File: 1564775778932.png (172.38 KB, 1013x925, 1013:925, happyaccidents.png) ImgOps Google
I propose we get some of Thorax's data-purging cronjobs running around here to randomly blast threads and stuff.
It'd improve the stability of the moderation and increase morale as all posters are subjected to an equal source of anxiety.
Can you port those scripts to run here Thorax?
File: 1564791553595.jpeg (39.62 KB, 1194x716, 597:358, D53uO-CUIAAALzo.jpeg) ImgOps Google
I'll present the idea to the staff and in the unlikely event they agree, we'll put the random destruction of the site into the code.
File: 1564799233132.gif (273.83 KB, 570x692, 285:346, derpy-132751747445.gif) ImgOps Google
How about random image derps like in the days of yore?

File: 1564809896506.png (82.93 KB, 720x600, 6:5, yay2.png) ImgOps Google
>>4815Random is the key aspect of the destruct crons, so other random things should be good as well.
>>4814Probly best to ensure its a tedious slow deterioration; no one likes sudden nuclear glass.