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File: 1709342891425.png (437.47 KB, 999x444, 9:4, Gigantic_fake_pet_alligato….png) ImgOps Google

Suppose for the sake of a thought experiment that you suddenly come into some dramatic stroke of luck, being able to make the place that you live (or somewhere else of your choosing) as weirdly personalized as possible with extra bits and pieces (letting your imagination run wild) appearing all over you!

Would you pick something impressive yet eccentric? Maybe? Maybe not? What's your ideal living space?

I'll start by sharing this immense fake alligator statue thing (yes, indeed, this is a real photo showing how the dude who owned it poised it in order to psyche out people visiting) that I kind of would like to have myself someday:



Well, at the moment I love in a one-room apartment.

My IDEAL situation would be a small house, or at least a multi-room apartment where I could have a main living room, an "office" / video shooting / media room and a bedroom.

As it is now, my room is already quite personalized. All my furniture is recycled, I have movies, videogames, comic books and figures on display all over the place and various odd posters.

I would love to have more posters really, cause my walls are certainly a BIT bare, and I guess some method of keeping the wires from my far-too.many consoles in check would be nice. I really want the consoles to be displayed rather than hidden away, after all.

I suppose I would like some fancier figures or maybe even an outright statue, just to make things look even cooler, but it's not like I'd ever be able to pick anything specific if I were to throw that kind of moeny around, heh.


How "odd" exactly would you like your posters (and other collectible things such as pillows and rugs) to be, ideally, if you really think about it?

What do you have right now, at this moment, anyways? I'm curious!


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Shoot, I'm probably already content with my living conditions.
Though I was previously thinking about moving to The Ridges in Summerlin. To give you perspective, my current humble abode is worth about half a million. If I grind my soul out, I can achieve a spot in a prestigious area of Summerlin, albeit a rather difficult goal if I intend to pursue it. My pool is cute as it is, but I can see myself owning a jaw-dropping and serene property.


My posters are generally of movies, franchises, etc I like. But I do like a bit of design here and there.

And among my more "odd" wall decorations, I do have signed postcards with sketches on them by Bill Plympton as well as a Robert Englund signed photograph of Freddy Krueger. So stuff like that too, if I had more of it.

What do you mean, just like, a total list of my current posters?


It's kind of funny how when I read "signed postcards with sketches on them by Bill Plympton" I had an immediate "oh, that sounds so cool" response before then realizing that basically nobody I know (either as friends, family, or acquaintances) besides you and you alone would know who he is, let alone how influential he's been for animation. Huh. Oh, but Noelle probably also can chime in on what she thinks.

Do you have photos of those?

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