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Ponies and General Posting
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Canon by the way


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Rainbow Jack.


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Positively scandalous, posting them lying on top of eachother!


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Can this now be a general "shipping" thread?


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What are we shipping where?
What courier?


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which poster here in ponyville would be the most shipped i wounder?


She's... touching that 'applebutt' with her hooves, now? Outside? In public?


My little sister says Rarity x Applehjack is the real canon.


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well in the Equestria Girls universe, they definitely leaned into that for sure


She also says Equestria Girl is terrible.


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everyone is entitled to their opinions

i liked them myself ^_^




Rainbow Rocks slander is illegal!


Ok but the first one is WAY better


I for one wouldn't dislike them as much as I do if they had doubled down and gave the ponies actual skin tones.


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Step aside for a truly based lesbian couple.


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I reject your reality and substitute my own.


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You know, you ain't wrong


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How much for one-day shipping?

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