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 No.1173364[Last 50 Posts]

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Well it's been a while since I've started making these threads. I've gone from job to job and lost ability to post as often but still attempted to keep up.
Since then we've had many a patron come and go and now it seems things have gotten more quiet on this thread. I've honestly been wondering if it's time to close up shop and just start thread hopping when I can.

But for now I wanted to bring another up and hear some thoughts about it, or maybe just diminish my coffee hours.

Anyway, the cafe is still open, and I hope you all come in for a cup and to talk about all on your minds.


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I used to post in here more, too, but it's usually active while I'm busy at work.


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Yeah, still it's nice to see you around


Lately it's just that I am being that slight bit more productive so I don't just sit on here all night.

But it's very nice to have this thread.


what productivity?
inb4 "doing your mom"


Nah, it's mostly producing more ways to disappoint MY mom.


Let's all survive together.

I love you guys. I hate you guys sometimes, but that's normal. Either way, gotta fight, die, and war for all of us.

I'm sorry I said mean things about America and Americans.


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>Can't tell if this is the same person posting
Well, there's a cute Millie and a nice sentiment. Those are both good things.

So hiya, come hang out.


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Coffee refresh



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Heyo Eshie


How Sirkit doing today?


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Love that luna picture


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i'll take a decaf, cause i love the taste of coffee but i don't wanna be awake till morning


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i recently tried stirring the milk into my coffee with a skor bar... it was a game changer and delicious! it made the chocolate very soft



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I'm about to drink a cup of coffee before bed. Cappuccino with a chocolate chip cookie to be precise. I should really switch to decaf before bed, but I don't drink as much caffeine as I used to, and I feels cozy tonight. It's been a really pleasant past couple of day.


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It's a coffee morning


I don't normally drink coffee, but when I do, i add a lot of sugar because caffeine doesn't wake me up


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It's a coffee with whiskey morning

Sometimes I feel that


I feel that a Circuit has appeared!


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Yep, just doing the work day, practicing arting. How about you?


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Evening to you too, how goes it?


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im tired n bleh, been busy today with fixing things. but ill have vacation so... i unno.


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Drinking Mexican hot chocolate stirred with coffee. Nice. I feel cozy this morning


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Just working and art practicing, also getting mentally ready for surgery next week.

Ooo that sounds really nice


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surgery?!? you oke dear?!


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Nothing serious. I was diagnosed with varicose veins a year back and it's just treatment to remove them


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oh dear!
*gently huggies and refill your coffee*
i wishes you all the best with it. and please be careful <3


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*sips* I will. I've already been getting ready by not taking any supplements or drinking booze for a week.


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good boi! ill beleive in chu!


Playing Monster Rancher. Amazed that I am spending so many hours on a game with so little to actually do


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Thank chubby

Yeah, it's a strangely addicting kind of game


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well it´s 11 pm. so i shall crawl to bed and getting soms eleep. you do take care oke?


Brain likey watch numbers go up I guess

I did really well on the first monster. It lived nearly 5 years and got to Rank A.

Second one did pretty damn well, too. These last two, though... not as much. Weirdly fussy and hard to train.

And the Lab keeps telling me every combination I do is bad. I have no admn idea how to figure any of this out. So I am just generating and trainign at random for now till something good happens.

I do know everyone says 2 is better, but I wnated to start from the beginning.


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give it a try! if you dare...


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Corrupt the innocent


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Had to head home, but did a workout and soon yoga so I am.

Makes sense. There's something fun about seeing the first iteration


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Good morning everyone


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Good morning for coffee


Good morning


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Meow meow meow meow


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Hey hey hey, watch your language


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Oh man, days be busy


Been a hard day's night?


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Feels like it. Just a lot going on and trying to get it all together.

How goes it?


Made good progress on video. Still can't fucking stop playing Monster Rancher even though I have no idea what I am doing


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Haha now that's a fun kind of addiction in a way.

Good to hear video making is going well


It would be more fun if I had the slightest goddamn idea what I am doing or how to figure out the best approach to training a monster...




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Makes numbers real high!



Yeah, but each Monster has stats that they have an easier time raising than others and there is no real way to tell and aaargh


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Haha ah old school psx. Gotta love the ambiguity


Myeah, more or less starting from scratch now and just making my first monster a workhorse to make a shitload of money so I can go nuts on the next one


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Coffee refresh



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"Although seed oils are not naturally high in trans fats, the process of frying can create trans fats, particularly if the oil is reused or heated to high temperatures multiple times. Trans fats are well-documented for increasing bad cholesterol (LDL) levels while lowering good cholesterol (HDL), which significantly increases the risk of heart disease."


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Why do I feel like this is The Rock as a kobold?


Cause he got The Smolder.


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Coffee refresh of after surgery healing


Ya doin' alright?


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My right leg is bandaged and I'm sore as all out. But so far honestly better than I thought.


You probably already said and I am just a bad person who forgot, but what surgery was this?


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Why did you need surgery for your leg? Is it in pain?  


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Sorry for delayed reply. I had varicose veins in my right leg. It's not immediately serious but it can cause problems now and in the future. So I felt it best to handle it now


Myeah, may as well nip that in the bud

Or butt, if you prefer


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Coffee refresh


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Post con and recovery coffee refresh


So I've been replaying Control, since I got the DLC for it. It's pretty cool, but it's not entirely without issues. One is that even after years of patches, it's still got some truly incredible buggy jank to it. But some issues, those are design induced, not bugs. Consider the following - you enter a room. The room has a pretty simple environmental puzzle to it. 5 terminals, 5 cards with different symbols on each, which one goes where? There's clues around the room that make the solution pretty obvious, but it would still be fun. That's how it would usually go for similar puzzles outside the critical path. But oh no, this is on the critical path. And so, the game provides you a plot NPC who enters the room with you, and basically instantly starts to "help" by dropping inane "hints". But it's still a puzzle, so they can't just come out and solve it for you! So instead the 100% unprompted "help" comes off as the NPC being annoying, impatient, naggy and yet completely unhelpful, and the whole experience is ruined.

Why do games do this



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Coffee refresh


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Thought you went missing.


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No, just busy
Had a surgery couple weeks back, then EFNW, then unfortunate family medical urgency


My arm has a hurty


I demand mommy milkers


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Not sure we.have that here


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Coffee refresh


The hurty arm is now in a sling.

How y'all doin'?


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Very drowsy due to antihistamine but doing okay.
Why is slinging in an arm?


Managed to fall over on my dumpy and apparently hit my elbow on the ground in an attempt to cushion the fall - just bad enough to get a smal lfracture. So my arm hurts like hell and can't bed certain ways without being in horrible pain.

It was basically unusable yesterday and still pretty bad today. But it has already improved a little, especially with the sling on (it's just a regular soft foam sling, not a full cast).

Theys till encourage me to use my fingers and move my arm a bit when it isn't resting like this, so all should be fine. Gaming now for that first requirement. Just playing Dragon Quest III so it's nothing too straining


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Coffee refresh

Wait, did the new one release?!


No, I just never got around to finishing the version I have on Switch and I wanna do that.


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Ah makes sense.

How is it sofar?


Game or arm?

Game's oldschool but fun. Good ol' Dragon Quest, yanno.

The arm is alright. I can hold on to some small things for a bit now at least. But it still hurts like hell if I strain at all or try to bend my arm. It'll recover, but it'll be a hot little minute,


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wait, what did you do to your arm?


Fell on my ass while helping my dad with some stuff. Apparently my elbow hit the ground  at just a wrong enough angle to get a small fracture.

To be clear I didn't really get hurt aside from that or fall off anything or something like that. Literally just fell backwards ike a klutz.

That was monday evening. Tuesday I had to be out and about all day and didn't have a chance to see a doctor, so I just had to deal with my arm being in searing pain and damn near useless.

Then yesterday I saw my doctor, was told to go to a nearby town to get an X-Ray, and then I waited for like three hours after the X-Ray to get a soft foam sling that took like 3 minutes to apply. So now I need to rest my arm in thi sfor 2-3 weeks until it stops hurting.

My arm is not BROKEN or anything, but turning it, clenching my fist, raising it too high or trying to hold things hurts like hell. It's already less horrible than it was tuesday, though. It's really just to hold my arm when it's resting. I am still encouraged to use my fingers, so I can game, type, etc.


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damn dude! that's sucks bad! i'm so sorry :(

will that impede upon projects or anything?

if you want me to, i can kick the grounds ass for what it did to you!


I mean, I am gonna take a couple days before I start writing or drawing much on my tablet. Not like I wasn't always a lazy ass that worked too slow on everything.

But yeah, I aint going on camera (at least not for a full length video) until I can wave my arm around. But I can write, I can play games, etc. Just not anything too high-octane, which is why I am now playing DQIII in preparation for the upcoming remake.


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Both really

Glad you're having fun with the game

Sorry about the arm though. I hope recovery continues to be smooth


Again, it is already a lot more managable than it was Tuesday. It's mostly any two-handed task that hurts like a dickens to do.


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i hope you recover soon! and then we will get more esh content!

i'll punch the ground to defend your honor tho!


>implying I make things at any decent pace to begin with
Lmao, even

Are you saying you're gonna go pound sand?


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hey! i watch your stuff! so out of my pure selfishness, i'm gonna make that sand eat dirt!


Well the good news is I can still play the games an upcoming video will be about, just got the last comic I needed for another one and I can still draw. So I can plod away a bit, I supposes. But like I said, imma play sick for a couple days here.


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got sick with the bone hurting disease

that you got after drinking the bonhurting juice

after getting it straight from the tap on the ground!


....you may have lost me


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don't worry, once your brain unscrambles from the fall, we'll get you some of that unhurting chimichanga for your soul!


I am still unsure what you mean.

I am, however, enjoying your Loonaposting considering I am catching up on Helluva right now.


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My thread got locked up? Oh hell naw, now you're about to make me sit on a plunger just to further assert my dominance


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skibidi rizz ohio :P

well good! Helluva Boss is the lifeblood in my veins, so glad you are catching up!

last night and through today, it's been cold and rainy and miserable, and thus was the first day this season i could pull out my loona hoodie!


Something something gyatt

I know it is. Doing S2e9 right now, then the shorts.


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> S2e9
ooh apology tour <3 i loved that episode and ESPECIALLY the song! plus it's such a crucial ep for blitz and stolas <3

speaking of blitz, i've been catching up on brandon rogers tiktoks, and that man is one of the funniest humans to ever walk the fucking earth!


I have not watched much of Brandon's stuff for a while, but hell yeah. I think the first one I ever saw was Grandpa Hates Disneyland and that sure was a fucking ride.


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oh my god! he did a little crossover video with Thomas Sanders about the personality of names based on spelling, and my name was mentioned


"Don't fuck with me! I'm Kristofer with a K! You fuck with me, you're gay!"


I don't think I know who Thomas Sanders is.

Also, I VERY much enjoyed seeing Verosika again. Still need to draw her sometime.


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a funny man who got famous on vine, and then found his footing again on tiktok! another funny dude!

i got to meet Christina Vee, the voice of Verosika, and got an autograph of Verosika

so i approve!


I do remember you saying that, and that is very very cool.

I just also know I could never make the drawing hot enough, so there's that.


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bro you will make the hottest picture

this is a fact!



>Dat pic
Well this certainly takes me back to the brushie brushie meme days.

On another note, wow. Emberlynns voice actress sure seemed to be having some fun there.


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brushy brush brush!

oh emberlynn was chewing the scenery hard in that ep!

she had the power of God and Anime on her side!


She could be our angle or uor devil


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tbf, she has all the right angles for this devil :PP


She delivered that "daddy" with her heart ands oul, that's for sure


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she practiced that one many many times when writing for Ao3!


Now, to be fair to poor little Emberlynn here

If Verosika, Mayberry or a few of the other demon ladies in these shows showed up in MY room I can't promise O would not behave similarly.


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yeah... if loona and/or bee was there, i'd been absolutely feral

i'd be howling that old timey wolf cartoon

and i wouldn't have the clarity of mind to think if that was technically racist or not...


Eh, if you're lucky they're into that kinda stuff


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be like goin to the wolf and wildlife preserve

where they get the people in the tour to howl, and then all the wolves start howling back at you!


I was thinking more some folks are into that insensitive stuff.


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Coffee refresh


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Coffee refresh


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I have a coffee.
So shall I mingle.

Technically it's yesterdays coffee, but still counts.



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A coffee is a coffee. That us all you need.

Yeah, usually with copyright it only becomes a big question when money is involved


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Coffee doesn't keep very well though.
2 day old coffee starts growing things in it.


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Coffee refresh

Bleh, yeah that is way too true.


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Which is weird because it has no calories, so idk what that stuff is living on.

Monster cold brew today. 50 cents because no one buys it lul.


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Coffee refresh of finally cooling down


Consider that snoot of yours booped


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I got a thing of this Peace Coffee the other day cuz it was on sale and I needed to spend a few more $ to get free shipping when ordering my usual Stumptown beans.

I gotta say is pretty good.


>Peace coffee
A fierce competitor to the well known War Coffee


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I do also like Black Rifle Coffee but my local Walmart stopped carrying their whole beans so now I only drink their canned mocha espresso.


I dun drink the black devil bean juice, but I am glad you have found some you like


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I only started drinking it about a year and a half ago. I was inspired to take it up after watching the anime Yama no Susume. I got a grinder and a pour-over filter at an REI Co-op and a bag of Stumptown Holler MTN beans at Target and brewed them at Devil's Den in Gettysburg PA.


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Bish I got dat ig'nant™️ 🖤 magick 🖤

Pew Pew Pew


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I got a shirt with my favorite pony on it.


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Coffee refresh


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Surprise coffee refresh


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Ah, hello and welcome


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Thanks! I will have one tea, please.


We didn’t start the fire 🔥

I’m behaving 😇


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Coffee refresh




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Help. Going to heavy metal concert and I don’t drink alcohol so I don’t know how to have the courage to be in public and leave the house.  I fucking hate being in public.


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ooh fun! who are you going to go see?

and don't worry, eveyrone is gonna be paying attention to the bands, not to you.


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