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What are your favorite emulsifiers?


Butter, mustard, evoo, and xanthan.


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Seed oils




Guar Gum


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I like these answers.

They are hydrophobic!

Hmm, I don't think guar gum by itself is an emulsifier.


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Egg is good. They make Sunday mornings possible.

Never used guar.

Pretty standard picks.
Also, butter just tastes good.


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>They are hydrophobic!

Oh sorry, I'm not an expert on seed oils


they are very silly and over the top emulsifiers :3


Oh? Was it just the pun?:fluf2:


you got me!

i don't know what Guar Gum is

nor do i know what an emulsifier is

but if you like silly but still fun metal, GWAR is a classic!


Emulsifiers are a get a long shit.
The emulsion is the things forced together by the get a long shirt.

Mayo is example.


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and when you need to use the restroom in your get along shirt, you can use these buddy toilets to take your get a long shit :3


That is an option.


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Mayonnaise based condiments are pretty swell.
We have a lot of those here.


If mayo and eggs are both emulsifiers, maybe we should use entire deviled eggs in cooking!

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