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recently, i had a friend ask me about swamps! and upon thinking about it... you know, i don't think swamps are so bad! They are important for the world, just like any other kind of nature

this got me thinking... what sorts of nature do you like? i especially love the ocean, but really, any nature is beautiful to me!


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>i don't think swamps are so bad


I am not that big a natuyre guy, honestly.

But when I am out and about, i do enjoy a park/woods, or a trip near a beach, provided there aren't any jellyfish around.


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I grew up somewhere largely without nature, and what little surfaced was considered fatal.  Something we were only barely holding back from mass murder, in fact.  So I tend to appreciate more uh...urban environments.


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spiders, ants and wasps


The hell did you do to piss off Mother Nature like that


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We removed all the plants and animals, then tried to replace them with other plants and animals, but we weren't very good at it, and then a lot of people died.


Thou shalt not playeth God


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i love beaches and tropical areas, as i love the vibe and i rarely get to see them

and despite my natural hate for the snow, there is no denying that mountain climate and nature is beautiful, and i find it awesome that i can see Pikes Peak from my house and go to Garden of the Gods in a half an hour

and i think deserts are underrated. they are brutally hot, for sure, but they have some of the most gorgeous natural vistas. Utah, Arizona, New Mexico are amazing <3


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you live... in the swamp, i remember

do you ... think swamps are bad, tracer?

i remember, you do hate jellyfish, esher! but do you get any jellies in Denmark?

...do you like... rocks? :c that is nature


you hate the snow, star?? really?

i think mountains are so beautiful! but beaches are nice too. i wish i could go to the beach.


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I like nature that is appropriately contained within its enclosure.


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i can forgive the 10f weather, the wind that makes my face hurt, the slipping and getting wet and freezing, the need to wear layers and bundle up in order to survive

but driving in the snow, 6 days a week, in the mountains, kills any forgiveness i had left for it. having to make a judgement call of whether or not you can make it to work, cause you aren't sure your car will stay out of a ditch, or go into a canyon, becomes  a regular thing

give me warm, give me tropics, give me beach, and give me the certainty that the road i am driving on will not end up being my frozen tomb


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Temperate coniferous rain forest. Like in the pacific northwest.



I guess I should say I have also actualyl really, really enjoyed the few times I went skiing. Though I haven't since I was 16, and my dumb ass will never be able to afford that ever again, so...

>Garden of the Gods
Have you mentioned this before? Sounds familiar.

Yeah, they're pretty common. And I just... absolutely cannot stand them. Won't go near the water if I see 'em.

Which sucks cause I do actually enjoy swimming somewhat.


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it's a pretty famous park near where i am, with large portruding rock formations sticking out of the ground. i know HP lovecraft described the lands in the mountain of Madness as being similar to the Garden of the Gods due to their strange and wilde looks

i can vibe with this

when i used to visit family in Portland, Oregon, i always had a lovely time in the giant woods!


Have you met any reality-perception-shattering Eldritch Beings out there?


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a few, although we usually just refer to them as Texans


They do seem to speak an indecipherable tongue of some manner of Elder God


it was always in front of us, and what we thought was madness was merely the surface of incomprehensible truth that only a select few can witness, and even fewer can withstand


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that's a gorgeous landscape <3


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It is a nice area, lots of old mills line the rivers and you can trace a lot of American history.
Food culture is good and one of the reasons I support groups that act to preserve heritage breeds and varieties.


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In a previous life I was involved in biofuels research. Our primary focus was encouraging the exploitation of wetland environments. My contribution was what it was because I knew hydrocarbons.

Wetlands are excruciatingly important. From an ecological point of view not only do they have an enormous amount of biodiversity but they support many different types of surrounding biomes and species that we don't typically associate with wetlands, like aquatic birds, amphibians, mammals, and insects.

Besides that wetlands are crucial reservoirs of water stabilizing local aquifers. As far as carbon goes wetlands fix roughly four times as much carbon per acre as the most productive rain forests, producing a corresponding amount of biomass for ecological consumption. Finally for many reasons wetland grasses excel at fixing and removing pollutants from ground water, scrubbing run-off associated with farms, residential lawns, and industrial operations. The high biomass accumulation rate of swamps absorbs excess nutrients, especially nitrogen and phosphorus, stabilizing downstream environments and preventing biome killing algae blooms that plague estuaries while reducing the burden on users of artificial fertilizers. Finally wetlands silts act as natural fertilizers for almost zero cost and they serve to level uneven land each cycle which the land is allowed to revert to wetland.

It was our belief that creating financial incentives for protecting and expanding native wetlands in marginally productive lands for landowners we would not only provide crucial environmental protections and introduce stabilizing forces to the regional ecosystem but provide personal enjoyment for the relevant landowners in the forms of wildlife including game for hunting and fishing, and we'd promote rural culture in a time when it was being erased.

In retrospect we were pretty stupid, all things considered.


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I hate this shithole.


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Mountains. With powder.


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>what sorts of nature do you like?
Something about algae intrigues me. Especially about how it produces the majority of the world's oxygen. Other than that, no, I'm afraid I don't enjoy nature too much. It's why I prefer to live in the Mojave Desert within Southern Nevada. Looove me some machines and industry.
Um, okay.
But since you mentioned hydrocarbons, I would like to say that I believe biodiesel and nuclear energy would be a decent solution to peak oil in my opinion. And yes, I support genetic engineering of plants.


Very nice


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That's where I live! Grandfathered into a zone designated as protected wetland!


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And it's nice in Autumn.


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Water. I like rain and I like the sea. They're soothing.


The kind that won't kill me.

I like forest walks.


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I like me a nice regular forest or a bamboo forest.


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Florida. Swamps, mosquitoes, heat, heavy rains, and hurricanes. I miss the snows in Boston.
Pic related, this tree almost fell through my roof 2 years ago.


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forests and islands for me! does 'island' count as a type of nature? rivers, too! a nice island with a good forest and rivers is like heaven for me, i think!


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A wet, foggy autumn evening is perfect.

That's it. If I could live in just one season forever it would be peak Autumn forever.



Come over here, I live on an island!

Just not a very interesting one



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The woods.

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