodbye with soaring eyes."
"Coma walls of avoidance can't see shit!"
"The sound. Infernal sound. Infernal sound."
"suddenly. to up and leave. my. memories -- of all of you"

All of these esoteric lyrics pluck a deep string for me. All of them are terrible memories, but it feels nice to feel understood even if it almost vicariously through someone else's experiences that might not even be similar to mine. The feelings are simialr.


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i do love tolkein! do you play genshin star? Is it fun? c:

When i feel empty inside, i feel very small and tired. the last thing i'd want to do is scream! but maybe that is exactly what one should do, no? It helps one to feel human?

...i am falling asleep so tired. If o disappear i sleep by accidnet


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Back in my worst of times, it would fluctuate between feelings of self-loathing and misanthropy, and feelings of ennui and apathy. It was all a big vicious cycle. I don't think alcoholism was really helping at the time. The scary part is that I could easily just slip right back into it. Feeling small and weak is pretty natural for a lot of people when the depression kicks in.


>the last thing i'd want to do is scream! but maybe that is exactly what one should do, no? It helps one to feel human?

I don't ever outright scream, but I do occasionally sing to myself. I get stage fright pretty easily when it comes to my voice, so it's pretty rare for me to sing in front of others.

Maybe give that a shot sometime.

No worries. It's getting late over here as well.


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a LOT of metal directly gets its influences from Tolkien! there is no shortage of bands that use his works in their songs

yup yup! i love it to death! so many wonderful characters, and i love the stories and lore within it so much <3

the new area called Natlan opened up not too long ago, and it's heavily based off of Mesoamerican culture, including the Aztecs and Mayans; there is also influence from polynesian and hawaiian culture as well, and pan african stuff too

it's a ton of fun!


1d10 = 6


>6. What roll do you have in the mosh pit? Why?

You know I've never been in a moshpit, but I've always wanted to try!

I think I would start off okay but likely ended being one of the people that is picked up and carried because I'm smol

Or, maybe I would hold up better than I expect and actually be able to keep up with the crowd! ^_^


The 'Queen of Reagge' has recorded such amazing songs!

>"6. What role do you have in the mosh pit? Why?"

I suppose moshing isn't quite my thing, so I'll probably just be in a corner somewhere getting into the really dark and hardcore music!

I'm reminded of this band and track, if we're talking about alternative metal music with mosh pits:



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i'd be happy to mosh with you! and crowdsurfing is part of the experience! just make sure you land on your feet safely when you get to the front ><

and i bet you would do really well! it's all about the energy you bring to the pit!

that's alright! you don't have to mosh if you don't want to!

as long as you enjoy the show!

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