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So, Iara was just banned on /pony/ for one of her silly bandwagon threads.

Sorry if this seems like putting extra pressure on the mods, but could we modify that ban notification to cite and show what reason Iara was banned?


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Sorry about that, I should've posted alongside it.

This was their ban message if it helps any though:

"You were warned earlier about infractions to rules 7 and 8.  You then posted "I wasn't planning on deleting my thread tho. I wanted to keep it around because I love being provocative. In all senses." afterwards.  You then posted a thread to try and continue being mean to people, ironically or not that's against the rules.  You are now being banned for 4 hours due to breaking 5, 7, and 8.  We ask that you please stop breaking the rules and be nicer to others. Thank you. -!!Rainbow Dash"


Gonna be bluntly honest: I think my ban was stupid.
I should have been warned/banned for the first thread I made. THe second thread was just a dumb meme bandwagon, that was all made in comedy.

The first one I got a warning on WAS pretty rude tho, and I would have accepted nothing less than a ban from that one.

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