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Spring is around and with the first warm day, I am just seeing spiders and their webs reappearing all around the place.

Ants too.

And with a new Travis McEnery video, let's discuss what crawlies have appeared in your neighbourhood this spring.



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The giant house spider has become pretty common here in the UK in the last few years

I don't tend to mind smaller spiders but THIS thing?

I see one of those crawling towards me and I'm running a mile


Was it ever not?
I think House spiders have been common around in Europe for like since I was a little child.

False widows, though, at least the Noble False Widow have been increasing in numbers in the UK.

To be honest, these spiders still freak me out when I find them around the house.
They're fast, but apparently, despite their size rather skittish.

I recently peeled one from inside the doorframe and lifted it to some bush outside.

But, like, how scary they may look at first, they tend to have a pretty cool pattern on their back, if you just happen to be able to observe them a bit.

One thing I have to say about travis McEnery videos on spiders, the whole "cheese test" gimmick makes the spiders just look more vulnerable and I don't know if it just applies to me only, but it just makes them less scary to me.
https://youtu.be/y2LVZhYMtLw?feature=shared&t=1490 (giant house spider cheese test)


I've noticed these spiders being rather recent myself.
Why? Why has it become a recent thing?


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I imagine the cold weather of the last few months has forced many of them to find shelter which in turn has lead to a lot more breeding than usual


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I'm not saying they're a recent thing in the last few months. It's just they're a revelation to me when I first noticed them a few short years a go when I found this massive spider in the bath tub this one time. I try to wash it down the plug hole but even in it's scrunched-up state it was too big to fit down the train.


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just relocate to the outside in an alive state



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I think I found an ant mimic in my home today.
First time ever that I found one.


Adding yet another interesting video into this thread.




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Today I saw a Clubiona (sack spider) appearing out in the open at a moving train stirring up some interest.

I just spotted the Scotophaeus I saw  earlier this week once again in the hallway.


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Spider night tonight

Scotophaeus in the curtains
Eratigena in the hallway (first one inside this year) - relocated
Another Scotophaeus against the couch.


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Have a closeup of the largest spider that lives here in the UK, the Cardinal Spider. Although rare they mostly appear in houses during the winter months as it gets colder outside and so they seek the warm of our homes.

I remember when I was young and there was one living in my bathroom and under the bath at the time. Swear the thing was about the size of my fist.

As you can see they are not really of the pretty varity i'm afraid. Not fancy or flashy, just your standard "Let's blend into the dark" brown and pretty hairy.


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Reminds me of a coconut crab...


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I think I've seen those around the last appartment I was at.
But Tegenaria and Eratigena are harder to distinguish.

> Not fancy or flashy, just your standard "Let's blend into the dark" brown and pretty hairy.
Honestly, if you would come to face your fear, and observe them in the light a bit, they do have a pretty neat geometric pattern on top of their abdomen.


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i dont know why i clicked on the image to get a better look but seeing this and learning they live in the UK has 100% ruined my evening


Spiders are cute



nah fam I can't fuck with em


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I mean, that's not the most natural photo.


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I mean they are harmless and tend to avoid people.

But they're are pretty scary looking


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When I got home today, I found something snuck into the bird cage as it got a heap of seed shells strung up next to the food bin.

I found a young American house spider (Parasteatoda Tepidariorum) took up living in there.
I think I may know where its mother is located.

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