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File: 1720077810741.jpg (97.26 KB, 500x650, 10:13, lincolnmaxing.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Happy hotdogs, fireworks and screeching eagles day to all my American friends!


File: 1720103322131.png (1004.79 KB, 1456x1417, 112:109, 2cniwdrngdn71.png) ImgOps Google

that haircut makes Lincoln look like the male lead in a 2000s rom com


File: 1720104455638.jpg (306.27 KB, 619x720, 619:720, 54ad65652840a77127c9d482-g….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

As an iconic Midwesterner, he knew the power of just going with the 'vibes'. /s


File: 1720108287873.png (168.85 KB, 335x347, 335:347, Filly Flutterjoy.png) ImgOps Google

happy hotdogs, Maroon5!


File: 1720108626645.jpg (46.56 KB, 482x750, 241:375, bros got the mega sniffer ….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google


To this day I'm convinced not a single person has ever looked like Abe

He just has a 100% unique apperence, like nobody has ever and will ever look like him


I mean I am British so today means nothing to me but I do love hotdogs..

Also my username has nothing to do with Maroon5


And now you know


People can celebrate it for one last time.


>that haircut makes Lincoln look like the male lead in a 2000s rom com

That's basically this show


File: 1720114101474.jpg (192.76 KB, 1333x2000, 1333:2000, happy-4th-of-july-v0-itqvb….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

This makes me feel patriotic:


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