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 No.1161576[Last 50 Posts]

File: 1708373229700.jpg (377.35 KB, 2150x2480, 215:248, 2910655.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Welcome to another edition of /b/ & Friends!
I am once again your hostess for this thread. Help yourself to tea and cakes ~w~

Post and discuss ponies or hangout and talk about anything! Everypony equal, everypony loved. <3

Credit to wavecipher for pic

PastePonyville, ctrl-v images into the QR reply box


File: 1708373598326.png (170.45 KB, 600x653, 600:653, 399654.png) ImgOps Google

I usually do, but lately it's been all over the place since the job application got turned down and other events I have no control over.
Another listing got sent to me about a financial advisor role, but I haven't heard many good things about that company, so kinda skipped it.

>You are Moshy and to me, that carries plenty more weight than a random-looking anon like myself. Hope all of it goes well and your food is tasty
Kinda needed to hear that thanks
And yush it was tasty, we had some fries and those pastries with emmenthal and asparagus inside
Something simpler for tonight heheh

Mondays always suck tbh, but at least you've made it to this week and am proud uwu


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Hai, invisible name
Octavia is blessed, post more of her :3


Oh nooooo, I'm sorry. A lot of battles on different fronts. There's got to be something there for you. Maybe there are sites that show this type of thing. There are staffing places around here that look for positions for you but I'm not sure how they work fully. Some places only hire through them I know.

Yummy. Any leftovers? Simpler is better some days.

Thank you! It's crazy that weekend could be the craziest out of a week and not the grind of the rest of the week when stuff seems to happen.


File: 1708374998183.png (678.8 KB, 814x737, 74:67, 326753249324.png) ImgOps Google

What kind of tea though?


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I can do that


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I hope peppermint, it's my favorite.


File: 1708380738891.png (20.42 KB, 412x443, 412:443, 59df5b6ab564517bf022f8e8f3….png) ImgOps Google

I hope it's a concoction of spearmint, peony, and licorice.
One of my favorite tea combinations.
The good shit's expensive, but I still buy it.


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That sounds like it would be neat to try. Where could I get such a concoction?


File: 1708381471686.png (986.09 KB, 1920x1200, 8:5, Screenshot_20240219_142234.png) ImgOps Google

I kinda drink an anti-androgen type tea lmao


File: 1708381683500.jpg (113.87 KB, 820x1295, 164:259, db6d3fa8d82c321449897ff68d….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Awesome. I could also do with an Octavia stand to go with the Loona one I currently have :3

Both of these sound divine!

DIY anti-androgens?! gib


File: 1708382120052.png (16.95 KB, 236x354, 2:3, dda8ef596a30f07e4e2315fb96….png) ImgOps Google

It would be my pleasure to decrease the level of androgens in your bloodstream!
*gives you a cup*


Does I counts as one of the friendses?


File: 1708387374481.jpg (354.19 KB, 2048x2048, 1:1, GGGBN1rWwAAQlXE.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

you're always my friendses <3



Hooray! I am at least one person's friendses!


File: 1708388863598.jpg (393.34 KB, 1914x1408, 87:64, GE3lJhQaMAAS2us (1).jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

you deserve all the friends, but you gots at least me!

do anything fun today?


That seems like an amount of friends that could potentially be difficult to handle!

Well, I started my day by going to the dentist and tidying my place up a bit so that's not so fun.

I did a bit of drawing for some comm work and played a little of the last stretch of Alone in the Dark: New Nightmare. Gotta finish that baby up before the new game comes out next month, after all!


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having too many friends does become rather troublesome, especially when they think you are ignoring them, but you are just absolutely swamped!

cleaning your teeth and cleaning your room are neither fun affairs, but i do recommend flossing for both!

nice! i haven't played any of the Alone in the Dark games, but i've always been curious!


I dont think I ever need to worry about it.

I don't generally fortnite dance as I clean

I mean, probably stick with new New Nighmare if you do. The originals are fun for historical reasons, but they ARE super jank.

Or you could just watch me play 'em. Hint hint nudge nudge.


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why are you winking and nudging so much?

are you suffering from a neurological ailment?


Yes. It is a serious hindrance in my day to day life a d causes me much distress and the only cure is if people watch the dumb stuff I make


File: 1708391951942.jpg (32.25 KB, 473x550, 43:50, GETX54KXkAARCCm.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

oh dear! sounds serious!

we must amputate!


No no it won't help the only cure is me suddenly waking up to hundreds of thousands of subscribers on all my channels! The ONLY cure!

(Of course it would help if I actually did stuff on one of them)


File: 1708392777619.jpg (127.31 KB, 1625x2048, 1625:2048, GBFM0yTaUAAeLXl.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

i'll start learning to clone myself, and then we'll get you those subs before you know it!


>Resisting urge to quote The Sixth Day

Well what fun shenaniganery have YOU been up to, hmmm?


File: 1708393776904.jpg (73.58 KB, 1080x779, 1080:779, GF4DXfIWcAESyhx.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

i taught a few senior classes today, and they went rather well. I had to go to walmart to buy a new toilet seat cause my old one finally rusted off it's hinges.

then i got home and i'm doing writing stuff right now! I had a chicken pot pie and my dad is on the couch watching seinfeld as he recovers himself from his day


Well maybe you need to take less nasty dumps so the seat don't break in the first place!

>Chicken Pot Pie
Did you remember to yell at Kitty?


File: 1708394238775.jpg (952.16 KB, 2920x3960, 73:99, GFoIiw2XQAAIlkb.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

careful what you say, before i dump you in the toilet :P



That would be where turds like me belong!

Maybe you should get a Shake Weight to work off the chicken pot pie weight


File: 1708395561758.png (108.47 KB, 498x280, 249:140, puppy-eyes-charlie-morning….png) ImgOps Google

will it chime and release a cool down spray when i'm finished?


Yes! It'll even give you cab fare!

Also, I missed a perfect opportunity to call them "Chicken Pot Pounds".

I am unworthy of my status as a wannabe youtube funnyman


File: 1708397656346.png (53.71 KB, 960x960, 1:1, 9aqf7cfe5lfc1.png) ImgOps Google

oh thank god! i just finished the rough draft of my screenplay! it's been several months, but the final scene is done

my next task is to revise it so it is actually readable!

well that's considerate of it, although it makes me feel used :PP

>chicken pot pounds

ooh that's a good one! you should write it down!


File: 1708401350825.jpg (288.21 KB, 1800x2560, 45:64, mendel-oh-maid.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Ohh I see. I assume it has some sort of anti androgen additive?

I've heard people say like green tea can have that effect but I was always skeptical of that one.

That's why it's tea time!

Of course!


File: 1708402050121.png (41.35 KB, 450x675, 2:3, y7556765887568.png) ImgOps Google

It's one of the more complex combinations meant to reduce androgens in particular with peony promoting aromatase. It is by no means a product meant to replace an HRT regimen. Some people would just prefer a healthy tea with androgen reduction as an added bonus. Or it's ideally a product for individuals with PCOS.
Here's a good resource


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You suuuuuuure?
I can be reeeeaaaaal obnoxious!


File: 1708544462809.png (835.16 KB, 850x1274, 425:637, image.png) ImgOps Google


A lot of headpatting and ear fondling going on in here


File: 1708545557447.png (947.21 KB, 850x1190, 5:7, image.png) ImgOps Google

As there should be


Fair point. Heads exist to be patted


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Cute neko


File: 1708964699150.jpg (52.4 KB, 800x600, 4:3, 6P5h8bltEq63NtQxtIbnMxCccm….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Isn't she an inu, not a neko?  Regardless, she is kawaii!


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I dunno, but I miss Mikan now


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Yea she's a doggy, ya sillies


* shrugs *


File: 1709439273634.png (311.22 KB, 983x1063, 983:1063, Screenshot_20240228-182608.png) ImgOps Google



Ya'll niggahz hire felons?


In some cases, it is possible for a felon to obtain a security clearance, but it can be significantly more challenging compared to someone without a criminal record. Certain types of offenses, especially those involving espionage, terrorism, sabotage, or other national security threats, may be viewed more critically.


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this is a pony shit posting board. You got this nigga lost.


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I think we all need some more Finland.


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File: 1709743146213.png (1.35 MB, 700x1800, 7:18, image.png) ImgOps Google

shit talks


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File: 1709748964363.png (120.9 KB, 355x338, 355:338, asdfafdsfdsafdsfsdfsdafsdf….png) ImgOps Google

I heard that you were talking shit
And you didn't think that I would hear it


File: 1709750071028.png (719.58 KB, 850x638, 425:319, image.png) ImgOps Google

How's Muffin?

Sometimes things happen, and well, yeah


File: 1709751493306.png (564.05 KB, 1080x720, 3:2, fmkuyfku.png) ImgOps Google

Don't mind me and my cheeky pop song references ;)


Is this from Rosepuppies? Love this pic and yer ferrets ~w~


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Can't say it rings any bells




File: 1709794482801.png (16.17 KB, 450x450, 1:1, heart.png) ImgOps Google

I'll ring your bells somehow =3



File: 1709799494726.jpg (370.23 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, cartoon black horse with a….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

That horse is supposeded to be me but the AI messedessed it up.


File: 1709825499280.png (1.3 MB, 1100x1770, 110:177, image.png) ImgOps Google

Good :)

Nah, none of that


File: 1709830269450.png (382.46 KB, 922x462, 461:231, cartoon black horse with a….png) ImgOps Google

Interesting AI choice for the image from the prompt it got.


File: 1709836029523.png (835.92 KB, 850x1102, 425:551, image.png) ImgOps Google

Interesting prompt choice for the AI


mlp + love + comedy

Ever seen tyrone the crackhead on chappelle?


File: 1709917954784.png (1.01 MB, 850x1202, 425:601, image.png) ImgOps Google

Ever had Pink Farts and Unicorns?
Cannot recommend


File: 1709920355762.jpg (355.15 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, cartoon black horse with a….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Nooooope. Alright, I will remember that.
Tyrone is tragically funny.


File: 1709997293470.png (Spoiler Image, 546.07 KB, 943x463, 943:463, Hu & Moshy Sitting In A Tr….png) ImgOps Google

Also, what a duo for a prompt choice and answer ;-)


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The leg looks like it's wrapped around the branch awkwardly.


For AI really though, it's the little things it gets wrong even when it's so right. Shared body parts, extra body parts are common. A lot of times you can get a good idea of what it's intending, um, most of the time haha
Unless its a really bad ai


File: 1710005304389.png (1.02 MB, 850x1190, 5:7, image.png) ImgOps Google

Moshy really cute and fluffy


Hours of pets and scratches


File: 1710261247747.png (1.45 MB, 850x1330, 85:133, image.png) ImgOps Google

Sounds bad.
What about some bunny Miku instead?


File: 1710262051038.png (121.03 KB, 311x542, 311:542, Queen_is_back.png) ImgOps Google

Sounds super lewd.


File: 1710262799881.png (1.7 MB, 850x1700, 1:2, image.png) ImgOps Google

Safe enough for Youtube without being account gated


But my kitty loves getting pets and head scratches all the time.

Bunny Miku gets 2 thumbs up. Three under certain circumstances.


Three too often


File: 1710265374742.png (1.44 MB, 850x1267, 850:1267, image.png) ImgOps Google

>no image when embedding


Where are your hands at the moment?


File: 1710271958758.gif (3.35 MB, 1002x1500, 167:250, __hatsune_miku_vocaloid_an….gif) ImgOps Google

mouse and keyboard!


Just postin the good stuff. That's what I thought.


File: 1710276362127.png (1.1 MB, 850x1275, 2:3, image.png) ImgOps Google

Good stuff, huh~?


shes got a nice demeanor and is pleasant and that is an attractive one.


File: 1710446105112.png (1.59 MB, 850x1717, 50:101, image.png) ImgOps Google

Nah, we just love some bunny sluts


Yep. Nice ones. Them ears.


I have a boredom

Are there peeps in here?


File: 1710466289304.jpg (Spoiler Image, 7.43 KB, 322x157, 322:157, peep.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google


It was late in the day otherwise I could have responded. How's it goin'?


Eh, it goes. I be an editing pony lately.


File: 1710582923357.png (1.16 MB, 850x1202, 425:601, image.png) ImgOps Google


Sounds like some good constructive stuff.


File: 1710707325490.png (6 MB, 5760x4320, 4:3, txbtpjr9xcu81.png) ImgOps Google


File: 1710707502846.png (45.1 KB, 379x380, 379:380, tophat lurker 2.png) ImgOps Google

you mess with the duk
you get the fuk


File: 1710707882288.jpg (90.34 KB, 1280x1046, 640:523, d02.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

>Positively Pinkie
Do I get a positive charge if I plug into this pinkie?


trips recognized.
must be good ice cream.

frustrated pony trying to get out of a duck suit?

you mess with the pink and you get it in the... um, nevermind.


It's all fun and games till someone brings up gauging a person's urethra.



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Nice threes!


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File: 1710776293244.jpeg (161.54 KB, 773x1200, 773:1200, GI0gVBmXIAAGYXi.jpeg) ImgOps Google



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File: 1710806506202.png (8.4 MB, 1875x3226, 1875:3226, morphu - human (2).PNG) ImgOps Google


Giving a spirited lecutre from the looks of things


File: 1710818352580.jpg (662.78 KB, 2000x2000, 1:1, 2761308.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

I wanna be less busy IRL, gib cuddles

The spirit of education calls forth :3

Recently did a lil research on the IT Sales Executive role and some insights on Customer Relationship Management.


File: 1710868315592.png (1.15 MB, 850x1279, 850:1279, image.png) ImgOps Google


That goes for both pics

That sounds complicated. Or at least too complicated for me. Hope you enjoyed that.


File: 1711153944452.jpeg (572.76 KB, 1131x1600, 1131:1600, GGczhTZaYAAju3n.jpeg) ImgOps Google

*gibs cuddles*




File: 1711281312616.jpg (93.72 KB, 1027x1080, 1027:1080, 9d49f64a325779a6f72f478262….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

*gets cuddles from the big bad Ivy* x3



Hey, that's my thing! I'm the mlem boy! I'm the one who mlems!


File: 1711369666510.jpg (402.29 KB, 3000x3000, 1:1, 9daddc225a737136f4f21dfea1….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Wasn't it blep? I could let you have both, maybe


File: 1711371263092.png (1.88 MB, 850x1390, 85:139, image.png) ImgOps Google


W-well maybe I just wanna have a thing so SOMETHING is kind of remarkable about me, didja think about thaT?


* sneeze *


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File: 1711631816558.png (1.37 MB, 1200x1200, 1:1, image.png) ImgOps Google

got a script for this site that allows you to copy-paste images from websites as well


File: 1711642484878.png (2.38 MB, 1946x2383, 1946:2383, image.png) ImgOps Google


File: 1711645782968.png (552.58 KB, 850x638, 425:319, 587ce1bbe0d26f2e6991cb4709….png) ImgOps Google

Is that why all your images are named "image.png"?


File: 1711646714786.png (956.47 KB, 868x1228, 217:307, image.png) ImgOps Google

Yes it is


File: 1711718957843.png (826.06 KB, 850x1062, 425:531, image.png) ImgOps Google


File: 1711719719582.jpg (508.1 KB, 850x1193, 850:1193, 4357698435734856.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

I'm really starting to like this Ichika character.

I still remember you lewding her, Hupony. I'll have you know my memory is quite good.


File: 1711719948313.png (4.22 MB, 2160x2700, 4:5, image.png) ImgOps Google

But I'd never lewd her. She's too pure and adorable


File: 1711720065357.jpg (661.28 KB, 1280x1811, 1280:1811, a10b95f5e25dc566eacb162_28….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Tsk, yeah right.


File: 1711720231340.png (5.21 MB, 1333x2000, 1333:2000, image.png) ImgOps Google

It's true!


File: 1711720695409.png (945.01 KB, 850x1417, 850:1417, image.png) ImgOps Google

That smile needs protection, not lewd!


What if it needs a guinness & some extra lewdness today?


File: 1711901461182.png (606.75 KB, 850x1133, 850:1133, image.png) ImgOps Google

Only lewdness she needs, is roasted pork and a Rochefort 10


That too. Eclectic.


File: 1711902709550.png (2.19 MB, 1280x2048, 5:8, image.png) ImgOps Google

It's heaven


The googles has a result that says, "It has the aroma of bread, dried fruit, leather, Belgian yeast & wet leaves. This is a complex, rich, extremely well brewed ale with a wonderfully velvety ..."

Sounds good.


File: 1711904923225.png (758.51 KB, 850x850, 1:1, image.png) ImgOps Google

It's the best. At least if you like Belgian Dubbel.
Well, best if you ask me.
And I've also tried Westvleteren 12


They have a lot of descriptions on that one.
Sounds good too though.


File: 1711905681124.png (1.43 MB, 850x1210, 85:121, image.png) ImgOps Google

It's widely considered "the best beer in the world".
Probably why. The price hints at it too..


12 pack on a Belgian site westvleterenshop says $149


File: 1711906984546.png (1.05 MB, 850x1463, 850:1463, image.png) ImgOps Google

That's not bad. I rarely see them in stock anywhere, and the few times I have, they're usually more than $20 a bottle


Wow. And I thought Heineken was extravagant.


Oh, you mean water in disguise?


File: 1711908511706.png (766.97 KB, 850x1133, 850:1133, image.png) ImgOps Google

Honestly think price is somewhat justified, given the demand.
Their production is a mere 475000 liters a year.
That's only 1.5 million bottles.
Considering perhaps only a third of those are number 12, and the monks drinks the beer themselves, is it really a wonder why it's this expensive?


In the US they just bottle urinal water. If it's too thick they add water. Then they sell it in mass and give it away with the purchase of ar15's

I wasn't talking about price, I was talking more about value of it. extravagant might not be the right word. Simply put, i could have said "really good stuff"


From what I have tasted of american beer, that adds up


File: 1711968394321.png (1.21 MB, 850x1260, 85:126, image.png) ImgOps Google

Ah. Nah, not at all. No different than Carlsberg.
Not that I don't appreciate them.


The best one marketed don't always mean it's the best is a good way to look at it.


File: 1711977613507.png (566.64 KB, 850x750, 17:15, image.png) ImgOps Google

Pretty much


File: 1712109273538.png (20.37 KB, 538x407, 538:407, squared one.png) ImgOps Google

Squared should know this one. :D


File: 1712239437948.png (2.45 MB, 1500x2000, 3:4, image.png) ImgOps Google


File: 1712239614652.jpeg (107.06 KB, 660x842, 330:421, Ashley-Graves-The-Coffin-….jpeg) ImgOps Google

I'm stealing that image, thanks!


File: 1712239887300.png (1.05 MB, 1270x1916, 635:958, image.png) ImgOps Google

Every Ichika is best Ichika


File: 1712433267529.png (234.96 KB, 631x896, 631:896, a10db1dffd5f0b3f503c09c49d….png) ImgOps Google

Yer all nerds being nerds <3


File: 1712481837789.png (3.44 MB, 2066x4096, 1033:2048, image.png) ImgOps Google


File: 1712556433442.jpg (675.19 KB, 1414x2000, 707:1000, cf735622f24b8b2d0e649b65fd….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Huuuu <3

Had a lovely weekend back there?


File: 1712568475340.jpg (36.08 KB, 476x476, 1:1, 4206e899a7be0d2d9cc6fa23d4….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

It took me a bit since I didn't have my guitar handy, and I'm more used to seeing notes with their length noted as well nowadays.
That said I probably should've picked up on it earlier, since I've played that song since I was a wee lad. Even thought of doing a cover of it with my friend at one point during uni. Iron Man rocks.


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File: 1712590125204.png (1.83 MB, 850x1402, 425:701, image.png) ImgOps Google

Good, somewhat busy weekend. Next one will be even more busy.
Enjoyed yours?


On my machine at home, every time I post it says, "Your request looks automated, Post discarded." This site doesn't list someone to contact so I can't do anything about it.

Oh yes I've played it as one of the first songs I learned myself. Ac/dc, sabbath. They got good stuff to where you can learn a bunch of it and play it to people and it looks like you're good.

Hell yes. Do you all play the solo? When i started on guitar i tried but my timing was way, way, way off.


File: 1712636022803.jpg (887.67 KB, 3550x2367, 3550:2367, aa1b6f7677e860887d8b7fe60f….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

>On my machine at home, every time I post it says, "Your request looks automated, Post discarded."
I get that if I leave a page open too long.  Doing a hard refresh fixes it for me.  Make sure that you have cookies and JavaScript enabled.

>This site doesn't list someone to contact
See >>>/canterlot/1301

Seed oils delenda sunt.


Thanks very very much for that.
The email was hidden away. I guess I looked in all the wrong places.


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Hey Esh, nice to be back after too long

Working on weekends lately? Must be pretty important
I did yeah, had a decent movie night n stuff


Not much in general. Still just making videos when I can and such


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Semen demons

Nah, just met up with bro and drank a lot of beer.
Busy the coming weekend cause gonna help out somewhere else. Not work-related




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Finland is the purest form of Finland.


omg yes...!


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Do yuo liek carrots?


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i liek carrots


Carrots are good snacc

Also goes well in many dishes¨

Carrot good


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Carrots make a lotta dishes yummi indeed


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Paid a lil trip to the Carrot Farm, while I'm at it :3


It has been quite good in the pasta dish I made yesterday!


>ponies liking carrots


Like what cow would eat grass?


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Carrots are good in food. Just don't fry them in seed oil


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I think this thread needs an ice cream party. I'm certain that everyone is in the northern hemisphere and winter isn't sticking around.


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It's not terribly hot in my area, but the vast majority of Europeans could use some ice cream, I'm sure.


It's almost like June in Spain around here but half a dozen hours earlier.

ice cream over hot pie works too. apple, peach, pumpkin, cherry, etc


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icecream, yum


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Ice cream itself is usually healthy (in moderation), but beware of pie crust: often commercial pie crust has seed oil in it!


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I'll give you something healthy!
Alcohol-free beer


Something best in moderation as you mentioned for sure. Good stuff though. But also what about cobbler?


>Alcohol Free
There can be only one


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How about no beer, guys.
I'd be up for a Red Bull party though.


After party beer party and if you don't like it, you can spank someone or tell everyone they are crazy and run?


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Nice trips!
Heh, that spanking better be consensual.
I was under the impression that it would be more fun than a water or tea party. And less hardcore than a beer party.


For sure but of course someone will get it. It could be a 2 party event. But not everyone has to drink. But beer is kinda boring though unless its for mingling.

It can be low-key still.


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>But also what about cobbler?
As long as it doesn't have seed oil, it can be okay in moderation too.  


I stole this picture and I'm not ashamed


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Or you can just open the tap if you wanna drink water.


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>Or you can just open the tap if you wanna drink water
I hope it has a reverse osmosis system! I occasionally make sure my tap water is below 100 parts per million.


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Water doesn't necessarily have vitamins B1, B2, B6 and B12, nor C.


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Reverse osmosis systems also remove beneficial minerals...



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...Couldn't I just get that from food alone?
Besides, I'd have greater peace of mind removing heavy metals and fluoride for my ingestion of water.


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B-B-But heavy metal isn't always bad.


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Feel free to give me all your gold and silver of your own accord~
If not, it's understandable too.


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I wouldn't be abe to get it and I wouldn't want to offer you the urine for it though. That would seem a little uncouth.


I think it is more common for remote osmosis systems to have a post-processing step where you add beneficial minerals.


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A simple system here.


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47 ppm. I think that should suffice.
Or at least tea can be made to increase the number.


who got da quints?


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8 days since the last post. How is everyone and what has everyone been busy doing? :-)

I've been trying not to push trash cans over and hoping some nice humans threw pizza away. With olives and pineapple.


Cybersecurity endeavors and gamer stuff. The usual.


Are you enjoying it or are you just "enjoying it enough to get the job done?"


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My life could be a lot more fun, but I'm enjoying it somewhat :)


That's a good thing. It could be a lot worse. Every little bit of the good is nice to have and hopefully you can add more to it.


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Hey there! Sorry I've been quiet here.

Just working my butt off, making sure we sell as much as we can before the shop closes. And lots of documents/receipts to shred on the side.
We get to go for staff lunch on the 10th, with much needed relief.

And in my spare time, working out and bit of gaming here and there.

Hopefully you've been well too!


It's all good. Nothing wrong with doin what you gotta.

You liking what you're doing other than the rush maybe. Seems like you're keeping it all together which is good, and with some much needed vidya.

I'm keeping it together. Not all in one piece but I can manage in 3 pieces haha


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UnderMine 2 is my real much needed game right now, haha. Just awesome that it will have more playable characters and a much refined system.

Olives and pineapple go great on pizza with other veggies too, no exceptions uwu




Are there any snoots in here?

I'd cover those up if I were you or I just might boop 'em


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Ooooh so scary. Especially when the distance between you and I is thousands of miles! And that's with telling you my address ;)

Though feel free to give me an internet boop.


I have my ways, Saccharine one

Pray I do not use them on you

In the meantime



Now you only need a couple more hours a day playing. If you could of course.

Oh yes. Pizza is not pizza without them!


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Aaaa! Tho I don't mind a few Esh boops here n there

*also sends a distant boop your way* :3

I've got Friday-Sunday free. Haven't decided what to play for the weekend, but maybe give Palworld some more attention


Good, cause the boopage don't stop.


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That's lewd~


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for me?! y-you're lewd!

Huuuuuuuuuu <3


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Moshy woshy




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Tummies are cute 🥺


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I bet Ivy has a cute tummy


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Ichika the cutest


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I need to cut down on snacks a bit more first, baa... 😣

It's true

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