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 No.1168582[Last 50 Posts]

File: 1716581628889.jpg (14.43 KB, 300x228, 25:19, 1549073533816.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Hey, does snowbell still lurk/post here?
I have a story for him.
Not like, a great one but a story none the less.

Also i always hated when people made threads like this on ponychan and then like, vanished.
So ill at least be around today to participate haha.

But i figure anyone that wanted to talk to me from these parts could easily figure out how anyway.



File: 1716582100759.png (282.46 KB, 702x830, 351:415, 1568416541243.png) ImgOps Google

Oh, yeah i looked there and didnt immediately see him so came here.

I don't post there for the same reason i was rare on voidchan, a lot of folks are not happy to see me, so why would i just, force them to?


File: 1716582695564.png (18.46 KB, 104x186, 52:93, rk1.png) ImgOps Google

How dare you etc


File: 1716582809352.png (236.41 KB, 534x463, 534:463, 989874545.PNG) ImgOps Google

Yeah that's right.
I'm a fucking bad boy.
Don't you forget it.


File: 1716583060853.png (46.11 KB, 278x193, 278:193, rk8.png) ImgOps Google

Uh huh sure sure.


File: 1716583105022.png (138.84 KB, 318x363, 106:121, 789797.PNG) ImgOps Google

I can be.
By request.


File: 1716583147272.png (62.22 KB, 289x194, 289:194, rk9.png) ImgOps Google

That's cute.


File: 1716583551890.png (340.36 KB, 784x652, 196:163, 6625412.PNG) ImgOps Google

Who, me?
I don't do cute.


File: 1716584240169.png (903.68 KB, 1361x1054, 1361:1054, Screenshot_20240524-165609.png) ImgOps Google

Gonna use an oil based paint, 'cuz the wood is pine.


File: 1716584709791.png (223.11 KB, 561x481, 561:481, 35635621111223.PNG) ImgOps Google

This is the most wholesome fucking thing I've ever seen in my life


File: 1716585622864.jpg (182.63 KB, 511x720, 511:720, dcfacfa134528588289d735ed5….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Pretty based tbh.


File: 1716588045299.jpg (160.5 KB, 1652x2048, 413:512, 1715729584502285.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

hello my fren


File: 1716588229531.png (131.38 KB, 272x270, 136:135, 1555715840585.png) ImgOps Google

Hi Mikie


File: 1716588696763.jpg (2.93 MB, 1568x2526, 784:1263, 1694051082415808.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google


good to see you around


File: 1716588832763.png (408.35 KB, 570x609, 190:203, 77812365.PNG) ImgOps Google

Official buisness.


File: 1716589248456.png (232.81 KB, 505x389, 505:389, 1542668100409.png) ImgOps Google

Actually, you see me around all the time.
Just not like, on an img board.


File: 1716602896970.jpg (68.2 KB, 500x500, 1:1, tumblr_inline_pi02vxlwon1u….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Its all wholesome and nice till they give you there estimate.


File: 1716604615169.png (907.41 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Trixie321.png) ImgOps Google

Oh hey, long time no see


File: 1716652821312.jpg (54.54 KB, 774x845, 774:845, JPEG_20180823_105241.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Hahaha you might be right.

I messaged you like just a day or so ago about a microwave.


File: 1716656631773.png (264.5 KB, 665x720, 133:144, Trixie264.png) ImgOps Google

It was 4 days ago! That's life 4 lifetimes of a mayfly!


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File: 1716665458377.jpg (3.55 MB, 4080x2296, 510:287, IMG_20240518_090716009.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Fucking finally.
Dude, i ran the gambler 500 in NY with my miata.
It had such a you vibe that i said "man, i wouldn't be suprised to run into my friend snowbell here" outloud in a crowd a few times to see if anyone turned around haha.

That's it, that's all i wanted to say.

The virgin mayfly vs the chad june bug.


File: 1716666550730.jpg (102.56 KB, 960x783, 320:261, 386750974_719632133531296_….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google


Lol. Nope, I wasn't there. Haven't been to NY since... 2018? I was just plotting another trip to Taughannock Falls state park sometime this summer but that's going to hinge on whom I can drag along with me.

Nice UwU.


File: 1716671241263.jpg (1.36 MB, 4080x2296, 510:287, IMG_20240522_102635681~2.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

It won't come off...

I'm always down. I met up with some furry gear heads for the 500 and we only knew each other for a few weeks.
I've known you for most my life haha
So if you need someone to do outdoor shit with lmk
Might be doing a trip end of June for a week or 2 though. You're what i consider "local" though haha


File: 1716672986630.jpg (9.11 MB, 5184x3888, 4:3, IMG_4618.JPG) ImgOps Exif Google


My plan was to drag my mother and daughter there since there's plenty of easy trails and they could both use more time outdoors but neither is showing any interest.
Plan B is to put that time and money into doing something with my Astro van before it is entirely consumed by nature.


File: 1716674748871.jpg (3.49 MB, 4080x2296, 510:287, IMG_20240518_104959833.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Wimmin.. amirite?


File: 1716677115303.jpg (106.67 KB, 900x1350, 2:3, 438275572_448244251038321_….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google


Indeed. I suppose I could also shove them into a sack and haul them into the woods Krampus style.


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File: 1716759483955.png (552.73 KB, 746x714, 373:357, vlcsnap-2020-11-18-19h03m3….png) ImgOps Google

But it's not even June yet


Also i always hated when people made threads like this on ponychan and then like, vanished.
So ill at least be around today to participate haha.

Just @ me next time


File: 1716845566918.png (60.17 KB, 809x174, 809:174, mlp on end of ponychan.png) ImgOps Google

>Also i always hated when people made threads like this on ponychan and then like, vanished.



File: 1716917627427.png (41.13 KB, 379x380, 379:380, tophat lurk.png) ImgOps Google

wat happun

we're having a board war again?


I don’t know what’s going on. I chill in my discord server but sometimes I open up this tab to see what’s happening and make a random post to see how friends are doing since I don’t have ponychan anymore haha


File: 1716930376084.png (59.4 KB, 400x250, 8:5, ser7quwvm4n4.png) ImgOps Google

Someone who was perma-banned got upset that their posts were deleted, avoided the ban to say that they were upset that their posts were deleted, then those posts were deleted.


File: 1716932502732.jpeg (103.68 KB, 736x758, 368:379, IMG_0793.jpeg) ImgOps Google

Sounds about right


File: 1716935111888.png (339.15 KB, 482x525, 482:525, pinkie pie bukkake.png) ImgOps Google

hey man, it's not against the law to break the law

muh freedoms!


Noelle fought the law and the law did not win


File: 1716937166220.png (232.27 KB, 455x534, 455:534, me lookin at loona yiff in….png) ImgOps Google

i had a full pack of uno reverse cards and destroyed my fear of death to get where i am

have you ever thought about getting a hobby?


File: 1716937285471.png (1.39 MB, 1599x900, 533:300, 3 apples high.png) ImgOps Google

Right, right. If you don't "See" the ban it never happened to begin with.


BAM! Uno reverse card.
How do the Elle of No's?

Now now, be nice.
Impressing the rest of sixth grade with their epic le cool edginess IS their hobby.


File: 1716938545796.jpg (194.38 KB, 800x1132, 200:283, 28ebe4b6613417a01904d5441a….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

my defendant uses the "stick fingers in their ears and go LALALALA" defense

>that picture

oh the irony given what i'm working on right now



perhaps, but think of how much cooler and edgier they can be if they make some Shadow fanart with guns while listening to MCR?

or i guess maybe shadow freddy making out with one of the garten of ban ban things? i don't know what kids like nowadays


File: 1716938664419.jpg (65.38 KB, 945x945, 1:1, FVr2Z8SX0AANPdx.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

And bad music.

I certainly hope it's Isabelle doing something wholesome.


...I thought Loona had turned into a panda for a second.

Preferably while writing long essays about how Light Yagami was right because he lives in a society.


File: 1716939054610.jpg (33.84 KB, 680x321, 680:321, 22b.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

well if it makes you feel better, it should be wholesome enough for youtube!

... i think...

(i probably should check the community guidelines)

Loonabelle does have panda vibes, but she'll crush you in her thighs

ngl, i always thought light was silly because he could have aimed way higher with his targets. going after criminals is childsplay when you can control the world from your own bedroom, having all the potato chips that you can eat!


>She will crush you with her thighs
I know you meant that as a threat but

Dude was an edgy teen who allowed good grades to make him think he deserved to be God. Of course he wasn't gonna think much farther than "what if I was magic Punisher"


File: 1716939203758.png (506.84 KB, 939x898, 939:898, 48b268f9e283daa6482ebdb464….png) ImgOps Google

You can probably use the word "Dick" on Youtube.


Now that part I wouldn't know, but I wouldn't be surprised


File: 1716939335212.jpg (75.15 KB, 680x736, 85:92, 447.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

it's the best way to go!

god, now i'm imagining light with one of those blue line Punisher stickers, playing Hearts of Iron IV, and arguing that "Hitler could have won if only he did this" and proceeds to explain in full detail while you want to claw your eyes out

i don't think i used any naughty words in it, so i think i should be safe!

isabelle is treading on thin ice though!


File: 1716939368026.png (18.46 KB, 104x186, 52:93, 1697681466970_rk1.png) ImgOps Google

Can't wait to see it then.


File: 1716939539905.jpg (161.55 KB, 850x1016, 425:508, 26e2294c6b3904e44cb90fe01a….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

if you enjoy dripping hot wax and being hooked up to a car battery, then i think you'll have a great time ^_^


File: 1716939605671.gif (649.69 KB, 300x168, 25:14, 1697681462354_NANOMACHINES.gif) ImgOps Google

I'm getting mixed signals on that description.


I mean the point of the whole story is that for all his bluster and for whatever genuine talent he had, Light was a pathetic edgelord thinking he was hot shit the instant he got ahold of a bit of power, blind to the fact that a literal God literally only let him have it for yucks, that he could do absolutely nothing to stop his own downfall, and that there were people far smarter than him that needed none of the boosts to feel accomplished. He was always laughable.

I'm gonna save this drawing.

For research and art practice purposes.

Yeah, that's it.


File: 1716939832057.jpg (354.75 KB, 1000x703, 1000:703, FX5Mh9_XoAAVbNC.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

well would you like to be coddled like a baby with a pacifier, or would you like to be vacuum sucked into a mummy case and become a piece of living furniture for a day?


File: 1716940085356.png (18.46 KB, 104x186, 52:93, 1697681466970_rk1.png) ImgOps Google

Neither tbh.


File: 1716940230137.jpg (23.24 KB, 571x387, 571:387, DuLSKIqWsAASG67.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

yeah, a lot of people that are marginally more intellegent than their peers and think they know everything. so having a story where one could literally have the powers of a god, only for him to spell his own demise is definitely anime "fuck around and find out!"

also, it's been forever since ive seen it, but once i knew that Misa had the ability to see when one would die, i would have her tell me when i was going so i could plan around it a lot more. If i saw i had one day to live, i'd pull out all the stops!

and study hard my friend, sit with your back erect and take in the knowledge!

how about tied up in a shiibari rope display, or acting like a literal dog with a hood?


File: 1716940276024.png (18.46 KB, 104x186, 52:93, 1697681466970_rk1.png) ImgOps Google

Neither, tbh.


File: 1716940351682.png (125.62 KB, 512x512, 1:1, 8386aff1f6ba9b59cc3535b1f9….png) ImgOps Google

perhaps we skip to the aftercare stuff, eat some dark chocolate, and just relax in a pile of stuffed animals <3


File: 1716940391565.png (576.35 KB, 1052x663, 1052:663, 1697681462848_RDT_20230522….png) ImgOps Google

Sure that sounds nice.


File: 1716940449864.jpg (133.95 KB, 800x631, 800:631, 4a38789dc88cf88e150137e7cd….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

well then i'm happy to announce you'll enjoy at least part of the project then!


You gotta love spending an entire manga building this guy up to be an ideal for exactly the kind of people you're mocking and then ending the story by flipping all of them all at once.

I mean I will take a few of those things if Tracer won't


File: 1716940563405.jpg (109.43 KB, 595x735, 17:21, 1697681466877_mtr_15886299….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Lol, lmao
He's upset because I called his music bad.

I look forward to that part then.

Sure, go for it.


File: 1716941509047.jpg (109.43 KB, 595x735, 17:21, 1697681466877_mtr_15886299….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

I listen to most everything linked when I lurk because I'm bored.

That one's pretty bad. Not the worst though.


File: 1716995853134.jpg (100.16 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Why is satiama smiling lik….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Keh.. You made me use 1 percent of my power.. Not bad kid, but not good enough!


File: 1716996302479.jpg (39.58 KB, 512x512, 1:1, Hmmmmm.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google


"I'll never go away, I'll be here everyday."

Better get used to it chumps. My love dies hard.


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File: 1717015341704.jpg (109.43 KB, 595x735, 17:21, eyebrows90.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

It's better than what Chewy usually posted. Don't like the lyrics.

I thought I would lie as well.


File: 1717134521180.png (1.37 MB, 1000x1041, 1000:1041, Storm, Stone, and Salt.png) ImgOps Google

With what?



Definite apologies to that anon the other day whose stuff I deleted while I was trying to do stuff on mobile.  That was an accident and 100% my bad.  I can't undelete the posts, or even just contact them with an apology, so maybe they see this one.

Not so much to you in particular, though, just the other person.


File: 1719808389661.jpg (274.5 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 449389209_2627323345562386….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Look at what I bought:


File: 1719808880944.png (605.17 KB, 644x732, 161:183, HDori.png) ImgOps Google

I don't know what I'm looking at. The world's smallest and simplest air fryer?


File: 1719849265438.png (1.8 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, vlcsnap-2022-11-08-16h21m1….png) ImgOps Google


Is Sho's B-6 Kun folding compact fireplace/grill.


File: 1719858379429.jpg (59.04 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, WE CANT EXPECT GOD TO DO A….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Enjoy cooking your one hamburger.


File: 1719886101223.png (318.35 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 192a13676cff6b18a6425a34ca….png) ImgOps Google


Oh I will.

Also is about 50% bigger than my other packable firebox.


File: 1720079172661.png (116.34 KB, 248x360, 31:45, Pinkie_Pie.png) ImgOps Google

I just popped in to that other place to see what people thought about b*mpstox [edit but not about that here] and found the sun has just set over there.  So i looked here. I see the sun is still shining.


What happened to that site?  I just found a tombstone 2024 there


File: 1720082075993.png (180.05 KB, 425x422, 425:422, you sure about that.png) ImgOps Google

The admins got bored of it, now it lives on as ponychan.co


File: 1720117243667.jpg (4.18 MB, 4160x3120, 4:3, 20240704_140323.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google


Me enjoying my one borgar:

Also it only took 8 or 9 small briquettes to cook said borgar so the 8 pound bag I got is going to last a long-ass time.


File: 1720119468416.jpg (510.11 KB, 1024x679, 1024:679, 1430535922755.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google


File: 1720123356945.jpg (117.42 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Yuru Camp - 02 - Large 30.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google


Also also, that seems like it's gonna be the extent of my 4th of July doings as it is now raining and looks like it going to continue most of the night.

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