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My dudes


Oh shid it is


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Something about this cute video seems Wednesday-ish to me... I think...


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it's the one day a week when i don't have to go to work, so i enjoy my sleeping in as much as possible <3


But Noelle, if you don't go, Christmas in July will be canceled!


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tomorrow is gonna be the busiest day of the year at the park, so i think i am not gonna miss anything

pray for my life T_T


Wait what is special about tomo---

>Today is July 3rd



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Still too fucking hot today too


I'm working inside until 7 pm so I'll be basically avoiding the heatwave. I start dog sitting on the 5th, so I plan to be taking them to the park each morning for their walks. When it was only 80 out, they still got too hot at 10 AM, and I have to agree with them lol


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Happy Treason Day, you filthy Colonials!


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treeson?? i'd rather be a tree-daughter if you know what i'm sayin'


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or, er, i mean, celebrate the treason! i mean, tree-daughters! that's what i meant


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< that image

Holy shit cooki, do you take commissions?

I'm high AF right now and that image inspires me to sdk you if you could design design a fursona and new avatar for me.

... only if you'd be interested of course


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as an irish american, i take double appreciation for dunking on the british :P

ooh my favorite pizza place!

Little She/Her's!


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hi andrea! so for the delay, i have a habit of posting just before going to sleep lmao

i do commissions sometimes, for sure! i'd be totally down to work with you on something! do you have anything specific in mind?

that pun... it's so... extra... cheesy... oh my lanta...
< pic very related


I love that one doodle that you did of me, as a fox, getting kissed, especially! It's so cute!


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You guys and your puns are a real pizza work, you know that?


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gotta have that stuffed crust!

ponies in bananas!

well pizza puns are bad, no matter how you slice it!


Wait, who is getting their crust stuffed?


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nothin' like a lil stuffed crust to put some pep in your step!
i dunno, but i hope it doesn't cost *too* much extra!


Hey man, you wanna get filled all nice and good, ya gotta pay.


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i thought the best things in life are supposed to be free


Money can't buy happiness, but it sure as hell can rent it


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too true, too true...


It also can't buy talent, or at least that is what I tell myself because then I have an excuse

Also how u


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it also can't buy good taste!! (but could allow you to hire someone who does...)

i'm pretty good! got burned by the sun today
< pic related
how u?


The sun is mean like that. Darn you, sun!

Well, I have had a fairly chill day. Mostly just got some groceries and played some spookgames, though both I played turned out to not really be my thing, so that sucked.

Doodled a lil bit tho.


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so it goes...

which spookgames did you try playing?

nice on the doodling! i've been on a pick of a rip recently because july is art fight month! have you ever participated in art fight?


Pomberito and Kamla. Both take place in cultures I don't know much about, and that is always interesting to me.

Problem is, they are also both "run around and try not to get killed with very minimal instruction so you have tos tart all the way the fuck over" games, and I am noooot the biggest fan of that.

Also it is not wholly true, I played a third one called Creepy Waves FM - Bug Fixer that was actually pretty good.

I have not, actually. Mostly because I don't exactly have a lot of OCs or whatever.


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ahhh gotcha! i have never heard of them! shame that they didn't do it for you. a good spooky game is great.

It's not a spooky game, but have you ever tried hypnospace outlaw? for whatever reason i've been thinking about it lately! i had a lot of fun with it.

yeaahh, i only have OCs now because of artfight last year, haha. that orange jelly zafara neope i've  been posting came from needing more OCs last year!


they're indie. I play a LOOOT of indie spookygames. I love that shit. I just have limited patience for "having to run and hide in designated spots every three minutes and wait for the monster to go away so you can take another stab at the perfectly simple task you know you need to do" style run-and-hide horror.

But I mean heck, the stuff I was doodling was indie horror game charactesr. Doing a sort-of-sequel to a video I did of that last October.

I don't think I have even heard of Hypnospace Outlaw.

All I really have is the "Amamba" crew I came up with on my art channel,
I have, unfortunately, spent a looooot of years blelieving I was incapable of coming up with cool charactesr and it is hard to shake off...


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oh nice! any reccomendations? I really enjoyed some of the... puppetcrew? games! and the FAITH trilogy!

oh nice! art for a stream is fun AND useful!

hypnospace outlaw is a weird game, but totally unique and cool. very chill alternate reality game where you're a mod for a late 90s internet community site. it's nostalgic HARDCORE if you were online at all during the late 90s early 2000s

ahh, yeah... i kinda feel that. all my 'OCs' are bascially pokemon/neopets that have accessories on them haha. their uniqueness comes from the style i draw them in, i suppose!


Puppet Combo. I have played surprisingly few of their games, actually.

And I mean sure I can, but I need to know slight bit more about what exactly you'd be into. There's a LOT of very diferent stuff out there.

Aah, gotta love some of thsoe analog games. Might look into it. I do get a laugh out of seeing well done re-creations of stuff I remember.

Well, the "Amamba" crew is largely my own creation, if spurred by some Twitter comments. And I guess I have a whole Danish superhero 'verse I just still haven't drawn anything for.


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ah yes yes, puppet combo!

hmm... i haven't played a lot of horror games, but i do like the slower ones! and i have fond memories of playing ao oni with friends of mine a while ago!

it might be up your alley! it's pretty old now, so it often goes on sale. if you like boomer shooters there's a spin-off called "Slayers X: Terminal Aftermath: Vengance of the Slayer" which was quite a bit of fun! definitely better if you play hypnospace first thhough ;)

ah, see! you've already got some good ground if ever you're interested in something like art fight!


Eh, actually, screw it, I am just gonna write down some random favorites I played over the last few months.

If you're at all into "Mascot Horror" (that is, innocent characters corrupted into monsters), there is a free first chapter to a game called Indigo Park making the sweeps right now. It doesn't reinvent the wheel by any means, but it is made by a streamer who enjoys the genre a lot and really does his damndest to ensure his world's aesthetics are great.

There was also My Friendly Neighborhood, where you play as a TV repair man who gets sent to an old TV studio that broadcasts a Sesame-Street esque puppet show, when it mysteriously starts airing again on its own after decades of inactivity. It plays kind of like modern Resident Evil (VII and VIII), and is somewhat "horror lite" in that it is not really trying to be the scariest thing ever, but it is a LOT of fun and does tell a slightyl different story than most games like it.

Similarly, the game Hollow Cocoon where you play a young Japanese Man who has to spend the night at his estranged grandmother's manor - a former silkworm farm - who soon gets chased by a strange monster. It's a 3-ish hour romp, and does have some of that "run and hide" I mentioned not liking earlier, but it's a great "solve puzzles in the creepy location" kind of game and tells a very dark, unique story.

And while we're still speaking of Resident Evil, Crow Country is a recent Classic Resident Evil-like  (though more top-down isometric) that is really, really damn great. I highly recommend this one, it's just a super well thought out location.

For a different vibe, try [b]Killer Frequency[/?]. You play an 80ies radio host who gets tasked with taking 911 calls on a night a serial killer is loose, and you have to use things like maps, info and the like to help people survive their encounters with the killer over the phone. Kind of has the vibe of Scream-era slasher films.

If you want something that's a little slower and more narratively driven, Midnight Scenes: A Safe Place is fantastic. It's a pixel art point and click where you play as a young man who hasn't left his room in over a month and seems irrationally deathly afraid of stepping outside. It's more narrative than game, but it is absolutely excellent. As the title implies, it's also part of a series, but dom't worry - it's an anthology, no need to play the others to understand this one.

If you like analog horror, try Home Safety Hotline. You play a new worker at a company that helps people take care of problems in their home, like say, ants, termites, frozen water pipes, trolls, fairies, mice... the usual.
The whole game takes place on your work computer and through phone calls. It's quite a fun little experience.

The Tsugunohi series is a great collection of small, spooky scenarios. It's a series of short (and by that i mean somewhere between 15 and 90 minutes each) japanese horror games where all you really do... is walk left. But trust me, they get quite unsettling, and there are like 12 of them at this point. You can buy a collection witht he first 9 for a quite low price.

In the Visual Novel end of things, SLay the Princess is phenomenal. You play a hero, who is told by the narrator that he must go to a cabin, find a princess chained up in the attic... and kill her, because otherwise the world will end.
You know those games that brag about how "all your chocies matter?" Here, they truly do. The nature of the story and the princess' behavior changes drastically and dramatically depending on how you approach the situation, and it can be really mind bendy. I believe they recently released a sort of "ultimate version", too.

And for a REALLY short experience, try It's Just A Prank. It's only 30-40 minutes, but I assure you they are gonna be 30-40 intensely uncomfortable ones.

These are just some over the last few months or so, and ones that you should get a decent amount of playtime out of. I know of many other, shorter (30-120 minute) experiences if you like.

Or you can just check my Lets Play channel sometime, heh.

>Art Fight
Ye, I suppose. Though odds are I'd forget to get anything done on time. I also totally forget how it works...

Anyway, I should go sleep now. It is vurry, vurry late. Have a good one.

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