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Can I get an explanation as to why /townhall/ is anonymous? What is the purpose? From my obeservation all it seems to be doing is to make the entire board feel basically like /pol/ which is an extreme detriment to the entire point of the board. Why should I bother arguing with "anons" in the first place? It seems completly pointless. In my experience "anons" are basically just trolls, so why should anyone, including myself, even care?


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...i might be misremembering as it was so long ago...

but, the prevailing idea at the time was that we just didn't want people to fight and debate on ponyville: the people should take that elsewhere

but we found, (1) that the users simply wanted to fight and argue, and (2) that this particular mode of speech was seemingly important to at least half the community.

thus, a sort of agreement was made, that we hoped would satisfy the half of the people who seemed to want to be able to argue freeing, and the other half who didn't want that

townhall was made then, with that in mind: a place where one could argue and debate, separate from other places.

However, a policy of enforced anonymity was enacted, for two-fold reasons. one is so that fights do not therein spill back into the other places, in the same way a masquerade might work -- through plausible deniability. the other was an appeasement to the arguers, who felt that one's points should be able to survive aside from one's "popularity", so to speak.

the /pol/iness makes me inclined to simply be rid of the whole board, but knowing that this could happen, means that it is likely to spill into pony and people will get mad once they don't have a place to do that stuff

but at the same time, i don't think any reasonable person wants to actually go debate stuff like this and argue... which makes the place full of unreasonable people, and people then having to come and defend their perspectives against said unreasonableness.


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In a way, I assume there would be forced anon versus voluntary anon.

However, it may suck to watch Jake argue that pedos should be free to have unrestricted intercourse with 10 year olds and then sit next to them on the HAY thread on /pony/.

Keeping it anon prevents issues to spread from /townhall/ to elsewhere.

Sometimes I feel the desire to bring up or complain about a politically sensitive subject.
But admittedly, there's a lot of a /pol/ atmosphere gathered around the political board.


>However, it may suck to watch Jake argue that pedos should be free to have unrestricted intercourse with 10 year olds and then sit next to them on the HAY thread on /pony/.
The fact is we have to do this anyways except we DO NOT KNOW WHO IT IS who holds these views. Especially when it comes to LGBT issues, it is literally IMPOSSIBLE to feel safe on this site when you could be talking to someone who doesn't think you deserve to be alive.

I've always had strong opinions on Anonymous, but this is especially disgusting to me.


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Stopping /townhall/ from being forced Anon would not solve that problem. People could just blank their name fields and post anonymously regardless, and if we entirely banned people from posting anonymously they could simply post under an alias.

>it is literally IMPOSSIBLE to feel safe on this site when you could be talking to someone who doesn't think you deserve to be alive
That's the internet, baybee.


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I never said it would solve the problem. The only way to solve the problem is to get rid of Townhall and ban politics altogether. At least then we can all pretend that everything is okay easier. It's all about cognitive dissonance.


Also, saying "that's the internet" is not helpful. There's nothing that says the internet has to be this way except for people like you who just say "that's the way it is" and move on.


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Hey look a Moonses is still alive and kicking.

I dont want to say i told you so.  I will say i am glad to find you still trying in these times of bumpstocks and high court piracy and ponychan is gone this year? What.

Edit oh yeah and the biden immigration thing probably screws with your work too i guess maybe.  Anyway, hugs you old pony.


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oh, hello lost pony!

big hugs!

ponyville has always ... well, tried to be a little cove of serenity in this storm of stress and chaos around us.

i think we could all use a little place to hide every now and agian.



Do not visit /townhall/ though.


>ponychan is gone this year?
Ponychan is at https://www.ponychan.co

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