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i was... told recently, that it is important for me, to try and leave my comfort zones.

but that... is really hard! and really uncomfortable.

but, some comfort zones, they are not good: they are comfortable because they are familiar, but they are self-sabotaging and destructive.

have you ever broken through your comfort zones? how?
37 posts and 32 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


There is a strict policy about hygiene in the store.

My unit (600 points of White Scars at the bottom right) went up against the Tau. Fighting them was not fun.


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hello everyone <3 how are we doing tonight? c: are you keeping busy?


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i survived my car turning into a boat today, so that was interesting


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>There is a strict policy about hygiene in the store.
If it's a game store, then I do not believe it.


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...was it a flood? :c is the car ok?

my favorite warhammer one is the necrons!

i think, their story is very sad


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the car is fine, but boy was today a wild one

i get done with teaching my classes, and after eating at shake shack, i decide to head back home, which is a 40 minute drive and up through a mountain pass.

before i leave the city, i just get hit with the BIGGEST thunderstorm i've ever driven through! Just pounding water, hail, lightning! the whole shebang! parts of the roads were basically pools, and i had to be careful not to hydroplane! i nearly had to pull over to just wait out the storm, but it cleared up just enough to get through.

so i get to the other side of the storm, it's sunny, so i should be fine right?

well i get onto the highway that starts the climb up the mountain into the canyon that i take to get home. and i see that traffic in front of me starts to slow down.

"great! did somebody get into an accident?"


turns out part of the road was COMPLETELY FLOODED, and there was no place to turn around, so i just had to try my best and drive through it.

it was like a 2 feet of water on all sides, and i was just slowly gettting through with other cars all around me doing the exact same thing. and the flooding has brought some dirt and gravel from the cliffsides onto the road, so there were parts that legitimately felt like i was driving on a dirt road with bumps and stuff

but i get on the other side of it, and i head into the canyon, which for the most part was okay, but i was careful cause i didn't know if any rockslides happened (some did! but nothing to obstruct the main drive)


i get to a point near a small town where a cop is stopped in the right lane, lights flashing, and people were driving around him.

at first i thought, "well maybe he pulled somebody over?"

i get a little closer, and i saw a LARGE BOULDER the size of a SMALL BOULDER in the middle of the right lane! it was larger than an oven in size!

it would have sucked if the cop wasn't there, and somebody drove straight into that thing and just totaled their care on a boulder on the way home

the rest of the drive was dry, but that 40 minute drive turned into an hour and a half of white knuckle driving, naval navigation, and dodging rocks dirts and canyons!

it was NUTS!


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Ahh, the Necrontyr; cursed to live under  a black sun and the only race capable of standing up to the great Old Ones. I sort of miss when they were simply 'spooky scary skeletons' that silently killed everything in their path, but there's already a silent race dedicated to that I suppose.


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in a way, their story is relatable, and an endless parade of misfortunes

the tyranids do not have the same tale of suffering, and woe, which makes them, not as... relatable

... that is so terrifying, star. gosh :c does... it usually rain so hard in Colorado? will you stay home tomorrow?


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we do have our monsoon seasons, but the rain typically isn't THAT bad, but this particular storm was very nuts. i more worry about snow and ice on the roads than rain

i'll be goin to work tomorrow, i already lost time at work due to being sick with covid, and i cannot miss more time

plus i got plans that require money, hard to do any of them without it


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One step at a time.


I mean, I released a video Sunday and I spent the entirety of yesterday writing a TTRPG scenario, so I guess you can say I am keeping busy, yeah.


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Sounds like you have a coyote problem


Makes sense, since you love to sleep so much


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Do you feel as though you can relate to their story on some level?


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that whole box exploded big time yesterday fo sho!


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how did the day go, star? c:

one step... at a time <3

gosh! that is busy! was it fun, ttrpg? c:

...that is so funny <3 that is true, rainbow c:

yes. i am not sure how the new necron stuff is, but i remember the old necron lore stuff.

and, i find them to be, the most relatable, of the warhammer 40k i know.


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Too busy, arguably.


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it was good! fortunately the weather was nice and no floods or boulders today!

i also talked with my NY film friend some more, and it was very nice! he did confirm something i already really knew, and that is screenwriters should aim for LA overall, which is no shock to me. but i'll still research both LA and NY just to keep options open

the only downside is that i'm still getting smacked by a boss in elden ring, and feels like i kinda hit a wall. I don't have as much time to dedicate working on bosses as i used to, so i'll just take it one day at a time

how about you? how was your day?


Yeah, was fun. We didn't actually finish the adventure I wrote in one sitting, so that seems to me like I made something decently layered.

I also managed to plant enough descriptors if who my bad guy is that when the players actually saw him, they noped out and retreated to come up with a better plan, so I will take THAT ad a sign that I created a cool villain.


But you’re more like a Salamander legionnaire, one of the factions humans in 40K that aren’t made up of sociopaths.


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welp... i didn't leave my comfort zone almost a whole week :c

that was bad. i should've done more. but i did not.


I had no idea you played Necrons, Moony.


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when we finally get to hang out together, i'll take you to the club!

go into the deep end of discomfort <3


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ponyville club group???


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Hell yeah! We gonna hit the dance floor now

And it doesn't matter if we didn't do our homework

Or pay our taxes!



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now that's a classic that is guaranteed to get the club pumpin!  (i must have watched it like a billion times XD)


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Ahhh.. a people cursed to live under the burning gaze of a star that scrubs the surface of every living creature during the day, forcing them to hide away within the dirt.



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how about you, nonny? do you have a faction you most relate with?

i am scared! i have been to a few clubs but i do not... get it.


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clubs/raves/dances can be multiple things for many people! socializing, meeting new people, escape from the reality of mundane life for a night of fun and revery

and while i can't speak for everyone, for me, i will say whenever i go to such a place, i feel allowed to meet the energy and vibe of everyone around me, to have a moment where the past and the future aren't important anymore; just the moment, the energy, and the celebration!

plus it's fun!


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The best place to meet and socialize with people, while being unable to understand eachother over the overwhelming noise

You might get a drunk to puke or piss on you, or risk getting stabbed or beaten to death over accidentally bumping into someone.


Hence why I always preferred bars and pubs. Not that they aren't often too damn loud, too.


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Pubs and bars are great to take people to, who you met elsewhere.


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you're better off going to see an artist you like rather than a club. rave culture is pretty friendly


Good luck. Moony is a tea-totaler.


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i ... don't know. i might need a chaperone, to help guide me into what the vibe should be.

i cannot drink, and usually, i am not... very outgoing. mostly, very shy.

i do not often celebrate or have fun.

rave sounds interesting but i am scared

i do love tea.


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i'd be happy to chaperone you! and we wouldn't have to do anything for too long, even if we are just there for an hour and bail, it's still an hour more experience under your belt

and then we can unwind at a cafe or a tea house afterwards ^_^


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Hmm.. I feel like I relate to some of the factions of chaos the most. Not the Chaos Space marines in particular, but rather some of the messages that the Chaos Gods bring. They are mirrors; reflections of the universe. Chaos is most misunderstood not only in universe, but by the fandom as well.

I often feel misunderstood by the universe and in a constant catch 22. If I attempt to do the right thing, I am wrong for doing so; or I didn't do enough. If I actively embrace the wrong things in life such as hatred, I am a wrong for doing so; or I didn't do enough. And if I do nothing at all, then I am wrong for my sheer inactivity. The world is a place where people are going to tell you what to think and what to do, and they'll get angry at you if you don't fall into their specific way of thinking or living. They fear freedom; and I value freedom. So I don't bother. I am a reflection of the world. My hatreds, my 'bigotries', and discriminations are based on life experiences and reinforced by others experiences. I might step on eggshells around certain subjects out of the pure kindness of my heart, but I won't change my opinion just because someone thinks its wrong. I think that scares people. It threatens them even when it's hypothetical or isn't actually any of their business. A lot of people don't like it when they can't control someone or something, especially when that thing doesn't fall into their own line of thinking. Because they're right. And everyone else is wrong.

"So remember these words. The Gods do not hate us. They do not scream for the destruction of all we hold dear. They are us. They are our sins coming home to the hearts that gave them life. We are the Gods, and the hells that we have made are our own."


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if being one with the status quo is slavery, which in some respects, it can be... then mirroring it, for what it is, is no more free: it is still a chain that allows the status quo to dictate what and who one is.

a necron does not rebel, because it cannot rebel. it must persist with its condition, without agency.

chaos, it rebels, but it is not free: of all the different factions perhaps, one can argue, chaos is the least free, for it exists only as a mirror to the anathemas of the material world: it is literally shaped and defined by its opponents.

in fact... maybe, the only faction one could say is free, are the orks. but, perhaps even then, they are no less bound by instinct and hierarchy than any other faction: terminally addicted to the accrual of power, and the thrill of conflict.

maybe one should not think too much about warhammer...


I will terrorize you out of your comfort zone


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maybe that is what i need


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I don't think human beings have the biological capacity for them to look, act, and sound in a way that would make me comfortable around them ever. Happy around them? Sad? Calm? For most emotions, yeah, it's another question.

Not comfortable. They are simply too violent. Too illogical. Too hateful. And so on.

It's very much like asking a young prey mammal how he or she would ever be comfortable around adult predators.

Granted, it's certainly possible on paper for me, and likely in practice for others. Real-life and 'Beastars' are almost exactly the same. I suppose. At times.


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go to edmtrain and check if there's anything you're interested in your area, then buy now worry later. worst case scenario you see an artist performing you like


Sadly I can't get to anywhere in the states
Although Hyperdub 20 would be interesting


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(Don't ask me why I still have this)


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It was a very long process....

I've led a chaotic life, but things can get better. You just have to not give up and try to remember that there's something other than darkness waiting for you somewhere.

Maybe the only place you can feel happy will be in your dreams: but even there, you can still feel it, and you're still alive....


idk if I'd ever leave my country solely for live music tbh, sounds exhausting

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