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>You didn't propose any kind of interesting argument or debate, or ask any thoughtful questions.

Okay, I would accept that but then I would ask where would I post something I would want to share of a serious topic. Especially one which comes with 5 minutes of commentary after the sound clip which I assumed would organically lead to discussion from that commentary.

>Frankly it comes across as asserting yourself under the assumption that everyone must already agree with you.

Okay, this just makes me doubt your judgement of this at all, especially you're priorities.

If this is your actual reason for locking both the townhall thread and the canterlot thread. Well, then I am going to contest the original thread locking.


>I would ask where would I post something I would want to share of a serious topic.
I guess it depends on what the purpose of the thread is.  What type of discussion did you envision for that thread?

>Especially one which comes with 5 minutes of commentary after the sound clip which I assumed would organically lead to discussion from that commentary.
For a low-effort but probably allowed thread, you might just write something like "The author of this YouTube video makes some comments about Richard Spencer.  What do you think?".  Or with more effort, you could summarize in your own words what you believe the main point(s) are and ask what people think of those points.


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Well, I would be fine with that if that was !!Luna's stated reasons.

But this thread is primarily about calling out if those were !!Luna's actual reasons.


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>Well, I would be fine with that if that was !!Luna's stated reasons.
Is it not?  What I wrote above seems quite similar to Luna's stated reason:
>You didn't propose any kind of interesting argument or debate, or ask any thoughtful questions.
Asking for people's comments on the video qualifies as proposing an interesting debate IMHO.


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I'm not interested in what you have to say because you are not !!Luna.

This isn't about the first thing she said but the second thing she said. Which just fills me with doubts about the sincerity of the first thing she said


>This isn't about the first thing she said but the second thing she said. Which just fills me with doubts about the sincerity of the first thing she said
Why is that?  (To me, those two things go together quite well.  Rather than trying to neutrally pose a topic for debate, you vaguely assert an opinion as if there were no room for disagreement.)



I barely proposed any opinion at all other than basically repeating the title card of the video I posted!

That's why Lunas statement fills me with doubts about her sincerity.

And yours as well.


>I barely proposed any opinion at all other than basically repeating the title card of the video I posted!
Hmm, yeah, I guess maybe I was projecting more than you actually said...

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