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 No.1169848[Last 50 Posts]

File: 1718289788180.png (434.86 KB, 776x600, 97:75, medium (14).png) ImgOps Google

It truly is now the time of Summer. Even now we're seeing schools letting out for the season, plans for vacations and fun, and of course very hot and high temperatures.

With our time having fun in the sun, cool ice creams and Popsicles, or hiding in our basements waiting for fall to finally come back, I do want to remind everyone to be sure to keep hydrated and wear sunscreen if you're going out for a long period.

So let's be sure to also relax time to time with a nice drink, probably iced, and talk about anything on our minds.


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i could use an iced coffee


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I found out another floor at my new workstation carries pretty decent latte machiato

But ice coffee is always welcome


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Luckily we have plenty of ice and coffee

Ooo that is pretty sweet to know


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>Summer plans
Must be nice to have that option


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Well plans could be more just doing the same thing but warmer.


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Morning. How are you doing?


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*refills your coffee*
kinda soso..... the house is a wet mess and no one here wanna do anything and expect me to make all the answers.



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Had a rough weekend but feeling better, except for a rough sleep so a little tired. So kinda mixed


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rough weekend?!
dear, you doing ok?!
>hugs you close and offers carrotcake


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*sips sips*
Honestly not sure. No idea if it was allergies, illness, or something else.
But it really laid me out some.
*noms carrot cake*
At least now I'm just tired, easily helped by a nap when I can


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i hpoe the nap will help you good!
and oh dear m that sounds roughful.
you need a long vacation and rest soon!


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Haha well I'll get a little bit of that soon. Day off on Wed so I'll have a good chance to rest and enjoy a day.
Only issue will be to make sure I keep my lotion schedule up. And also the art challenge.


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day offs! also this friday is midsummers so, celebrate by eating a cake for me, ok?

oh daer. that´s a packed week


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Yeah, luckily both ate temp for a little longer.

Oh it is? Well I'll do my best then. See about finding a good carrot cake too.


i beleive in chu!
and yay carrotcake!
or even better! get a sandwich cake ( or smörgåstårta ) if wanting to be precise


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Ooo sounds interesting. I'm going to have to look into this.

Also I got a tattoo


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you gonna be surprise... WAIT WOFF?!


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Haha, looks like I caught you off guard. It's the reason I'm in a lotion regiment right now.

Wow, that sandwich cake was a journey.


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y..you surey caught me off guard for sure! hope you liked it and it being awesome!
isn´t it?!


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God's I hope so. I mean I kinda have it forever now.

Yeah, unfortunately the salmon would be the very very pricy parts


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that artstyle looks sick! and suits you!
Hekc yea!

pricey parts? nah a big cake for like 8 people woiuld be like 35€?
or hunt em yourself ~


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Yeah, it was a goal, a reward, and a reminder.

Haha, I'm in the middle of a desert and most likely would be eating it myself.


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allow me to congrat you for reaching the goal then! you rock. wo-hoo <3

aaw, do i have to kidnap you to sweden for some swedish sandiwh cake


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Thank you, but I have to make sure I keep it going.

Haha honestly I would welcome it


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keep going on strong <3
yush and then we can fish in the lake with one of the boats!


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Ah that would be nice. Definitely much more peaceful


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just gotta make sure to have a extra gas tank. got straned this saturday with boat ( emtpy fuel tank ) xD


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Oh wow, hope that wasn't a long time stranded


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well, we managed to drift to land. and hiked like 4 kms to the car. getting fuel and then taking the rowboat back to the boat fueling it up and slowly drove home back to land. right before it started to rain!

my arms is still noodelely


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Glad it wasn't much worse than that. That really does suck though


it was me and a co worker. we had a blast of a efternoon tho xD


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Haha sounds like it, and that's what counts


Right ^^


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Well should get to work at work and drawing today's prompt


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ok, i need to lowkey prepp for bed. you do take care and have good one. ok?


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You too, go rest your noodle arms


I read this as "go rest, noodle arms" and I was wondering why Circuit was insulting random posters.



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I genuinely like Camel by Camel. Y'know, the Egyptomania-vibes and all.


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also inspired my favorite pumpkin


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Coffee refresh


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Oh I did, and I'm super excited all around


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mario and luigi back at it again on a ship

party time in the mushroom kingdom

prime 4 decided to finally exist

and what if Zelda was a girl?

i think we are eating well tonight!



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Ooo and the rpgs are so awesome


I arrive to blep at thee


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Yes. Also left in your salad.


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what did you leaf in the salad?


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Coffee refresh


*terrorizes neighborhood*


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Heathcliff, Heathcliff, no one should


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Coffee refresh


y so ominous


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Just trying to wake up. How goes Eshie?


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Happy midsummers!


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Ooo yeah, it is midsummer's!
I need a cake


He goes. Was spooky gaming.

...then my capture software crapped out and I lost the last 25 or so minutes and now I have to replay up to that point to record the resst and I am ery very happy and not about to scream

That's not in another 3 days here


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you never truly celebrated it for reals! we celebrate it harder than our national day!


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Coffee refresh


I'll be honest, desite eating tons of fastfood, Reviewbrah keeps having a very youthful appearance.


A refreshing pot


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Coffee refresh of a long week.


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That should do for a starter


Want me to call that coffee bean guy from Regular Show over?


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Nah, maybe later. Honestly not feeling the best either.


Aw, sorry to hear.

Also sorry tor respond so late. Was with family



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Coffee refrwh


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I could go for a latte macchiato now


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Yeah, that does sound nice


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Way late coffee refresh


Better a late coffee than a never coffee!


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Coffee refresh



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Coffee refresh



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Hey Eshie. How goes it?


It go

Slightly annoyed that I just bought a new cable for my Elgato only to find out I accidentally bought hte 5GB/S rather than 10GB/s that is the minimum required.

So now I had to order another cable.

But oh well. Extra cables are not the worst thing to have.

How u do`?


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I'm doing alright. Not sure if it's seasonal heat or other odd things but last couple weeks not been the best but I'm doing better


Myeah, my motivation to start much of anything has been low myself. Finally plopped myself down to take some notes and do a little bit of editing today though


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I still have been practicing the art thing. Honestly the hard part is slowing down and trying to focus


P much. Or just starting on anything lately.
And fighting the "it won't be good anyway" mindworm.


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My latest tactic for that one is just reminding myself I'm still learning


Eh, I'll spare you the "I should be better by now" spiel, especially since some of the stuff I am looking into doin gIS new to me.


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Yes, and also even masters of a craft can flub up. So I'll spare you the stop beating yourself up.speil


But but but but


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I dunno just trying to be a contrarian


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Well no worries there, I'm sure you contrary at some point soon


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Your face is contrarian!


Your contrarian is a face!

I shall find a way!


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Tax the rich

Feed the poor


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How about tax everyone?


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Tax everyone except me.


Tax me harder daddy


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>Taxing the poor
God and Satan both hate that opinion, and you should feel bad.


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tax taxes!

taxes don't pay taxes, so i think that should change!


File: 1720846854403.jpg (54.64 KB, 1024x583, 1024:583, BOO.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

NUH UH! we have taxes on our taxes already! dun giv the gov even more dumber ideas!


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Hell needs to start paying taxes. Look at Lucifer. Just squatting down there like he owns the place.

And what about all those damned souls? Think of all the back-taxes they owe.

We need to invade and audit hell. They've had it too good for too long.


Classic church arguments, really.


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Nah that was all about excess grace. Heaven is clearly tax-exempt.

Make hell pay taxes.


... Sure.

I'll just smile, nod, agree and save that picture if you don't mind.

For, uh



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Speaking of taxing Hell I just found out about Trench Crusade and it looks cool as fuck.


Gonna need some context


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The Knights Templar committed the ultimate heresy and turned to worshiping the devil in 1099. They opened a portal to hell in Jerusalem.

The year is 1914 and the war against Hell has raged for 800 years.


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Nothing is free

Everything is expensive


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So when do I start paying for the oxygen I breathe?


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when you or a love one get too old to breath right or if you decide to scuba dive in the ocean and go into space.


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Coffee refresh


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Hey, how goes?


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i now man the highest ferris wheel in the world (in terms of elevation) and i need caffeine to manage it


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Wow that sounds fun! And definitely caffeine worthy


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haven't officially started it yet, so it's up in the air how fun it will be, but caffeine is always necessary

anywho, how are you circuit?


G'day to you my fine pony of circuitry


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Coffee refresh


Posting new video refresh


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Yay new video



On the art channel. Here's hoping it gets spread around for a change.

How you?


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Kinda all over the place. Think heat and stress messing with me.


Here, first of the page social thread


Yeah, bit of a blanket of heat here, too. Well, by Scandinavia standards, anyway


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Why is snake licker in there twice?

Yeah, it's not been as fun


What else been going on recently?


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Well, been having to handle some family obligations. Been trying to work on a few projects with time getting away from me. Honestly haven't been able to do things like heavy game or meditation because of it all.


Hope you can take yourself a break soon


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Me too. I'm going to the gym and doing yoga later which will hopefully help


Get swole, nimble, AND relax!


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Yep and yes!


Circuit, the zen muscle giant


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Coffee refresh


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Coffee drinking equine appear


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As he is want to do


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Coffee refresh


I cookeded and eated a meatloaf


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Ooo sounds super nummy


I was also a fool and kind forgot to cook anything to eat WITH the Meatloaf, so, uh

Gonna do that better with the next two portions


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Ah, yeah that would be a pain. Had to do something similar with a roast I made


I am big dumm


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Nah, just caught up. Now you can do fun things like rice or bread


Got plenty of rice dishes planned the next few days, so maybe some potats.

How you doin?


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Coffee refresh

Doing alright. Finally feeling more used to heat so trying to get back to working on things


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Coffee refresh


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Woman on a cross

Woman on a cross

Woman on a cross


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She seems calm for being so crossed


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An ideal state.


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I just finished watching Invincible as come out so far.

It's really good.


Not when I wanna be a more productive person instead of just a wasteful pile of flesh


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*terrorizes the community*


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You remind me a hat in time is probably somewhere on my to play list.


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*Menace to society noises*

*Mutters*. E-evil... Evil Evil.... Evil e-evil.... *Mumbles*


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Yesternight I managed to catch a frog and stuff him in a plastic container.

Took pity and released him a while later, and the noise restarted.

Might keep him locked up for the night this time. (although I really must remember to release in the morning, if I don't want to test the boiling frog theory)

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