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What teas do you like?  I usually start my day with a cup of green tea or Earl Grey with milk.

🍵 ☕


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Pepermint, stir not shaken.


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i'll take a case of lemon balm pls


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Oh hey, this tangentially related to my own current hyper-fixation.

Did you know many classic 19th century soda flavors that are still popular today originate with herbs often used in teas? Like root beer for instance. The drink originated in the 18th century, using herbs commonly used by indigenous tribes on the east coast for medicinal purposes, namely sassafras root.


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No wonder ginger ale soda is so good.


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Fun factoid, Vernor's Ginger Ale is the oldest branded soft drink in the US. One of the few 'golden' ginger ale brands still out there despite dry ginger ale being more popular


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I don't drink tea because I am a natural born patriot.


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Do you drink root beer, ginger ale, or cola? If so, I got some bad news for you. ...


I don't really jave a favorite. I almost exclusively drink tea when I have a cold, at which point I put honey in it anyway.

It doesn't really count since it's more of a soft drink, but I do enjoy sweetned peach ice tea.


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No, I don't drink any of that, either.


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I don't drink soda


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Unfortunately, lots of ginger ale nowadays is fake and doesn't contain any real ginger.  Gotta look at the ingredients list!


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Would be interested in trying this one day.


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if you like russian caravan, there is a very smokey tea i like called lapsang souchong! the smokiness is one half of Russian caravan, so it is like... double smokey!


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I like apple flavored with honey.


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That sounds like something nice to drink after being out in the cold weather.

I'm honestly not very familiar with the fancier teas. My parents got me some "Longjing tea" from a Chinese vendor at a market once, and it was delicious.

Besides that I've mostly had fairly generic teas, but that's fine with me.


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longjing is a very nice tea!! i like it very much c: it is a green tea!

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